class Mint::Installer::Repository


This class is for handling git repositories of packages.

Repositories are cloned into a temp directory (/tmp/mint-packages) if not exists and updated when they exists.

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String, url : String, target : Nil | String = nil, version : Nil | Mint::Installer::Semver = nil) #

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Class Method Detail

def, url, target = nil, version = nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

def checkout(tag) #

Checks out the given tag or version.

[View source]
def clone #

Clones the repository.

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def dependencies(tag) #

Returns the dependencies of the tag or version.

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def directory #

The directory of the repository

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def exists? #

Returns true if the repository is cloned yet.

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def id #

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def json(version : Semver) #

Returns the mint.json of the given version.

[View source]
def json(tag) #

Returns the mint.json of the given tag or version.

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def name : String #

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def open #

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def target : String | Nil #

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def terminal #

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def update #

Updates the repository.

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def url : String #

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def version : Semver | Nil #

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def versions : Array(Semver) #

Gets the versions of a package from its tags

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