struct TCal::Calendar::HTML::Event


Represents an event within a Week.

If #starts_this_week or #ends_this_week are false, the event should be shown as continuing from the previous week or into the next week. #period only includes days within "this" week.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : V3API::Alert::Resource, colors : Calendar::RouteColors | Nil, period : DatePeriod, starts_this_week : Bool, ends_this_week : Bool) #

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Instance Method Detail

def clone #

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def colors : Calendar::RouteColors | Nil #

def copy_with(alert _alert = @alert, colors _colors = @colors, period _period = @period, starts_this_week _starts_this_week = @starts_this_week, ends_this_week _ends_this_week = @ends_this_week) #

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def description : String #

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def details : String | Nil #

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def end_column : Int32 #

The 1-based grid column the event ends on.

This is exclusive (the event occupies the columns from #start_column up to, but not including, this one). Because of this, it can have the value 8 despite the grid only being expected to contain 7 columns. This is in line with the behavior of grid-column-end in CSS.

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def ends_this_week : Bool #

def image_alt : String #

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def image_url : String | Nil #

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def period : DatePeriod #

def sort_key #

Provides a key for sorting events.

Events are sorted earlier:

  • when they continue from the previous week and into the next week
  • then when they continue from the previous week
  • then when they start in an earlier column
  • then when they have no associated route colors
  • then when their title is alphabetically earlier

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def start_column : Int32 #

The 1-based grid column the event starts on.

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def starts_this_week : Bool #

def title : String #

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def url : String | Nil #

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