class Sidekiq::BasicFetch

Defined in:


Constant Summary


We want the fetch operation to timeout every few seconds so we can check if the process is shutting down.


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Sidekiq::Fetch

bulk_requeue(ctx : Sidekiq::Context, jobs : Array(UnitOfWork)) : Int32 bulk_requeue, retrieve_work(ctx : Sidekiq::Context) : UnitOfWork | Nil retrieve_work

Constructor Detail

def #

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Instance Method Detail

def bulk_requeue(ctx, inprogress : Array(Sidekiq::UnitOfWork)) : Int32 #

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def queues : Array(String) #

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def queues_cmd #

Creating the Redis#brpop command takes into account any configured queue weights. By default Redis#brpop returns data from the first queue that has pending elements. We recreate the queue command each time we invoke Redis#brpop to honor weights and avoid queue starvation.

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def retrieve_work(ctx) : Sidekiq::UnitOfWork | Nil #

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def strict! #

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