module Octokit::Client::PubSubHubbub


Methods for the PubSubHubbub API

Note: The pubsub api requires clients to be OAuth authenticated.

See Also:

Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def subscribe(topic, callback, secret = nil) #

Subscribe to a pubsub topic

See Also:


Subscribe to push events from one of your repositories, having an email sent when fired.

@client = Octokit.client.(oauth_token: "token")
@client.subscribe("", "github://[email protected]")

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def subscribe_service_hook(repo, service_name, service_arguments = {} of String => String, secret = nil) #

Subscribe to a repository through pubsub.

Note: A list of services is available @

See Also:


Subscribe to push events to one of your repositories to Travis-CI

@client = Octokit.client.(oauth_token: "token")
@client.subscribe_service_hook("watzon/cadmium", "Travis", { :token => "test", :domain => "domain", :user => "user" })

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def unsubscribe(topic, callback) #

Unsubscribe from a pubsub topic

See Also:


Unsubscribe to push events from one of your repositories, no longer having an email sent when fired

@client = Octokit.client(oauth_token: "token")
@client.unsubscribe("", "github://[email protected]")

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def unsubscribe_service_hook(repo, service_name) #

Unsubscribe from a repository through pubsub.

Note: A list of services is available @

See Also:


Subscribe to push events to one of your repositories to Travis-CI

@client = Octokit.client.(oauth_token: "token")
@client.unsubscribe_service_hook("watzon/cadmium", "Travis")

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