class Tmdb::Collection

Included Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Tmdb::ImageUrls

backdrop_url(size : String = "original") : String backdrop_url

Instance methods inherited from module Tmdb::PosterUrls

poster_url(size : String = "original") : String poster_url

Constructor Detail

def self.detail(id : Int64, language : String | Nil = nil) : Collection #

Get collection details by id.

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def : Int64, name : String, poster_path : Nil | String, backdrop_path : Nil | String) #

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def : JSON::Any) #

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Instance Method Detail

def backdrop_path : String | Nil #

Path to default backdrop image

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def backdrops(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Backdrop) #

Get the backdrop images for a collection by id.

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def id : Int64 #

Unique ID of the collection

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def images(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Backdrop | Poster) #

Get the images for a collection by id.

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def name : String #

Name of the collection

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def overview : String #

Briefly description of the collection

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def parts : Array(MovieResult) #

Array of movies which forms part of the collection

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def poster_path : String | Nil #

Path to default poster image

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def posters(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Poster) #

Get the poster images for a collection by id.

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def translations(language : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Translation) #

Get the list translations for a collection by id.

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