struct TCal::V3API::Alert::Attributes


The attributes of an Alert resource.

The active_period and informed_entity attributes are remapped to align with the convention that collections have plural names.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

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Instance Method Detail

def active_periods : Array(ActivePeriod) #

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def created_at : Time #

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def definite_active_periods : Array(TimePeriod) #

Returns the #active_periods that are valid and have defined end times.

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def description : String | Nil #

Normalize DOS-style line breaks found in descriptions.

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def header : String #

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def image : String | Nil #

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def image_alternative_text : String | Nil #

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def informed_entities : Array(InformedEntity) #

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def service_effect : String #

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def transient? : Bool #

Tries to guess whether this alert is "transient" (represents an unplanned disruption that is not expected to last very long).

An alert is transient if it has only one active period, with a start time within 1 hour of the alert's creation timestamp, a definite end time, and a duration of less than 12 hours. These are indicators that the alert was likely created in response to a short-term unplanned disruption which was already happening at the time of creation.

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def updated_at : Time #

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def url : String | Nil #

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