class Lucky::WelcomePage
- Lucky::WelcomePage
- Reference
- Object
This is the welcome page shown to users when they first initialize a new Lucky project
Included Modules
Defined in:
lucky/welcome_page.crConstant Summary
[context : HTTP::Server::Context] of Nil
- .new(context : HTTP::Server::Context, **unused_exposures)
.new(context : HTTP::Server::Context, *args, **named_args)
Accept a context and all other exposed data
Instance Method Summary
Renders the Welcome Page
Macro Summary
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::HTMLPage
view : IO
Constructor methods inherited from module Lucky::HTMLPage
new(context : HTTP::Server::Context, **unused_exposures)
Class methods inherited from module Lucky::HTMLPage
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::HTMLBuilder
perform_render : IO
view : IO
Constructor methods inherited from module Lucky::HTMLBuilder
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::SelectHelpers
multi_select_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute(Array), **html_options, &) : Nil
options_for_select(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute(T), select_options : Array(Tuple(String, T | Nil)), **html_options) : Nil forall Toptions_for_select(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute(Array(T)), select_options : Array(Tuple(String, T)), **html_options) : Nil forall T options_for_select, select_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options, &) : Nil select_input, select_prompt(label : String) : Nil select_prompt
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::LabelHelpers
label_for(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, text : String | Nil = nil, **html_options) : Nillabel_for(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options, &) : Nil
label_for(field, **options) : Nil
label_for(field, **options, &) : Nil label_for
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::InputHelpers
checkbox(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute(T), unchecked_value : String, checked_value : String, **html_options) : Nil forall Tcheckbox(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute(Bool), attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
checkbox(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute(Bool), **html_options) : Nil
checkbox(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) checkbox, color_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
color_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
color_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) color_input, date_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
date_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
date_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) date_input, datetime_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
datetime_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
datetime_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) datetime_input, email_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
email_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
email_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) email_input, file_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
file_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
file_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) file_input, hidden_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
hidden_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
hidden_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) hidden_input, number_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
number_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
number_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) number_input, password_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
password_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
password_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) password_input, radio(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute(String), checked_value : String, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
radio(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute(String), checked_value : String, **html_options) : Nil
radio(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) radio, range_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
range_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
range_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) range_input, search_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
search_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
search_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) search_input, submit(text : String, **html_options) : Nil submit, telephone_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
telephone_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
telephone_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) telephone_input, text_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
text_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
text_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) text_input, textarea(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
textarea(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
textarea(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) textarea, time_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
time_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
time_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) time_input, url_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
url_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
url_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) url_input
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::TagDefaults
tag_defaults(**named_args, &)
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::MountComponent
mount(component : Lucky::BaseComponent.class, *args, **named_args) : Nilmount(component : Lucky::BaseComponent.class, *args, **named_args, &) : Nil mount, mount_instance(component : Lucky::BaseComponent) : Nil
mount_instance(component : Lucky::BaseComponent, &) : Nil mount_instance
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::ForgeryProtectionHelpers
csrf_hidden_input : Nil
csrf_meta_tags : Nil
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::TimeHelpers
distance_of_time_in_words(from : Time, to : Time) : String
time_ago_in_words(from : Time) : String
time_from_now_in_words(to : Time) : String
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::UrlHelpers
current_page?(value : String, check_query_params : Bool = false) : Boolcurrent_page?(action : Lucky::Action.class | Lucky::RouteHelper, check_query_params : Bool = false) : Bool current_page?
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::HTMLTextHelpers
highlight(text : String, phrases : Array(String | Regex), highlighter : Proc | String = "<mark>\\1</mark>", escape : Bool = true) : Nilhighlight(text : String, phrases : Array(String | Regex), escape : Bool = false, &block : String -> _) : Nil
highlight(text : String, phrase : String | Regex, highlighter : Proc | String = "<mark>\\1</mark>", escape : Bool = true) : Nil
highlight(text : String, phrase : String | Regex, escape : Bool = true, &block : String -> _) : Nil highlight, simple_format(text : String, &block : String -> _) : Nil
simple_format(text : String, escape : Bool = true, **html_options) : Nil simple_format, truncate(text : String, length : Int32 = 30, omission : String = "...", separator : String | Nil = nil, escape : Bool = true, blk : Nil | Proc = nil) : Nil
truncate(text : String, length : Int32 = 30, omission : String = "...", separator : String | Nil = nil, escape : Bool = true, &block : -> _) : Nil truncate
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::TextHelpers
current_cycle(name : String = "default")
cycle(values : Array, name = "default") : Stringcycle(*values, name : String = "default") : String cycle, excerpt(text : String, phrase : Regex | String, separator : String = "", radius : Int32 = 100, omission : String = "...") : String excerpt, pluralize(count : Int | String | Nil, singular : String, plural = nil) : String pluralize, reset_cycle(name : String = "default") reset_cycle, reset_cycles reset_cycles, to_sentence(list : Enumerable, word_connector : String = ", ", two_word_connector : String = " and ", last_word_connector : String = ", and ") : String to_sentence, truncate_text(text : String, length : Int32 = 30, omission : String = "...", separator : String | Nil = nil) : String truncate_text, word_wrap(text : String, line_width : Int32 = 80, break_sequence : String = "\n") : String word_wrap
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::NumberToCurrency
number_to_currency(value : Float | Int32 | String, precision : Int32 = DEFAULT_PRECISION, unit : String = DEFAULT_UNIT, separator : String = DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, delimiter : String = DEFAULT_DELIMITER, delimiter_pattern : Regex = DEFAULT_DELIMITER_REGEX, format : String = DEFAULT_FORMAT, negative_format : String = DEFAULT_FORMAT) : String
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::AssetHelpers
Constructor methods inherited from module Lucky::Assignable
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::SpecialtyTags
canonical_link(href : String) : Nil
css_link(href, **options) : Nil
html_doctype : Nil
js_link(src, **options) : Nil
nbsp(how_many : Int32 = 1) : Nil
raw(string : String) : Nil
responsive_meta_tag(**options) : Nil
utf8_charset : Nil
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::FormHelpers
form_for(route : Lucky::RouteHelper, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options, &) : Nilform_for(route action : Lucky::Action.class, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options, &block) : Nil form_for, settings settings
Class methods inherited from module Lucky::FormHelpers
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::LinkHelpers
link(text, to : Lucky::RouteHelper, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options) : Nillink(to : Lucky::RouteHelper, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options) : Nil
link(to : Lucky::RouteHelper, href : String, **html_options, &) : Nil
link(to : Lucky::RouteHelper, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options, &) : Nil
link(text, to : Lucky::Action.class, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options) : Nil
link(to : Lucky::Action.class, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options) : Nil
link(to : Lucky::Action.class, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options, &) : Nil
link(text, to : String, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options)
link(to : String, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options, &) link
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::CustomTags
empty_tag(tag_name : String, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
tag(tag_name : String, content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String | Nil = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Niltag(tag_name : String, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
tag(tag_name : String, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil tag
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::BaseTags
a(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nila(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
a(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
a(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
a(options, **other_options) : Nil
a(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
a(&) : Nil
a(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil a, abbr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
abbr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
abbr(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
abbr(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
abbr(options, **other_options) : Nil
abbr(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
abbr(&) : Nil
abbr(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil abbr, address(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
address(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
address(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
address(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
address(options, **other_options) : Nil
address(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
address(&) : Nil
address(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil address, area(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
area(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
area(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
area(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
area(options, **other_options) : Nil
area(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
area(&) : Nil
area(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil area, article(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
article(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
article(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
article(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
article(options, **other_options) : Nil
article(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
article(&) : Nil
article(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil article, aside(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
aside(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
aside(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
aside(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
aside(options, **other_options) : Nil
aside(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
aside(&) : Nil
aside(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil aside, b(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
b(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
b(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
b(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
b(options, **other_options) : Nil
b(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
b(&) : Nil
b(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil b, bdi(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
bdi(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
bdi(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
bdi(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
bdi(options, **other_options) : Nil
bdi(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
bdi(&) : Nil
bdi(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil bdi, bdo(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
bdo(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
bdo(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
bdo(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
bdo(options, **other_options) : Nil
bdo(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
bdo(&) : Nil
bdo(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil bdo, blockquote(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
blockquote(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
blockquote(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
blockquote(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
blockquote(options, **other_options) : Nil
blockquote(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
blockquote(&) : Nil
blockquote(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil blockquote, body(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
body(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
body(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
body(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
body(options, **other_options) : Nil
body(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
body(&) : Nil
body(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil body, br(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
br : Nil
br(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil br, button(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
button(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
button(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
button(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
button(options, **other_options) : Nil
button(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
button(&) : Nil
button(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil button, caption(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
caption(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
caption(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
caption(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
caption(options, **other_options) : Nil
caption(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
caption(&) : Nil
caption(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil caption, cite(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
cite(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
cite(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
cite(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
cite(options, **other_options) : Nil
cite(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
cite(&) : Nil
cite(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil cite, code(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
code(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
code(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
code(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
code(options, **other_options) : Nil
code(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
code(&) : Nil
code(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil code, col(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
col(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
col(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
col(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
col(options, **other_options) : Nil
col(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
col(&) : Nil
col(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil col, colgroup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
colgroup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
colgroup(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
colgroup(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
colgroup(options, **other_options) : Nil
colgroup(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
colgroup(&) : Nil
colgroup(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil colgroup, data(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
data(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
data(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
data(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
data(options, **other_options) : Nil
data(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
data(&) : Nil
data(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil data, datalist(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
datalist(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
datalist(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
datalist(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
datalist(options, **other_options) : Nil
datalist(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
datalist(&) : Nil
datalist(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil datalist, dd(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
dd(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dd(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dd(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dd(options, **other_options) : Nil
dd(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
dd(&) : Nil
dd(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil dd, del(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
del(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
del(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
del(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
del(options, **other_options) : Nil
del(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
del(&) : Nil
del(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil del, details(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
details(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
details(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
details(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
details(options, **other_options) : Nil
details(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
details(&) : Nil
details(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil details, dfn(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
dfn(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dfn(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dfn(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dfn(options, **other_options) : Nil
dfn(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
dfn(&) : Nil
dfn(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil dfn, dialog(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
dialog(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dialog(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dialog(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dialog(options, **other_options) : Nil
dialog(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
dialog(&) : Nil
dialog(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil dialog, div(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
div(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
div(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
div(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
div(options, **other_options) : Nil
div(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
div(&) : Nil
div(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil div, dl(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
dl(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dl(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dl(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dl(options, **other_options) : Nil
dl(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
dl(&) : Nil
dl(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil dl, dt(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
dt(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dt(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dt(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dt(options, **other_options) : Nil
dt(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
dt(&) : Nil
dt(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil dt, em(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
em(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
em(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
em(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
em(options, **other_options) : Nil
em(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
em(&) : Nil
em(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil em, embed(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
embed(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
embed(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
embed(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
embed(options, **other_options) : Nil
embed(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
embed(&) : Nil
embed(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil embed, fieldset(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
fieldset(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
fieldset(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
fieldset(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
fieldset(options, **other_options) : Nil
fieldset(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
fieldset(&) : Nil
fieldset(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil fieldset, figcaption(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
figcaption(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
figcaption(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
figcaption(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
figcaption(options, **other_options) : Nil
figcaption(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
figcaption(&) : Nil
figcaption(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil figcaption, figure(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
figure(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
figure(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
figure(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
figure(options, **other_options) : Nil
figure(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
figure(&) : Nil
figure(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil figure, footer(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
footer(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
footer(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
footer(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
footer(options, **other_options) : Nil
footer(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
footer(&) : Nil
footer(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil footer, form(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
form(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
form(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
form(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
form(options, **other_options) : Nil
form(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
form(&) : Nil
form(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil form, h1(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
h1(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h1(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h1(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h1(options, **other_options) : Nil
h1(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
h1(&) : Nil
h1(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil h1, h2(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
h2(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h2(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h2(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h2(options, **other_options) : Nil
h2(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
h2(&) : Nil
h2(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil h2, h3(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
h3(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h3(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h3(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h3(options, **other_options) : Nil
h3(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
h3(&) : Nil
h3(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil h3, h4(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
h4(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h4(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h4(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h4(options, **other_options) : Nil
h4(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
h4(&) : Nil
h4(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil h4, h5(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
h5(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h5(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h5(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h5(options, **other_options) : Nil
h5(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
h5(&) : Nil
h5(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil h5, h6(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
h6(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h6(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h6(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h6(options, **other_options) : Nil
h6(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
h6(&) : Nil
h6(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil h6, head(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
head(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
head(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
head(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
head(options, **other_options) : Nil
head(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
head(&) : Nil
head(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil head, header(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
header(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
header(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
header(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
header(options, **other_options) : Nil
header(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
header(&) : Nil
header(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil header, hr(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
hr : Nil
hr(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil hr, html(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
html(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
html(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
html(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
html(options, **other_options) : Nil
html(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
html(&) : Nil
html(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil html, i(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
i(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
i(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
i(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
i(options, **other_options) : Nil
i(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
i(&) : Nil
i(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil i, iframe(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
iframe(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
iframe(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
iframe(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
iframe(options, **other_options) : Nil
iframe(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
iframe(&) : Nil
iframe(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil iframe, img(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
img : Nil
img(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil img, input(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
input : Nil
input(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil input, ins(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
ins(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ins(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ins(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ins(options, **other_options) : Nil
ins(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
ins(&) : Nil
ins(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil ins, kbd(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
kbd(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
kbd(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
kbd(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
kbd(options, **other_options) : Nil
kbd(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
kbd(&) : Nil
kbd(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil kbd, label(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
label(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
label(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
label(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
label(options, **other_options) : Nil
label(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
label(&) : Nil
label(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil label, legend(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
legend(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
legend(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
legend(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
legend(options, **other_options) : Nil
legend(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
legend(&) : Nil
legend(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil legend, li(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
li(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
li(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
li(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
li(options, **other_options) : Nil
li(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
li(&) : Nil
li(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil li, main(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
main(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
main(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
main(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
main(options, **other_options) : Nil
main(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
main(&) : Nil
main(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil main, map(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
map(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
map(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
map(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
map(options, **other_options) : Nil
map(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
map(&) : Nil
map(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil map, mark(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
mark(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
mark(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
mark(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
mark(options, **other_options) : Nil
mark(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
mark(&) : Nil
mark(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil mark, menuitem(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
menuitem(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
menuitem(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
menuitem(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
menuitem(options, **other_options) : Nil
menuitem(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
menuitem(&) : Nil
menuitem(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil menuitem, meta(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
meta : Nil
meta(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil meta, meter(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
meter(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
meter(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
meter(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
meter(options, **other_options) : Nil
meter(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
meter(&) : Nil
meter(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil meter, nav(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
nav(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
nav(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
nav(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
nav(options, **other_options) : Nil
nav(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
nav(&) : Nil
nav(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil nav, noscript(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
noscript(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
noscript(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
noscript(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
noscript(options, **other_options) : Nil
noscript(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
noscript(&) : Nil
noscript(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil noscript, object(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
object(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
object(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
object(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
object(options, **other_options) : Nil
object(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
object(&) : Nil
object(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil object, ol(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
ol(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ol(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ol(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ol(options, **other_options) : Nil
ol(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
ol(&) : Nil
ol(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil ol, optgroup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
optgroup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
optgroup(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
optgroup(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
optgroup(options, **other_options) : Nil
optgroup(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
optgroup(&) : Nil
optgroup(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil optgroup, option(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
option(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
option(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
option(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
option(options, **other_options) : Nil
option(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
option(&) : Nil
option(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil option, output(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
output(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
output(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
output(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
output(options, **other_options) : Nil
output(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
output(&) : Nil
output(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil output, para(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
para(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
para(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
para(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
para(options, **other_options) : Nil
para(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
para(&) : Nil
para(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil para, param(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
param(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
param(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
param(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
param(options, **other_options) : Nil
param(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
param(&) : Nil
param(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil param, picture(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
picture(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
picture(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
picture(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
picture(options, **other_options) : Nil
picture(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
picture(&) : Nil
picture(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil picture, pre(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
pre(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
pre(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
pre(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
pre(options, **other_options) : Nil
pre(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
pre(&) : Nil
pre(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil pre, progress(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
progress(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
progress(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
progress(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
progress(options, **other_options) : Nil
progress(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
progress(&) : Nil
progress(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil progress, q(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
q(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
q(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
q(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
q(options, **other_options) : Nil
q(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
q(&) : Nil
q(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil q, rp(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
rp(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
rp(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
rp(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
rp(options, **other_options) : Nil
rp(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
rp(&) : Nil
rp(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil rp, rt(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
rt(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
rt(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
rt(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
rt(options, **other_options) : Nil
rt(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
rt(&) : Nil
rt(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil rt, ruby(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
ruby(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ruby(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ruby(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ruby(options, **other_options) : Nil
ruby(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
ruby(&) : Nil
ruby(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil ruby, s(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
s(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
s(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
s(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
s(options, **other_options) : Nil
s(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
s(&) : Nil
s(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil s, samp(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
samp(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
samp(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
samp(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
samp(options, **other_options) : Nil
samp(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
samp(&) : Nil
samp(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil samp, script(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
script(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
script(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
script(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
script(options, **other_options) : Nil
script(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
script(&) : Nil
script(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil script, section(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
section(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
section(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
section(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
section(options, **other_options) : Nil
section(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
section(&) : Nil
section(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil section, select_tag(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
select_tag(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
select_tag(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
select_tag(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
select_tag(options, **other_options) : Nil
select_tag(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
select_tag(&) : Nil
select_tag(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil select_tag, slot(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
slot(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
slot(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
slot(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
slot(options, **other_options) : Nil
slot(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
slot(&) : Nil
slot(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil slot, small(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
small(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
small(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
small(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
small(options, **other_options) : Nil
small(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
small(&) : Nil
small(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil small, source(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
source : Nil
source(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil source, span(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
span(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
span(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
span(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
span(options, **other_options) : Nil
span(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
span(&) : Nil
span(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil span, strong(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
strong(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
strong(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
strong(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
strong(options, **other_options) : Nil
strong(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
strong(&) : Nil
strong(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil strong, style(styles : String) : Nil style, sub(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
sub(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
sub(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
sub(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
sub(options, **other_options) : Nil
sub(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
sub(&) : Nil
sub(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil sub, summary(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
summary(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
summary(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
summary(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
summary(options, **other_options) : Nil
summary(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
summary(&) : Nil
summary(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil summary, sup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
sup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
sup(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
sup(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
sup(options, **other_options) : Nil
sup(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
sup(&) : Nil
sup(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil sup, table(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
table(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
table(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
table(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
table(options, **other_options) : Nil
table(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
table(&) : Nil
table(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil table, tbody(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
tbody(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tbody(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tbody(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tbody(options, **other_options) : Nil
tbody(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
tbody(&) : Nil
tbody(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil tbody, td(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
td(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
td(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
td(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
td(options, **other_options) : Nil
td(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
td(&) : Nil
td(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil td, template(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
template(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
template(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
template(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
template(options, **other_options) : Nil
template(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
template(&) : Nil
template(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil template, text(content : String | Lucky::AllowedInTags) : Nil text, textarea(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
textarea(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
textarea(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
textarea(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
textarea(options, **other_options) : Nil
textarea(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
textarea(&) : Nil
textarea(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil textarea, tfoot(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
tfoot(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tfoot(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tfoot(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tfoot(options, **other_options) : Nil
tfoot(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
tfoot(&) : Nil
tfoot(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil tfoot, th(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
th(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
th(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
th(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
th(options, **other_options) : Nil
th(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
th(&) : Nil
th(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil th, thead(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
thead(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
thead(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
thead(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
thead(options, **other_options) : Nil
thead(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
thead(&) : Nil
thead(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil thead, time(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
time(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
time(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
time(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
time(options, **other_options) : Nil
time(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
time(&) : Nil
time(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil time, title(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
title(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
title(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
title(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
title(options, **other_options) : Nil
title(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
title(&) : Nil
title(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil title, tr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
tr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tr(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tr(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tr(options, **other_options) : Nil
tr(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
tr(&) : Nil
tr(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil tr, track(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
track(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
track(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
track(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
track(options, **other_options) : Nil
track(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
track(&) : Nil
track(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil track, u(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
u(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
u(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
u(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
u(options, **other_options) : Nil
u(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
u(&) : Nil
u(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil u, ul(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
ul(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ul(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ul(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ul(options, **other_options) : Nil
ul(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
ul(&) : Nil
ul(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil ul, video(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
video(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
video(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
video(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
video(options, **other_options) : Nil
video(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
video(&) : Nil
video(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil video, wbr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
wbr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
wbr(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
wbr(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
wbr(options, **other_options) : Nil
wbr(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
wbr(&) : Nil
wbr(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil wbr
Constructor Detail
def : HTTP::Server::Context, *args, **named_args)
Accept a context and all other exposed data