module Lucky::Renderable

Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance Method Detail

def component(comp : Lucky::BaseComponent.class, status : Int32 | Nil = nil, **named_args) : Lucky::TextResponse #

Render a Component as an HTML response.

get "/foo" do
  component MyComponent, with: :args

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def component(comp : Lucky::BaseComponent.class, status : HTTP::Status, **named_args) : Lucky::TextResponse #

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def data(data : String, content_type : String = "application/octet-stream", disposition : String = "attachment", filename : String | Nil = nil, status : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Lucky::DataResponse #

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def file(path : String, content_type : String | Nil = nil, disposition : String = "attachment", filename : String | Nil = nil, status : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Lucky::FileResponse #

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def file(path : String, content_type : String | Nil = nil, disposition : String = "attachment", filename : String | Nil = nil, status : HTTP::Status = HTTP::Status::OK) : Lucky::FileResponse #

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def head(status : Int32) : Lucky::TextResponse #

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def head(status : HTTP::Status) : Lucky::TextResponse #

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def json(body, status : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Lucky::TextResponse #

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def json(body, status : HTTP::Status) : Lucky::TextResponse #

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def plain_text(body : String, status : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Lucky::TextResponse #

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def plain_text(body : String, status : HTTP::Status) : Lucky::TextResponse #

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def raw_json(body : String, status : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Lucky::TextResponse #

allows json-compatible string to be returned directly

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def raw_json(body : String, status : HTTP::Status) : Lucky::TextResponse #

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def send_text_response(body : String, content_type : String, status : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Lucky::TextResponse #

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def xml(body : String, status : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Lucky::TextResponse #

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def xml(body, status : HTTP::Status) : Lucky::TextResponse #

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Macro Detail

macro disable_cookies #

Disable cookies

When disable_cookies is used, no Set-Cookie header will be written to the response.

class Events::Show < ApiAction

  get "/events/:id" do

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macro html(page_class = nil, _with_status_code = 200, **assigns) #

Render a page and pass it data

html is used to pass data to a page and render it. Each key/value pair must match up with each needs declarations for that page. For example, if we have a page like this:

class Users::IndexPage < MainLayout
  needs users : UserQuery

  def content
    @users.each do |user|
      # ...

Our action must pass a users key to the html method like this:

class Users::Index < BrowserAction
  get "/users" do
    html IndexPage, users:

Note also that each piece of data is merged with any expose declarations:

class Users::Index < BrowserAction
  expose current_user

  get "/users" do
    # Users::IndexPage receives users AND current_user
    html IndexPage users:

  private def current_user
    # ...

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macro html_with_status(page_class, status, **assigns) #

Render an HTMLPage with a status other than 200

class SecretAgents::Index < BrowserAction
  get "/shhhh" do
    html_with_status IndexPage, 472, message: "This page can only be seen with special goggles"

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