class Tmdb::Discover::QueryBuilder

Defined in:

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def air_date_gte(air_date_gte : Time) #

Filter and only include TV shows that have a air date (by looking at all episodes) that is greater or equal to the specified value.

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def air_date_lte(air_date_lte : Time) #

Filter and only include TV shows that have a air date (by looking at all episodes) that is less than or equal to the specified value.

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def certification(certification : String) #

Filter results with a valid certification from the '#certification_country' field.

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def certification_country(certification_country : String) #

Used in conjunction with the #certification filter, use this to specify a country with a valid certification.

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def certification_gte(certification_gte : String) #

Filter and only include movies that have a certification that is greater than or equal to the specified value.

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def certification_lte(certification_lte : String) #

Filter and only include movies that have a certification that is less than or equal to the specified value.

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def first_air_date_gte(first_air_date_gte : Time) #

Filter and only include TV shows that have a original air date that is greater or equal to the specified value. Can be used in conjunction with the #include_null_first_air_dates filter if you want to include items with no air date.

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def first_air_date_lte(first_air_date_lte : Time) #

Filter and only include TV shows that have a original air date that is less or equal to the specified value. Can be used in conjunction with the #include_null_first_air_dates filter if you want to include items with no air date.

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def first_air_date_year(first_air_date_year : Int32) #

Filter and only include TV shows that have a original air date year that equal to the specified value. Can be used in conjunction with the #include_null_first_air_dates filter if you want to include items with no air date.

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def include_adult(include_adult : Bool) #

A filter and include or exclude adult movies.

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def include_null_first_air_dates(include_null_first_air_dates : Bool) #

Use this filter to include TV shows that don't have an air date while using any of the first_air_date filters.

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def include_video(include_video : Bool) #

A filter to include or exclude videos.

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def language(language : String) #

Specify a language to query translatable fields with.

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def primary_release_date_gte(primary_release_date_gte : Time) #

Filter and only include movies that have a primary release date that is greater or equal to the specified value.

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def primary_release_date_lte(primary_release_date_lte : Time) #

Filter and only include movies that have a primary release date that is less or equal to the specified value.

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def primary_release_year(primary_release_year : Int32) #

A filter to limit the results to a specific primary release year.

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def region(value : String) #

Specify a ISO 3166-1 code to filter release dates.

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def release_date_gte(release_date_gte : Time) #

Filter and only include movies that have a release date that is greater or equal to the specified value.

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def release_date_lte(release_date_lte : Time) #

Filter and only include movies that have a release date that is less or equal to the specified value.

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def screened_theatrically(screened_theatrically : Bool) #

Filter results to include items that have been screened theatrically.

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def sort_by(sort_by : SortType) #

Sort option.

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def timezone(timezone : String) #

Used in conjunction with the air_date.gte/lte filter to calculate the proper UTC offset.

default: America/New_York

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def to_filter : FilterFactory::Filter #

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def vote_average_gte(vote_average_gte : Float64) #

Filter and only include movies that have a rating count that is greater or equal to the specified value.

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def vote_count_gte(vote_count_gte : Int64) #

Filter and only include movies that have a vote count that is greater or equal to the specified value.

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def vote_count_lte(vote_count_lte : Int64) #

Filter and only include movies that have a vote count that is less or equal to the specified value.

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def watch_region(watch_region : String) #

An ISO 3166-1 code. Combine this filter with #with_watch_providers in order to filter your results by a specific watch provider in a specific region.

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def with_cast(cast : Int64) #

A comma separated list of person ID's. Only include movies that have one of the ID's added as an actor.

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def with_cast(cast : Array(Int64)) #

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def with_companies(company : Int32) #

A comma separated list of production company ID's. Only include movies that have one of the ID's added as a production company.

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def with_companies(companies : Array(Int32)) #

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def with_crew(crew : Int64) #

A comma separated list of person ID's. Only include movies that have one of the ID's added as a crew member.

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def with_crew(crew : Array(Int64)) #

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def with_genres(genre : Int32) #

Comma separated value of genre ids that you want to include in the results.

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def with_genres(genres : Array(Int32)) #

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def with_keywords(keyword : String) #

A comma separated list of keyword ID's. Only includes movies that have one of the ID's added as a keyword.

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def with_keywords(keywords : Array(String)) #

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def with_networks(network : String) #

Comma separated value of network ids that you want to include in the results.

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def with_networks(networks : Array(String)) #

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def with_original_language(with_original_language : String) #

Specify an ISO 639-1 string to filter results by their original language value.

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def with_people(person : Int64) #

A comma separated list of person ID's. Only include movies that have one of the ID's added as an actor or crew member.

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def with_people(persons : Array(Int64)) #

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def with_release_type(with_release_type : Int32) #

Specify a comma (AND) or pipe (OR) separated value to filter release types by. These release types map to the same values found on the movie release date method.

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def with_runtime_gte(with_runtime_gte : Int32) #

Filter and only include movies that have a runtime that is greater or equal to a value.

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def with_runtime_lte(with_runtime_lte : Int32) #

Filter and only include movies that have a runtime that is less or equal to a value.

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def with_watch_monetization_types(with_watch_monetization_types : MonetizationType) #

In combination with #watch_region, you can filter by monetization type.

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def with_watch_providers(watch_provider : String) #

A comma or pipe separated list of watch provider ID's. Combine this filter with #watch_region in order to filter your results by a specific watch provider in a specific region.

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def with_watch_providers(watch_providers : Array(String)) #

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def without_keywords(keywords : String) #

Exclude items with certain keywords. You can comma and pipe seperate these values to create an 'AND' or 'OR' logic.

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def year(year : Int32) #

A filter to limit the results to a specific year (looking at all release dates).

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