struct Date


Represents a year, month, and day with no time information.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Tuple(Int32, Int32, Int32)) #

Creates a date from the return of Time#date.

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Instance Method Detail

def <=>(other : self) #

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def at_beginning_of_sunday_week : self #

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def day : Int32 #

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def day_of_week : Time::DayOfWeek #

See Time#day_of_week.

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def month : Int32 #

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def shift(years : Int = 0, months : Int = 0, weeks : Int = 0, days : Int = 0) : self #

See Time#shift.

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def to_ical : String #

Formats this date as an iCal DATE value.

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def to_time : Time #

Converts this date to a Time at midnight in UTC.

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def year : Int32 #

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