struct LSP::ServerCapabilities
- LSP::ServerCapabilities
- Struct
- Value
- Object
Included Modules
- JSON::Serializable
Defined in:
- .new(document_on_type_formatting_provider : LSP::DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions, document_range_formatting_provider : Bool, document_formatting_provider : Bool, document_highlight_provider : Bool, workspace_symbol_provider : Bool, document_symbol_provider : Bool, type_definition_provider : Bool, execute_command_provider : LSP::ExecuteCommandOptions, signature_help_provider : LSP::SignatureHelpOptions, implementation_provider : Bool, folding_range_provider : Bool | LSP::FoldingRangeProviderOptions, document_link_provider : LSP::DocumentLinkOptions, code_action_provider : Bool | LSP::CodeActionOptions, declaration_provider : Bool, completion_provider : LSP::CompletionOptions, definition_provider : Bool, references_provider : Bool, code_lens_provider : LSP::CodeLensOptions, text_document_sync : Int32 | LSP::TextDocumentSyncOptions, rename_provider : Bool | LSP::RenameOptions, color_provider : Bool | LSP::ColorProviderOptions, hover_provider : Bool, workspace : LSP::Workspace)
- .new(pull : JSON::PullParser)
Instance Method Summary
#code_action_provider : Bool | CodeActionOptions
The server provides code actions.
#code_action_provider=(code_action_provider : Bool | CodeActionOptions)
The server provides code actions.
#code_lens_provider : CodeLensOptions
The server provides code lens.
#code_lens_provider=(code_lens_provider : CodeLensOptions)
The server provides code lens.
#color_provider : Bool | ColorProviderOptions
The server provides color provider support.
#color_provider=(color_provider : Bool | ColorProviderOptions)
The server provides color provider support.
#completion_provider : CompletionOptions
The server provides completion support.
#completion_provider=(completion_provider : CompletionOptions)
The server provides completion support.
#declaration_provider=(declaration_provider : Bool)
The server provides go to declaration support.
#declaration_provider? : Bool
The server provides go to declaration support.
#definition_provider=(definition_provider : Bool)
The server provides goto definition support.
#definition_provider? : Bool
The server provides goto definition support.
#document_formatting_provider=(document_formatting_provider : Bool)
The server provides document formatting.
#document_formatting_provider? : Bool
The server provides document formatting.
#document_highlight_provider=(document_highlight_provider : Bool)
The server provides document highlight support.
#document_highlight_provider? : Bool
The server provides document highlight support.
#document_link_provider : DocumentLinkOptions
The server provides document link support.
#document_link_provider=(document_link_provider : DocumentLinkOptions)
The server provides document link support.
#document_on_type_formatting_provider : DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions
The server provides document formatting on typing.
#document_on_type_formatting_provider=(document_on_type_formatting_provider : DocumentOnTypeFormattingOptions)
The server provides document formatting on typing.
#document_range_formatting_provider=(document_range_formatting_provider : Bool)
The server provides document range formatting.
#document_range_formatting_provider? : Bool
The server provides document range formatting.
#document_symbol_provider=(document_symbol_provider : Bool)
The server provides document symbol support.
#document_symbol_provider? : Bool
The server provides document symbol support.
#execute_command_provider : ExecuteCommandOptions
The server provides execute command support.
#execute_command_provider=(execute_command_provider : ExecuteCommandOptions)
The server provides execute command support.
#folding_range_provider : Bool | FoldingRangeProviderOptions
The server provides folding provider support.
#folding_range_provider=(folding_range_provider : Bool | FoldingRangeProviderOptions)
The server provides folding provider support.
#hover_provider=(hover_provider : Bool)
The server provides hover support.
#hover_provider? : Bool
The server provides hover support.
#implementation_provider=(implementation_provider : Bool)
The server provides Goto Implementation support.
#implementation_provider? : Bool
The server provides Goto Implementation support.
#references_provider=(references_provider : Bool)
The server provides find references support.
#references_provider? : Bool
The server provides find references support.
#rename_provider : Bool | RenameOptions
The server provides rename support.
#rename_provider=(rename_provider : Bool | RenameOptions)
The server provides rename support.
#signature_help_provider : SignatureHelpOptions
The server provides signature help support.
#signature_help_provider=(signature_help_provider : SignatureHelpOptions)
The server provides signature help support.
#text_document_sync : TextDocumentSyncOptions | Int32
Defines how text documents are synced.
#text_document_sync=(text_document_sync : TextDocumentSyncOptions | Int32)
Defines how text documents are synced.
#type_definition_provider=(type_definition_provider : Bool)
The server provides Goto Type Definition support.
#type_definition_provider? : Bool
The server provides Goto Type Definition support.
#workspace : Workspace
Workspace specific server capabilities
#workspace=(workspace : Workspace)
Workspace specific server capabilities
#workspace_symbol_provider=(workspace_symbol_provider : Bool)
The server provides workspace symbol support.
#workspace_symbol_provider? : Bool
The server provides workspace symbol support.
Constructor Detail
Instance Method Detail
The server provides code actions. The CodeActionOptions
return type is only
valid if the client signals code action literal support via the property
The server provides code actions. The CodeActionOptions
return type is only
valid if the client signals code action literal support via the property
The server provides color provider support.
The server provides completion support.
The server provides go to declaration support.
The server provides document formatting.
The server provides document highlight support.
The server provides document link support.
The server provides document formatting on typing.
The server provides document formatting on typing.
The server provides document range formatting.
The server provides document symbol support.
The server provides execute command support.
The server provides folding provider support.
The server provides folding provider support.
The server provides Goto Implementation support.
The server provides rename support. RenameOptions may only be
specified if the client states that it supports
in its initial initialize
The server provides rename support. RenameOptions may only be
specified if the client states that it supports
in its initial initialize
The server provides signature help support.
Defines how text documents are synced. Is either a detailed structure
defining each notification or for backwards compatibility the TextDocumentSyncKind
number. If omitted it defaults to TextDocumentSyncKind.None
Defines how text documents are synced. Is either a detailed structure
defining each notification or for backwards compatibility the TextDocumentSyncKind
number. If omitted it defaults to TextDocumentSyncKind.None
The server provides Goto Type Definition support.
The server provides workspace symbol support.