module Octokit::Configurable


Provides configuration options for Client.

Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def access_token #

Get access token for authentication.

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def access_token=(token) #

Set access token for authentication.

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def add_middleware(middleware : Halite::Feature) #

Add middleware to the middleware stack.

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def api_endpoint #

API endpoint for Client.

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def api_endpoint=(val) #

Set the api endpoint.

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def auto_paginate #

Do we want to auto paginate.

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def auto_paginate=(val) #

Set if we want to auto paginate.

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def bearer_token #

Get the bearer token.

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def bearer_token=(token) #

Set the bearer token.

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def client_id #

Get the Client ID.

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def client_id=(val) #

Set the Client ID.

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def client_secret #

Get the Client Secret.

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def client_secret=(val) #

Set the Client secret.

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def configure(&) #

Yield a block allowing configuration of options.


@client.configure do
  auto_paginate = true

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def connection_options #

Get the default connection options passed to Halite.

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def connection_options=(val) #

Set the default connection options passed to Halite.

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def default_media_type #

Get the default media type for headers.

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def default_media_type=(val) #

Set the default media type for headers.

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def logger #

Get the configured logger instance.

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def logger=(val) #

Set a configured logger instance.

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def login #

The username of the authenticated user

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def login=(val) #

Set the user login.

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def management_console_endpoint #

API endpoint for EnterpriseManagementConsoleClient

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def management_console_endpoint=(val) #

Set the management console password.

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def middleware #

Get the middleware stack for Halite.

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def middleware=(val) #

Set the middleware stack for Halite.

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def password=(val) #

Set the user password.

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def per_page #

Get the maximum results returned per page for paginated endpoints.

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def per_page=(val) #

Set the maximum results returned per page for paginated endpoints.

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def proxy #

Get the proxy to use when connecting. Note: Crystal's HTTP::Client and by extension Halite do not yet support proxy's. Therefore this option does nothing for now.

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def proxy=(val) #

Set the proxy to use when connecting. Note: Crystal's HTTP::Client and by extension Halite do not yet support proxy's. Therefore this option does nothing for now.

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def reset! #

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def ssl_verify_mode #

Get the OpenSSL verify mode to use for SSL connections. 0 is OpenSSL::SSL::NONE 1 is OpenSSL::SSL::PEER

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def ssl_verify_mode=(mode) #

Set the OpenSSL verify mode to use for SSL connections. 0 is OpenSSL::SSL::NONE 1 is OpenSSL::SSL::PEER

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def user_agent #

Get the User Agent header to be passed to all requests.

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def user_agent=(val) #

Set the User Agent header to be passed to all requests.

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def web_endpoint #

Base URL for generated web URLs

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def web_endpoint=(val) #

Set the web endpoint.

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