abstract class Lucky::Action
- Lucky::Action
- Reference
- Object
Included Modules
- Lucky::ActionDelegates
- Lucky::ActionPipes
- Lucky::Exposable
- Lucky::ParamHelpers
- Lucky::Redirectable
- Lucky::RedirectableTurbolinksSupport
- Lucky::Renderable
- Lucky::RequestTypeHelpers
- Lucky::Routable
- Lucky::VerifyAcceptsFormat
Defined in:
lucky/action.crConstant Summary
[] of Symbol
[set_turbolinks_location_header_from_session, verify_accepted_format] of Symbol
[] of Symbol
[] of Crystal::Macros::TypeDeclaration
{prefix: ""}
[] of Symbol
Class Method Summary
Instance Method Summary
- #call
- #context : HTTP::Server::Context
- #cookies(*args, **options)
- #cookies(*args, **options, &)
- #flash(*args, **options)
- #flash(*args, **options, &)
- #request(*args, **options)
- #request(*args, **options, &)
- #response(*args, **options)
- #response(*args, **options, &)
- #route_params : Hash(String, String)
- #session(*args, **options)
- #session(*args, **options, &)
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::VerifyAcceptsFormat
clients_desired_format : Symbol
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::Redirectable
redirect(to route : Lucky::RouteHelper, status = 302) : Lucky::TextResponseredirect(to action : Lucky::Action.class, status = 302) : Lucky::TextResponse
redirect(to path : String, status : HTTP::Status) : Lucky::TextResponse
redirect(to path : String, status : Int32 = 302) : Lucky::TextResponse redirect, redirect_back(*, fallback : Lucky::Action.class, status = 302, allow_external = false)
redirect_back(*, fallback : Lucky::RouteHelper, status = 302, allow_external = false)
redirect_back(*, fallback : String, status : HTTP::Status, allow_external = false)
redirect_back(*, fallback : String, status : Int32 = 302, allow_external : Bool = false) redirect_back
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::ActionPipes
continue : Lucky::ActionPipes::Continue
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::ParamHelpers
params : Lucky::Params
params__tuple_cached : Tuple(Lucky::Params)
params__uncached : Lucky::Params
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::Renderable
component(comp : Lucky::BaseComponent.class, status : Int32 | Nil = nil, **named_args) : Lucky::TextResponsecomponent(comp : Lucky::BaseComponent.class, status : HTTP::Status, **named_args) : Lucky::TextResponse component, data(data : String, content_type : String = "application/octet-stream", disposition : String = "attachment", filename : String | Nil = nil, status : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Lucky::DataResponse data, file(path : String, content_type : String | Nil = nil, disposition : String = "attachment", filename : String | Nil = nil, status : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Lucky::FileResponse
file(path : String, content_type : String | Nil = nil, disposition : String = "attachment", filename : String | Nil = nil, status : HTTP::Status = HTTP::Status::OK) : Lucky::FileResponse file, head(status : Int32) : Lucky::TextResponse
head(status : HTTP::Status) : Lucky::TextResponse head, json(body, status : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Lucky::TextResponse
json(body, status : HTTP::Status) : Lucky::TextResponse json, plain_text(body : String, status : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Lucky::TextResponse
plain_text(body : String, status : HTTP::Status) : Lucky::TextResponse plain_text, raw_json(body : String, status : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Lucky::TextResponse
raw_json(body : String, status : HTTP::Status) : Lucky::TextResponse raw_json, send_text_response(body : String, content_type : String, status : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Lucky::TextResponse send_text_response, xml(body : String, status : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Lucky::TextResponse
xml(body, status : HTTP::Status) : Lucky::TextResponse xml