class Mint::Compiler2::Renderer


This class is responsible to render Compiled code.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

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Instance Method Detail

def base : Ast::Node | Bundle #

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def builtins : Set(Mint::Compiler2::Builtin) #

A set to track used builtins which will be imported.

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def bundle_path : Proc(Ast::Node | Bundle, String) #

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def class_pool : NamePool(Ast::Node | Builtin, Ast::Node | Bundle) #

The pool for class variables (uppercase).

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def deferred_path : Proc(Ast::Node | Bundle, String) #

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def depth : Int32 #

The current indentation depth.

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def depth=(depth : Int32) #

The current indentation depth.

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def import(imports : Hash(String, String), optimize : Bool, path : String) #

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The pool for variables (lowercase).

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def references : ReferencesTracker #

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def render(items : Compiled, io : IO) #

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def render(items : Compiled) : String #

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def render(item : Item, io : IO = #

We are using a string builder to build the final compiled code.

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A set to track nodes which we rendered.

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