class Mint::Ast::Directives::FileBased

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Mint::Ast::Node

file : Parser::File file, from : Int64 from, from=(from : Int64) from=, location : Location location, new_line? new_line?, parent : Node | Nil parent, parent=(parent : Node | Nil) parent=, source source, to : Int64 to, to_tuple to_tuple

Constructor methods inherited from class Mint::Ast::Node

new(file : Mint::Parser::File, from : Int64, to : Int64) new

Class methods inherited from class Mint::Ast::Node

compute_location(file : Parser::File, from, to) compute_location, compute_position(lines, needle) : Position compute_position

Constructor Detail

def : Parser::File, path : String, from : Int64, to : Int64) #

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Instance Method Detail

def exists? #

Returns whether the file exists.

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def file_contents : String #

Returns the files contents.

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def filename(*, build : Bool) : String | Nil #

Returns the hashed filename of the target. For the build version it uses the the file contents as the hash value to make sure that the file will not be cached.

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def path : String #

The given path of the asset.

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def real_path : Path #

The real path of the asset on the disk.

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