class Sidekiq::Job


The Job class handles the internal business of converting to/from JSON. In a statically-typed language, this is a bit of a chore.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

[View source]
def #

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Class Method Detail

def self.register(name, klass) #

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def self.valid? #

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Instance Method Detail

def _perform(args : String) #

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def _perform_at(time : Time, args : String) #

Run this job at or after the given instant in Time

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def _perform_bulk(args : Array(String)) #

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def _perform_in(interval : Time::Span, args : String) #

Run this job +interval+ from now.

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def args : String #

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def args=(args : String) #

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def at : Time | Nil #

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def at=(at : Time | Nil) #

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def backtrace : Bool | Int32 | Nil #

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def backtrace=(backtrace : Bool | Int32 | Nil) #

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def bid : String | Nil #

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def bid=(bid : String | Nil) #

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def client #

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def client=(cl : Sidekiq::Client) #

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def created_at : Time #

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def dead=(dead : Bool) #

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def dead? : Bool #

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def enqueued_at : Time | Nil #

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def enqueued_at=(enqueued_at : Time | Nil) #

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def error_backtrace : Array(String) | Nil #

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def error_backtrace=(error_backtrace : Array(String) | Nil) #

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def error_class : String | Nil #

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def error_class=(error_class : String | Nil) #

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def error_message : String | Nil #

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def error_message=(error_message : String | Nil) #

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def execute(ctx : Sidekiq::Context) #

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def extra_params : Hash(String, JSON::Any) #

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def extra_params=(value : Hash(String, JSON::Any)) #

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def failed_at : Time | Nil #

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def failed_at=(failed_at : Time | Nil) #

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def jid : String #

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def jid=(jid : String) #

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def klass : String #

[View source]
def klass=(klass : String) #

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def queue : String #

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def queue=(queue : String) #

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def retried_at : Time | Nil #

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def retried_at=(retried_at : Time | Nil) #

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def retry : Bool | Int32 #

[View source]
def retry=(retry : Bool | Int32) #

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def retry_count : Int32 #

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def retry_count=(retry_count : Int32) #

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