class Sidekiq::Processor


The Processor is a standalone fiber which:

  1. fetches a job from Redis
  2. executes the job a. instantiate the Worker b. run the middleware chain c. call #perform

A Processor can exit due to shutdown (processor_stopped) or due to an error during job execution (processor_died)

If an error occurs in the job execution, the Processor calls the Manager to create a new one to replace itself and exits.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Sidekiq::Util

fire_event(event, reverse = false) fire_event, safe_routine(ctx, name, &block) safe_routine, watchdog(ctx, last_words, &) watchdog

Instance methods inherited from module Sidekiq::ExceptionHandler

handle_exception(ctx : Sidekiq::Context, ex : Exception, ctx_hash : Hash(String, JSON::Any) | Nil = nil) handle_exception

Constructor Detail

def : Sidekiq::Server) #

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Class Method Detail

def self.fetch_counts #

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def self.reset_counts(p, f) #

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def self.worker_state #

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Instance Method Detail

def identity : String #

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def job : Job | Nil #

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def process_one #

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def start #

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def stats(job, &) #

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def terminate #

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def work : Sidekiq::UnitOfWork | Nil #

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