struct TCal::TimePeriod


An interval between two Time.

Defined in:


Constant Summary



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from struct TCal::Period(Time)

end : T end, start : T start

Constructor methods inherited from struct TCal::Period(Time)

new(start : T, end __arg0 : T) new

Class methods inherited from struct TCal::Period(Time)

merge(periods : Array(U)) : Array(U) forall U merge

Constructor Detail

def : T, end __arg0 : T) #

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Instance Method Detail

def all_day : self #

Returns a period that starts and ends at midnight on the same dates as this one. If any part of the end date is covered, the resulting period will cover the entire day, ending at midnight of the next day.

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def each_month : Iterator(Time) #

Iterates over each month in the interval, #at_beginning_of_month. Includes the months containing both the start and end of the interval. Note since the end time is exclusive, if it is exactly at the beginning of a month, that month will not be included.

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def each_sunday_week : Iterator(Time) #

Iterates over each week in the interval, #at_beginning_of_sunday_week. Includes the weeks containing both the start and end of the interval. Note since the end time is exclusive, if it is exactly at the beginning of a week, that week will not be included.

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def snap_to_midnight : self #

If this period's start or end fall within the period from LATE_HOUR to EARLY_HOUR, returns a new period with the offending field(s) set to midnight.

If this would result in an empty period, instead returns self.

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def split_at_sunday : Array(self) #

Splits this period at Saturday/Sunday boundaries.

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def to_date_period : DatePeriod #

Converts this period to a DatePeriod, discarding the time information.

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