class Lucky::Paginator::SimpleNav
Pagination component with raw html and no styling
Typically you would copy paste this component source into your app and modify it to suite your needs.
Defined in:
lucky/paginator/components/simple_nav.crConstant Summary
[pages : Lucky::Paginator] of Nil
Pagination component with raw html and no styling
Typically you would copy paste this component source into your app and modify it to suite your needs.
.new(pages : Lucky::Paginator, **unused_exposures)
Pagination component with raw html and no styling
Class Method Summary
Returns the relative file location to the project root.
Instance Method Summary
- #next_link
- #page_links
- #pages : Lucky::Paginator
- #previous_link
- #render
- #render_page_item(page : Lucky::Paginator::CurrentPage)
- #render_page_item(page : Lucky::Paginator::Page)
- #render_page_item(gap : Lucky::Paginator::Gap)
Instance methods inherited from class Lucky::BaseComponent
context(context : HTTP::Server::Context | Nil)
render_to_string : String
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::HTMLBuilder
perform_render : IO
view : IO
Constructor methods inherited from module Lucky::HTMLBuilder
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::SelectHelpers
multi_select_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute(Array), **html_options, &) : Nil
options_for_select(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute(T), select_options : Array(Tuple(String, T | Nil)), **html_options) : Nil forall Toptions_for_select(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute(Array(T)), select_options : Array(Tuple(String, T)), **html_options) : Nil forall T options_for_select, select_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options, &) : Nil select_input, select_prompt(label : String) : Nil select_prompt
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::LabelHelpers
label_for(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, text : String | Nil = nil, **html_options) : Nillabel_for(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options, &) : Nil
label_for(field, **options) : Nil
label_for(field, **options, &) : Nil label_for
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::InputHelpers
checkbox(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute(T), unchecked_value : String, checked_value : String, **html_options) : Nil forall Tcheckbox(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute(Bool), attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
checkbox(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute(Bool), **html_options) : Nil
checkbox(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) checkbox, color_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
color_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
color_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) color_input, date_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
date_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
date_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) date_input, datetime_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
datetime_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
datetime_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) datetime_input, email_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
email_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
email_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) email_input, file_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
file_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
file_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) file_input, hidden_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
hidden_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
hidden_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) hidden_input, number_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
number_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
number_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) number_input, password_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
password_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
password_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) password_input, radio(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute(String), checked_value : String, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
radio(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute(String), checked_value : String, **html_options) : Nil
radio(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) radio, range_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
range_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
range_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) range_input, search_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
search_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
search_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) search_input, submit(text : String, **html_options) : Nil submit, telephone_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
telephone_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
telephone_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) telephone_input, text_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
text_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
text_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) text_input, textarea(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
textarea(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
textarea(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) textarea, time_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
time_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
time_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) time_input, url_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, attrs : Array(Symbol), **html_options) : Nil
url_input(field : Avram::PermittedAttribute, **html_options) : Nil
url_input(field : Avram::Attribute, **options) url_input
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::TagDefaults
tag_defaults(**named_args, &)
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::MountComponent
mount(component : Lucky::BaseComponent.class, *args, **named_args) : Nilmount(component : Lucky::BaseComponent.class, *args, **named_args, &) : Nil mount, mount_instance(component : Lucky::BaseComponent) : Nil
mount_instance(component : Lucky::BaseComponent, &) : Nil mount_instance
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::ForgeryProtectionHelpers
csrf_hidden_input : Nil
csrf_meta_tags : Nil
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::TimeHelpers
distance_of_time_in_words(from : Time, to : Time) : String
time_ago_in_words(from : Time) : String
time_from_now_in_words(to : Time) : String
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::UrlHelpers
current_page?(value : String, check_query_params : Bool = false) : Boolcurrent_page?(action : Lucky::Action.class | Lucky::RouteHelper, check_query_params : Bool = false) : Bool current_page?
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::HTMLTextHelpers
highlight(text : String, phrases : Array(String | Regex), highlighter : Proc | String = "<mark>\\1</mark>", escape : Bool = true) : Nilhighlight(text : String, phrases : Array(String | Regex), escape : Bool = false, &block : String -> _) : Nil
highlight(text : String, phrase : String | Regex, highlighter : Proc | String = "<mark>\\1</mark>", escape : Bool = true) : Nil
highlight(text : String, phrase : String | Regex, escape : Bool = true, &block : String -> _) : Nil highlight, simple_format(text : String, &block : String -> _) : Nil
simple_format(text : String, escape : Bool = true, **html_options) : Nil simple_format, truncate(text : String, length : Int32 = 30, omission : String = "...", separator : String | Nil = nil, escape : Bool = true, blk : Nil | Proc = nil) : Nil
truncate(text : String, length : Int32 = 30, omission : String = "...", separator : String | Nil = nil, escape : Bool = true, &block : -> _) : Nil truncate
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::TextHelpers
current_cycle(name : String = "default")
cycle(values : Array, name = "default") : Stringcycle(*values, name : String = "default") : String cycle, excerpt(text : String, phrase : Regex | String, separator : String = "", radius : Int32 = 100, omission : String = "...") : String excerpt, pluralize(count : Int | String | Nil, singular : String, plural = nil) : String pluralize, reset_cycle(name : String = "default") reset_cycle, reset_cycles reset_cycles, to_sentence(list : Enumerable, word_connector : String = ", ", two_word_connector : String = " and ", last_word_connector : String = ", and ") : String to_sentence, truncate_text(text : String, length : Int32 = 30, omission : String = "...", separator : String | Nil = nil) : String truncate_text, word_wrap(text : String, line_width : Int32 = 80, break_sequence : String = "\n") : String word_wrap
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::NumberToCurrency
number_to_currency(value : Float | Int32 | String, precision : Int32 = DEFAULT_PRECISION, unit : String = DEFAULT_UNIT, separator : String = DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, delimiter : String = DEFAULT_DELIMITER, delimiter_pattern : Regex = DEFAULT_DELIMITER_REGEX, format : String = DEFAULT_FORMAT, negative_format : String = DEFAULT_FORMAT) : String
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::AssetHelpers
Constructor methods inherited from module Lucky::Assignable
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::SpecialtyTags
canonical_link(href : String) : Nil
css_link(href, **options) : Nil
html_doctype : Nil
js_link(src, **options) : Nil
nbsp(how_many : Int32 = 1) : Nil
raw(string : String) : Nil
responsive_meta_tag(**options) : Nil
utf8_charset : Nil
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::FormHelpers
form_for(route : Lucky::RouteHelper, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options, &) : Nilform_for(route action : Lucky::Action.class, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options, &block) : Nil form_for, settings settings
Class methods inherited from module Lucky::FormHelpers
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::LinkHelpers
link(text, to : Lucky::RouteHelper, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options) : Nillink(to : Lucky::RouteHelper, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options) : Nil
link(to : Lucky::RouteHelper, href : String, **html_options, &) : Nil
link(to : Lucky::RouteHelper, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options, &) : Nil
link(text, to : Lucky::Action.class, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options) : Nil
link(to : Lucky::Action.class, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options) : Nil
link(to : Lucky::Action.class, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options, &) : Nil
link(text, to : String, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options)
link(to : String, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **html_options, &) link
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::CustomTags
empty_tag(tag_name : String, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
tag(tag_name : String, content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String | Nil = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Niltag(tag_name : String, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
tag(tag_name : String, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil tag
Instance methods inherited from module Lucky::BaseTags
a(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nila(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
a(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
a(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
a(options, **other_options) : Nil
a(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
a(&) : Nil
a(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil a, abbr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
abbr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
abbr(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
abbr(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
abbr(options, **other_options) : Nil
abbr(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
abbr(&) : Nil
abbr(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil abbr, address(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
address(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
address(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
address(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
address(options, **other_options) : Nil
address(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
address(&) : Nil
address(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil address, area(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
area(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
area(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
area(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
area(options, **other_options) : Nil
area(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
area(&) : Nil
area(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil area, article(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
article(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
article(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
article(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
article(options, **other_options) : Nil
article(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
article(&) : Nil
article(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil article, aside(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
aside(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
aside(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
aside(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
aside(options, **other_options) : Nil
aside(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
aside(&) : Nil
aside(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil aside, b(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
b(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
b(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
b(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
b(options, **other_options) : Nil
b(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
b(&) : Nil
b(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil b, bdi(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
bdi(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
bdi(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
bdi(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
bdi(options, **other_options) : Nil
bdi(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
bdi(&) : Nil
bdi(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil bdi, bdo(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
bdo(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
bdo(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
bdo(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
bdo(options, **other_options) : Nil
bdo(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
bdo(&) : Nil
bdo(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil bdo, blockquote(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
blockquote(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
blockquote(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
blockquote(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
blockquote(options, **other_options) : Nil
blockquote(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
blockquote(&) : Nil
blockquote(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil blockquote, body(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
body(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
body(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
body(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
body(options, **other_options) : Nil
body(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
body(&) : Nil
body(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil body, br(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
br : Nil
br(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil br, button(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
button(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
button(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
button(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
button(options, **other_options) : Nil
button(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
button(&) : Nil
button(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil button, caption(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
caption(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
caption(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
caption(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
caption(options, **other_options) : Nil
caption(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
caption(&) : Nil
caption(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil caption, cite(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
cite(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
cite(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
cite(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
cite(options, **other_options) : Nil
cite(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
cite(&) : Nil
cite(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil cite, code(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
code(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
code(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
code(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
code(options, **other_options) : Nil
code(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
code(&) : Nil
code(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil code, col(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
col(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
col(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
col(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
col(options, **other_options) : Nil
col(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
col(&) : Nil
col(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil col, colgroup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
colgroup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
colgroup(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
colgroup(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
colgroup(options, **other_options) : Nil
colgroup(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
colgroup(&) : Nil
colgroup(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil colgroup, data(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
data(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
data(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
data(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
data(options, **other_options) : Nil
data(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
data(&) : Nil
data(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil data, datalist(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
datalist(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
datalist(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
datalist(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
datalist(options, **other_options) : Nil
datalist(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
datalist(&) : Nil
datalist(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil datalist, dd(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
dd(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dd(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dd(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dd(options, **other_options) : Nil
dd(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
dd(&) : Nil
dd(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil dd, del(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
del(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
del(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
del(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
del(options, **other_options) : Nil
del(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
del(&) : Nil
del(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil del, details(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
details(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
details(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
details(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
details(options, **other_options) : Nil
details(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
details(&) : Nil
details(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil details, dfn(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
dfn(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dfn(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dfn(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dfn(options, **other_options) : Nil
dfn(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
dfn(&) : Nil
dfn(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil dfn, dialog(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
dialog(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dialog(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dialog(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dialog(options, **other_options) : Nil
dialog(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
dialog(&) : Nil
dialog(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil dialog, div(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
div(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
div(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
div(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
div(options, **other_options) : Nil
div(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
div(&) : Nil
div(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil div, dl(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
dl(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dl(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dl(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dl(options, **other_options) : Nil
dl(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
dl(&) : Nil
dl(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil dl, dt(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
dt(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dt(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dt(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
dt(options, **other_options) : Nil
dt(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
dt(&) : Nil
dt(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil dt, em(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
em(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
em(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
em(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
em(options, **other_options) : Nil
em(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
em(&) : Nil
em(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil em, embed(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
embed(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
embed(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
embed(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
embed(options, **other_options) : Nil
embed(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
embed(&) : Nil
embed(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil embed, fieldset(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
fieldset(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
fieldset(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
fieldset(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
fieldset(options, **other_options) : Nil
fieldset(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
fieldset(&) : Nil
fieldset(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil fieldset, figcaption(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
figcaption(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
figcaption(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
figcaption(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
figcaption(options, **other_options) : Nil
figcaption(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
figcaption(&) : Nil
figcaption(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil figcaption, figure(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
figure(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
figure(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
figure(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
figure(options, **other_options) : Nil
figure(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
figure(&) : Nil
figure(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil figure, footer(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
footer(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
footer(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
footer(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
footer(options, **other_options) : Nil
footer(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
footer(&) : Nil
footer(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil footer, form(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
form(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
form(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
form(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
form(options, **other_options) : Nil
form(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
form(&) : Nil
form(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil form, h1(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
h1(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h1(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h1(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h1(options, **other_options) : Nil
h1(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
h1(&) : Nil
h1(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil h1, h2(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
h2(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h2(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h2(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h2(options, **other_options) : Nil
h2(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
h2(&) : Nil
h2(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil h2, h3(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
h3(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h3(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h3(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h3(options, **other_options) : Nil
h3(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
h3(&) : Nil
h3(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil h3, h4(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
h4(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h4(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h4(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h4(options, **other_options) : Nil
h4(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
h4(&) : Nil
h4(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil h4, h5(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
h5(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h5(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h5(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h5(options, **other_options) : Nil
h5(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
h5(&) : Nil
h5(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil h5, h6(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
h6(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h6(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h6(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
h6(options, **other_options) : Nil
h6(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
h6(&) : Nil
h6(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil h6, head(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
head(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
head(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
head(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
head(options, **other_options) : Nil
head(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
head(&) : Nil
head(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil head, header(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
header(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
header(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
header(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
header(options, **other_options) : Nil
header(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
header(&) : Nil
header(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil header, hr(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
hr : Nil
hr(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil hr, html(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
html(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
html(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
html(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
html(options, **other_options) : Nil
html(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
html(&) : Nil
html(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil html, i(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
i(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
i(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
i(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
i(options, **other_options) : Nil
i(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
i(&) : Nil
i(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil i, iframe(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
iframe(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
iframe(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
iframe(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
iframe(options, **other_options) : Nil
iframe(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
iframe(&) : Nil
iframe(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil iframe, img(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
img : Nil
img(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil img, input(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
input : Nil
input(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil input, ins(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
ins(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ins(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ins(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ins(options, **other_options) : Nil
ins(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
ins(&) : Nil
ins(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil ins, kbd(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
kbd(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
kbd(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
kbd(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
kbd(options, **other_options) : Nil
kbd(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
kbd(&) : Nil
kbd(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil kbd, label(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
label(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
label(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
label(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
label(options, **other_options) : Nil
label(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
label(&) : Nil
label(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil label, legend(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
legend(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
legend(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
legend(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
legend(options, **other_options) : Nil
legend(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
legend(&) : Nil
legend(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil legend, li(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
li(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
li(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
li(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
li(options, **other_options) : Nil
li(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
li(&) : Nil
li(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil li, main(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
main(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
main(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
main(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
main(options, **other_options) : Nil
main(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
main(&) : Nil
main(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil main, map(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
map(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
map(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
map(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
map(options, **other_options) : Nil
map(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
map(&) : Nil
map(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil map, mark(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
mark(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
mark(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
mark(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
mark(options, **other_options) : Nil
mark(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
mark(&) : Nil
mark(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil mark, menuitem(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
menuitem(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
menuitem(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
menuitem(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
menuitem(options, **other_options) : Nil
menuitem(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
menuitem(&) : Nil
menuitem(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil menuitem, meta(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
meta : Nil
meta(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil meta, meter(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
meter(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
meter(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
meter(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
meter(options, **other_options) : Nil
meter(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
meter(&) : Nil
meter(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil meter, nav(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
nav(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
nav(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
nav(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
nav(options, **other_options) : Nil
nav(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
nav(&) : Nil
nav(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil nav, noscript(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
noscript(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
noscript(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
noscript(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
noscript(options, **other_options) : Nil
noscript(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
noscript(&) : Nil
noscript(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil noscript, object(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
object(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
object(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
object(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
object(options, **other_options) : Nil
object(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
object(&) : Nil
object(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil object, ol(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
ol(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ol(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ol(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ol(options, **other_options) : Nil
ol(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
ol(&) : Nil
ol(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil ol, optgroup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
optgroup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
optgroup(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
optgroup(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
optgroup(options, **other_options) : Nil
optgroup(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
optgroup(&) : Nil
optgroup(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil optgroup, option(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
option(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
option(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
option(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
option(options, **other_options) : Nil
option(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
option(&) : Nil
option(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil option, output(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
output(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
output(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
output(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
output(options, **other_options) : Nil
output(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
output(&) : Nil
output(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil output, para(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
para(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
para(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
para(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
para(options, **other_options) : Nil
para(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
para(&) : Nil
para(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil para, param(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
param(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
param(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
param(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
param(options, **other_options) : Nil
param(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
param(&) : Nil
param(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil param, picture(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
picture(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
picture(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
picture(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
picture(options, **other_options) : Nil
picture(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
picture(&) : Nil
picture(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil picture, pre(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
pre(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
pre(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
pre(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
pre(options, **other_options) : Nil
pre(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
pre(&) : Nil
pre(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil pre, progress(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
progress(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
progress(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
progress(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
progress(options, **other_options) : Nil
progress(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
progress(&) : Nil
progress(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil progress, q(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
q(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
q(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
q(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
q(options, **other_options) : Nil
q(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
q(&) : Nil
q(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil q, rp(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
rp(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
rp(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
rp(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
rp(options, **other_options) : Nil
rp(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
rp(&) : Nil
rp(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil rp, rt(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
rt(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
rt(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
rt(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
rt(options, **other_options) : Nil
rt(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
rt(&) : Nil
rt(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil rt, ruby(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
ruby(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ruby(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ruby(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ruby(options, **other_options) : Nil
ruby(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
ruby(&) : Nil
ruby(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil ruby, s(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
s(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
s(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
s(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
s(options, **other_options) : Nil
s(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
s(&) : Nil
s(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil s, samp(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
samp(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
samp(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
samp(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
samp(options, **other_options) : Nil
samp(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
samp(&) : Nil
samp(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil samp, script(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
script(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
script(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
script(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
script(options, **other_options) : Nil
script(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
script(&) : Nil
script(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil script, section(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
section(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
section(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
section(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
section(options, **other_options) : Nil
section(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
section(&) : Nil
section(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil section, select_tag(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
select_tag(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
select_tag(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
select_tag(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
select_tag(options, **other_options) : Nil
select_tag(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
select_tag(&) : Nil
select_tag(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil select_tag, slot(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
slot(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
slot(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
slot(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
slot(options, **other_options) : Nil
slot(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
slot(&) : Nil
slot(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil slot, small(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
small(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
small(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
small(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
small(options, **other_options) : Nil
small(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
small(&) : Nil
small(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil small, source(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil
source : Nil
source(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options) : Nil source, span(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
span(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
span(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
span(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
span(options, **other_options) : Nil
span(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
span(&) : Nil
span(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil span, strong(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
strong(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
strong(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
strong(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
strong(options, **other_options) : Nil
strong(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
strong(&) : Nil
strong(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil strong, style(styles : String) : Nil style, sub(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
sub(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
sub(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
sub(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
sub(options, **other_options) : Nil
sub(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
sub(&) : Nil
sub(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil sub, summary(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
summary(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
summary(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
summary(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
summary(options, **other_options) : Nil
summary(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
summary(&) : Nil
summary(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil summary, sup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
sup(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
sup(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
sup(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
sup(options, **other_options) : Nil
sup(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
sup(&) : Nil
sup(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil sup, table(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
table(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
table(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
table(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
table(options, **other_options) : Nil
table(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
table(&) : Nil
table(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil table, tbody(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
tbody(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tbody(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tbody(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tbody(options, **other_options) : Nil
tbody(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
tbody(&) : Nil
tbody(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil tbody, td(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
td(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
td(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
td(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
td(options, **other_options) : Nil
td(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
td(&) : Nil
td(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil td, template(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
template(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
template(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
template(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
template(options, **other_options) : Nil
template(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
template(&) : Nil
template(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil template, text(content : String | Lucky::AllowedInTags) : Nil text, textarea(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
textarea(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
textarea(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
textarea(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
textarea(options, **other_options) : Nil
textarea(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
textarea(&) : Nil
textarea(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil textarea, tfoot(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
tfoot(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tfoot(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tfoot(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tfoot(options, **other_options) : Nil
tfoot(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
tfoot(&) : Nil
tfoot(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil tfoot, th(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
th(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
th(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
th(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
th(options, **other_options) : Nil
th(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
th(&) : Nil
th(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil th, thead(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
thead(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
thead(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
thead(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
thead(options, **other_options) : Nil
thead(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
thead(&) : Nil
thead(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil thead, time(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
time(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
time(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
time(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
time(options, **other_options) : Nil
time(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
time(&) : Nil
time(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil time, title(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
title(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
title(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
title(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
title(options, **other_options) : Nil
title(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
title(&) : Nil
title(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil title, tr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
tr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tr(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tr(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
tr(options, **other_options) : Nil
tr(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
tr(&) : Nil
tr(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil tr, track(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
track(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
track(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
track(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
track(options, **other_options) : Nil
track(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
track(&) : Nil
track(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil track, u(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
u(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
u(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
u(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
u(options, **other_options) : Nil
u(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
u(&) : Nil
u(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil u, ul(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
ul(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ul(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ul(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
ul(options, **other_options) : Nil
ul(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
ul(&) : Nil
ul(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil ul, video(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
video(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
video(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
video(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
video(options, **other_options) : Nil
video(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
video(&) : Nil
video(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil video, wbr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String) : Nil
wbr(content : Lucky::AllowedInTags | String = "", options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
wbr(content : Nil, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
wbr(content : Time, options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, attrs : Array(Symbol) = [] of Symbol, **other_options) : Nil
wbr(options, **other_options) : Nil
wbr(attrs : Array(Symbol), options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil
wbr(&) : Nil
wbr(options = EMPTY_HTML_ATTRS, **other_options, &) : Nil wbr
Constructor Detail
def : Lucky::Paginator, **unused_exposures)
Pagination component with raw html and no styling
Typically you would copy paste this component source into your app and modify it to suite your needs.
Class Method Detail
def self.file_location
Returns the relative file location to the project root. e.g. src/components/