class Mint::TypeChecker::Artifacts
- Mint::TypeChecker::Artifacts
- Reference
- Object
Defined in:
Instance Method Summary
- #assets : Array(Mint::Ast::Directives::Asset)
- #ast : Mint::Ast
- #cache : Hash(Mint::Ast::Node, Mint::TypeChecker::Record | Mint::TypeChecker::Type | Mint::TypeChecker::Variable)
- #checked : Set(Mint::Ast::Node)
- #component_records : Hash(Mint::Ast::Component, Mint::TypeChecker::Record)
- #components_touched : Set(Mint::Ast::Component)
- #locales : Hash(String, Hash(String, Mint::Ast::Node))
- #lookups : Hash(Mint::Ast::Node, {Mint::Ast::Node, Mint::Ast::Node?})
- #record_field_lookup : Hash(Mint::Ast::Node, String)
- #references : Mint::ReferencesTracker
- #resolve_order : Array(Mint::Ast::Node)
- #scope : Mint::Scope
- #types
- #variables : Hash(Mint::Ast::Node, {Mint::Ast::Node, Mint::Ast::Node})
Constructor Detail
def : Ast, component_records : Hash(Mint::Ast::Component, Mint::TypeChecker::Record) = {} of Ast::Component => Record, components_touched : Set(Mint::Ast::Component) = Set(Ast::Component).new, record_field_lookup : Hash(Mint::Ast::Node, String) = {} of Ast::Node => String, variables : Hash(Mint::Ast::Node, Tuple(Mint::Ast::Node, Mint::Ast::Node)) = {} of Ast::Node => Tuple(Ast::Node, Ast::Node), lookups : Hash(Mint::Ast::Node, Tuple(Mint::Ast::Node, Mint::Ast::Node | Nil)) = {} of Ast::Node => Tuple(Ast::Node, Ast::Node | ::Nil), assets : Array(Mint::Ast::Directives::Asset) = [] of Ast::Directives::Asset, cache : Hash(Mint::Ast::Node, Mint::TypeChecker::Record | Mint::TypeChecker::Type | Mint::TypeChecker::Variable) = {} of Ast::Node => Checkable, locales : Hash(String, Hash(String, Mint::Ast::Node)) = {} of String => Hash(String, Ast::Node), resolve_order : Array(Mint::Ast::Node) = [] of Ast::Node, checked : Set(Mint::Ast::Node) = Set(Ast::Node).new)
Instance Method Detail
def cache : Hash(Mint::Ast::Node, Mint::TypeChecker::Record | Mint::TypeChecker::Type | Mint::TypeChecker::Variable)