class Tmdb::Tv::Show

Included Modules

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Tmdb::ImageUrls

backdrop_url(size : String = "original") : String backdrop_url

Instance methods inherited from module Tmdb::PosterUrls

poster_url(size : String = "original") : String poster_url

Constructor Detail

def self.detail(id : Int64, language : String | Nil = nil) : Show #

Get the primary TV show details by id.

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def self.latest(language : String | Nil = nil, skip_cache : Bool = false) : Show #

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def : JSON::Any) #

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Class Method Detail

def self.airing_today(language : String | Nil = nil, skip_cache : Bool = false) : LazyIterator(ShowResult) #

Get a list of TV shows that are airing today. This query is purely day based as we do not currently support airing times.

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def self.on_the_air(language : String | Nil = nil, skip_cache : Bool = false) : LazyIterator(ShowResult) #

Get a list of shows that are currently on the air.

This query looks for any TV show that has an episode with an air date in the next 7 days.

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def self.popular(language : String | Nil = nil, region : String | Nil = nil, skip_cache : Bool = false) : LazyIterator(ShowResult) #

Get a list of the current popular TV shows on TMDB. This list updates daily.

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def self.top_rated(language : String | Nil = nil, region : String | Nil = nil, skip_cache : Bool = false) : LazyIterator(ShowResult) #

Get the top rated TV shows on TMDB.

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Instance Method Detail

def aggregated_credits(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Tv::AggregatedCast | Tv::AggregatedCrew) #

Get the aggregate credits (cast and crew) that have been added to a TV show.

This call differs from the main #credits call in that it does not return the newest season but rather, is a view of all the entire cast & crew for all episodes belonging to a TV show.

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def alternative_titles(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(AlternativeTitle) #

Returns all of the alternative titles for a TV show.

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def backdrop_path : String | Nil #

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def backdrops(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Backdrop) #

See #images

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def changes(start_date : Time | Nil = nil, end_date : Time | Nil = nil) : Array(Change) #

Get the changes for a TV show. By default only the last 24 hours are returned.

You can query up to 14 days in a single query by using the start_date and end_date query parameters.

TV show changes are different than movie changes in that there are some edits on seasons and episodes that will create a change entry at the show level. These can be found under the season and episode keys. These keys will contain a series_id and episode_id. You can use the season changes and episode changes methods to look these up individually.

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def content_ratings(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Tv::Rating) #

Get the list of content ratings (certifications) that have been added to a TV show.

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def created_by : Array(Credit) #

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def credits(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Cast | Crew) #

Get the credits (cast and crew) that have been added to a TV show.

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def episode_groups(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Tv::EpisodeGroupResult) #

Get all of the episode groups that have been created for a TV show. With a group ID you can call the Tmdb::Tv::EpisodeGroup.detail method.

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def episode_run_time : Array(Int32) #

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def external_ids(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(ExternalId) #

Get the external ids for a TV show. We currently support the following external sources.

  • IMDb ID
  • Freebase MID*
  • Freebase ID*
  • TVRage ID*
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter

* Defunct or no longer available as a service

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def first_air_date : Time | Nil #

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def genres : Array(Genre) #

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def homepage : String #

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def id : Int64 #

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def images(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Backdrop | Poster) #

Get the images that belong to a TV show.

Querying images with a language parameter will filter the results. If you want to include a fallback language (especially useful for backdrops) you can use the include_image_language parameter. This should be a comma seperated value like so: include_image_language=en,null.

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def in_production? : Bool #

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def keywords : Array(Keyword) #

Get the keywords that have been added to a TV show.

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def languages : Array(String) #

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def last_air_date : Time | Nil #

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def last_episode_to_air : Tv::Episode | Nil #

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def name : String #

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def networks : Array(Network) #

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def next_episode_to_air : Int32 | Nil #

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def number_of_episodes : Int32 | Nil #

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def number_of_seasons : Int32 #

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def origin_country : Array(String) #

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def original_language : String #

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def original_name : String #

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def overview : String #

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def popularity : Float64 #

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def poster_path : String | Nil #

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def posters(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Poster) #

See #images

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def production_companies : Array(CompanyResult) #

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def production_countries : Array(Country) #

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def recommendations(language : String | Nil = nil) : LazyIterator(ShowResult) #

Get the list of TV show recommendations for this item.

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def reviews(language : String | Nil = nil) : LazyIterator(Review) #

Get the reviews for a TV show.

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def screened_theatrically : Array(NamedTuple(episode_number: Int32, season_number: Int32)) #

Get a list of seasons or episodes that have been screened in a film festival or theatre.

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def seasons : Array(Tv::Season) #

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def similar_tv_shows(language : String | Nil = nil) : LazyIterator(ShowResult) #

Get a list of similar TV shows. These items are assembled by looking at keywords and genres.

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def spoken_languages : Array(Language) #

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def status : Status #

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def tagline : String #

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def translations : Array(Tv::Translation) #

Get a list of the translations that exist for a TV show.

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def type : Type #

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def videos(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Video) #

Get the videos that have been added to a TV show.

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def vote_average : Float64 #

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def vote_count : Int32 #

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def watch_providers : Hash(String, Watch) #

Powered by our partnership with JustWatch, you can query this method to get a list of the availabilities per country by provider.

This is not going to return full deep links, but rather, it's just enough information to display what's available where.

You can link to the provided TMDB URL to help support TMDB and provide the actual deep links to the content.

Please note: In order to use this data you must attribute the source of the data as JustWatch. If we find any usage not complying with these terms we will revoke access to the API.

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