class Mint::StyleBuilder


This class is responsible to build the CSS of "style" tags by resolving nested nested at queries and selectors, handling cases of the same rules in different places.

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String | Nil = nil, optimize : Bool = false) #

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Instance Method Detail

def any?(node : Ast::Node) #

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def any?(node : Nil) #

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def compile #

Compiles the processed data into a CSS style sheet.

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def compile_style(node : Ast::Style, compiler : Compiler) #

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def name_pool : Mint::NamePool(String, Nil) #

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def prefixed_class_name(node : Ast::Style, id : String | Nil = nil) #

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def process(node : Ast::CssSelector, id : String | Nil, at : String | Nil, parents : Array(String), conditions : Array(String), style_node : Ast::Node) #

Processes a Ast::CssSelector

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def process(node : Ast::CssNestedAt, id : String | Nil, at : String | Nil, selectors : Array(String), conditions : Array(String), style_node : Ast::Node) #

Processes an Ast::CssNestedAt

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def process(body : Array(Ast::Node), id : String | Nil, at : String | Nil, selectors : Array(String), conditions : Array(String), style_node : Ast::Node) #

Processes the body of a CSS Ast::Node.

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def process(node : Ast::Style, id : String | Nil = nil) #

The main entry point for processing a "style" tag.

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def property_pool : Mint::NamePool(String, String) #

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def style_pool : Mint::StylePool #

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def variable_name(name, selector) #

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def variables : Hash(Mint::Ast::Node, Hash(String, Array(Mint::Ast::Node | String))) #

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