class Tmdb::Person
- Tmdb::Person
- Reference
- Object
Included Modules
Defined in:
.detail(id : Int64, language : String | Nil = nil) : Person
Get the primary person details by id.
.latest(language : String | Nil = nil) : Person
Get the most newly created person.
- .new(adult : Bool | Nil, gender : Int32, id : Int64, known_for_department : Nil | String, name : String, popularity : Float64 | Nil, profile_path : Nil | String)
- .new(name : String, id : Int64)
- .new(data : JSON::Any)
Class Method Summary
.popular(language : String | Nil = nil, skip_cache : Bool = false) : LazyIterator(PersonResult)
Get the list of popular people on TMDB.
Instance Method Summary
- #adult : Bool
- #also_known_as : Array(String)
- #biography : String | Nil
- #birthday : Time | Nil
#changes(start_date : Time | Nil = nil, end_date : Time | Nil = nil) : Array(Change)
Get the changes for a movie.
#combined_credits(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Person::Cast | Person::Crew)
Get the movie and TV credits together in a single response.
- #deathday : Time | Nil
#external_ids(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(ExternalId)
Get the external ids for a person.
- #gender : Gender
- #homepage : String | Nil
- #id : Int64
#images : Array(Profile)
Get the images for a person.
- #imdb_id : String | Nil
- #known_for_department : String | Nil
#movie_credits(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Person::Cast | Person::Crew)
Get the movie credits for a person.
- #name : String
- #place_of_birth : String | Nil
- #popularity : Float64
- #profile_path : String | Nil
#profiles : Array(Profile)
#tagged_images(language : String | Nil = nil) : LazyIterator(TaggedImage)
Get the images that this person has been tagged in.
#translations(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Translation)
Get a list of translations that have been created for a person.
#tv_credits(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Person::Cast | Person::Crew)
Get the TV show credits for a person.
Instance methods inherited from module Tmdb::ProfileUrls
profile_url(size : String = "original") : String
Constructor Detail
Get the primary person details by id.
Get the most newly created person. This is a live response and will continuously change.
Class Method Detail
Get the list of popular people on TMDB. This list updates daily.
Instance Method Detail
Get the changes for a movie. By default only the last 24 hours are returned.
You can query up to 14 days in a single query by using the start_date
query parameters.
Get the movie and TV credits together in a single response.
Get the external ids for a person. We currently support the following external sources.
IMDb ID Facebook Freebase MID Freebase ID Instagram TVRage ID Twitter
Get the movie credits for a person.
Get the images that this person has been tagged in.
Get a list of translations that have been created for a person.
Get the TV show credits for a person. You can query for some extra details about the credit with the credit method.