class Mint::Cli::Build

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

HELP = {"description" => ""}

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Mint::Cli::Command

error(message, position) error, execute(message, *, env : String | Nil = nil, & : -> T) : T | Nil forall T execute, terminal terminal

Class Method Detail

def self.description #

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def*args, **params) #

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Instance Method Detail

def __rescue_from___Admiral__Error(e) #

def arguments #
Description copied from class Admiral::Command

Returns the commands Arguments object.

You can access names arguments by name. You can also access the remaning arguments using .arguments[index].

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def flags #
Description copied from class Admiral::Command

Returns the commands Flags object.

You can access names flags by name.

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def help #

def run #
Description copied from class Admiral::Command

The run command.

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def sub(command, *args, **params) #
Description copied from class Admiral::Command

Invokes a sub command by name, passing self as the parent.

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