class Octokit::Client


User client for interacting with the GitHub API.

The Client class is your main entrypoint into the GitHub user API. If you want to access the enterprise admin or enterprise management APIs, see EnterpriseAdminClient and EnterpriseManagementClient respectively.

Configuration: Configuration options for Client are stored in Configurable and include:

The following items are setters only:

Defaults for these are stored in Default. Most can be set using environment variables.


With standard auth:

@client ="watzon", "PASSWORD")

With access token:

@client ="watzon", access_token: "ACCESS_TOKEN")

With bearer token:

@client ="watzon", bearer_token: "BEARER_TOKEN")

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

CONVENIENCE_HEADERS = Set {"accept", "content_type"}


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Client::Say

say(text = nil) say

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Client::Statuses

combined_status(repo, ref) combined_status, create_status(repo, sha, state, **options) create_status, statuses(repo, sha) statuses

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Client::Search

search_code(query, **options) : Paginator(Models::CodeSearchResult) search_code, search_commits(query, **options) : Paginator(Models::CommitsSearchResult) search_commits, search_issues(query, **options) : Paginator(Models::IssuesSearchResult) search_issues, search_repositories(query, **options) : Paginator(Models::RepositoriesSearchResult) search_repositories, search_users(query, **options) : Paginator(Models::UsersSearchResult) search_users

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Client::Releases

create_release(repo, tag_name, **options) create_release, delete_release(repo, id, **options) delete_release, delete_release_asset(repo, id) delete_release_asset, latest_release(repo) latest_release, release(repo, id) release, release_asset(repo, id) release_asset, release_assets(repo, id, **options) release_assets, release_for_tag(repo, tag_name) release_for_tag, releases(path, **options) releases, update_release(repo, id, **options) update_release, update_release_asset(repo, id, **options) update_release_asset, upload_asset(repo, id, path_or_file, **options) upload_asset

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Client::Organizations

organization(organization) organization, organizations organizations, organizations_for_authenticated_user organizations_for_authenticated_user, organizations_for_user(user) organizations_for_user

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Client::Repositories

add_collaborator(repo, collaborator, **options) add_collaborator, add_deploy_key(repo, title, key, read_only = false) add_deploy_key, all_repositories(**options) all_repositories, branch(repo, branch) branch, branch_protection(repo, branch) branch_protection, branches(repo, get_protected = false) branches, check_assignee(repo, assignee) check_assignee, collaborator?(repo, collaborator) collaborator?, collaborators(repo, affiliation = :all) collaborators, contributors(repo, anon = false) contributors, create_repository(repo, organization = nil, **options) create_repository, delete_repository(repo) delete_repository, delete_subscription(repo, **options) delete_subscription, deploy_key(repo, id) deploy_key, deploy_keys(repo) deploy_keys, edit_repository(repo : String | Repository, **options) edit_repository, fork(repo) fork, forks(repo, sort = "newest") forks, languages(repo) languages, permission_level(repo, collaborator) permission_level, protect_branch(repo, branch, **options) protect_branch, remove_collaborator(repo, collaborator) remove_collaborator, remove_deploy_key(repo, id) remove_deploy_key, replace_all_topics(repo, names) replace_all_topics, repositories(user = nil, **options) repositories, repository(path) repository, repository?(repo) repository?, repository_assignees(repo) repository_assignees, repository_teams(repo) repository_teams, set_private(repo) set_private, set_public(repo) set_public, star(repo) star, stargazers(repo) stargazers, subscribers(repo) subscribers, subscription(repo) subscription, tags(repo) tags, topics(repo) topics, transfer_repository(repo, new_owner, team_ids : Array(Int32)) transfer_repository, unprotect_branch(repo, branch) unprotect_branch, unstar(repo) unstar, unwatch(repo) unwatch, update_subscription(repo, **options) update_subscription, watch(repo) watch

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Client::RateLimit

rate_limit rate_limit, rate_limit! rate_limit!

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Client::Users

add_email(email) add_email, add_key(title, key) add_key, all_users all_users, emails(**options) emails, exchange_code_for_token(code, app_id = client_id, app_secret = client_secret) exchange_code_for_token, follow(user) follow, followers(user, **options) followers, following(user, **options) following, follows?(user, target = nil) follows?, key(key_id) key, keys(user = nil) keys, public_emails(**options) public_emails, remove_email(email) remove_email, remove_key(id) remove_key, starred(user = login, **options) starred, starred?(repo) starred?, subscriptions(user = login, **options) subscriptions, toggle_email_visibility(options) toggle_email_visibility, unfollow(user) unfollow, update_user(**options) update_user, user(user = nil) user, validate_credentials(options = nil) validate_credentials

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Client::PubSubHubbub

subscribe(topic, callback, secret = nil) subscribe, subscribe_service_hook(repo, service_name, service_arguments = {} of String => String, secret = nil) subscribe_service_hook, unsubscribe(topic, callback) unsubscribe, unsubscribe_service_hook(repo, service_name) unsubscribe_service_hook

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Client::Markdown

markdown(text, mode = :markdown, context = nil) markdown

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Client::Issues

add_assignees(repo, number : Int32, assignees : Array(String | User)) add_assignees, add_comment(repo, number : Int32, comment : String) add_comment, close_issue(repo, number : Int32, **options) close_issue, create_issue(repo, title, body, **options) create_issue, delete_comment(repo, number : Int32) delete_comment, issue(repo, number : Int32) issue, issue_comment(repo, number : Int32) issue_comment, issue_comments(repo, number : Int32) issue_comments, issue_timeline(repo, number : Int32) issue_timeline, issues_comments(repo, number : Int32, **options) issues_comments, list_assignees(repo) list_assignees, list_issues(repo = nil, **options) list_issues, lock_issue(repo, number : Int32, **options) lock_issue, org_issues(org, **options) org_issues, remove_assignees(repo, number : Int32, assignees : Array(String | User)) remove_assignees, reopen_issue(repo, number : Int32, **options) reopen_issue, unlock_issue(repo, number : Int32, **options) unlock_issue, update_comment(repo, number : Int32, comment : String) update_comment, update_issue(repo, number : Int32, **options) update_issue, user_issues(**options) user_issues

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Client::Authorizations

authorizations(number : Int32) : Authorization
authorizations(**options) : Connection::Paginator(Authorization)
, authorize_url(app_id = client_id, **options) : String authorize_url, check_application_authorization(token, key = client_id) : Authorization check_application_authorization, create_authorization(*, client_id = nil, client_secret = nil, scopes = [] of String, note = nil, note_url = nil, idempotent = nil, fingerprint = nil) : Authorization create_authorization, delete_authorization(number : Int32) : Bool delete_authorization, reset_application_authorization(token, key = client_id) : Authorization reset_application_authorization, revoke_application_authorization(token, key = client_id) : Authorization revoke_application_authorization, scopes(token = @access_token, headers = nil) : Array(String) scopes, update_authorization(number : Int32, **options) : Authorization update_authorization

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Warnable

octokit_warn(message) octokit_warn

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Preview

api_media_type(type) api_media_type, warn_preview(type) warn_preview

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Connection

agent agent, delete(url, options = nil) delete, get(url, options = nil) get, head(url, options = nil) head, last_response last_response, paginate(klass : T.class, url : String, *, start_page = nil, per_page = nil, auto_paginate = @auto_paginate, options = nil) : Paginator(T) forall T
paginate(klass : T.class, url : String, *, start_page = nil, per_page = nil, auto_paginate = @auto_paginate, options = nil, &)
, patch(url, options = nil) patch, post(url, options = nil) post, put(url, options = nil) put, root root

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Authentication

application_authenticated? application_authenticated?, basic_authenticated? basic_authenticated?, bearer_authenticated? bearer_authenticated?, token_authenticated? token_authenticated?, user_authenticated? user_authenticated?

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Configurable

access_token access_token, access_token=(token) access_token=, add_middleware(middleware : Halite::Feature) add_middleware, api_endpoint api_endpoint, api_endpoint=(val) api_endpoint=, auto_paginate auto_paginate, auto_paginate=(val) auto_paginate=, bearer_token bearer_token, bearer_token=(token) bearer_token=, client_id client_id, client_id=(val) client_id=, client_secret client_secret, client_secret=(val) client_secret=, configure(&) configure, connection_options connection_options, connection_options=(val) connection_options=, default_media_type default_media_type, default_media_type=(val) default_media_type=, logger logger, logger=(val) logger=, login login, login=(val) login=, management_console_endpoint management_console_endpoint, management_console_endpoint=(val) management_console_endpoint=, middleware middleware, middleware=(val) middleware=, password=(val) password=, per_page per_page, per_page=(val) per_page=, proxy proxy, proxy=(val) proxy=, reset! reset!, ssl_verify_mode ssl_verify_mode, ssl_verify_mode=(mode) ssl_verify_mode=, user_agent user_agent, user_agent=(val) user_agent=, web_endpoint web_endpoint, web_endpoint=(val) web_endpoint=

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Authentication

application_authenticated? application_authenticated?, basic_authenticated? basic_authenticated?, bearer_authenticated? bearer_authenticated?, token_authenticated? token_authenticated?, user_authenticated? user_authenticated?

Constructor Detail

def : String | Nil = nil, password : String | Nil = nil, access_token : String | Nil = nil, bearer_token : String | Nil = nil, client_id : String | Nil = nil, client_secret : String | Nil = nil) #

Create a new Client instance.


cli ="watzon", "MY_PASSWORD")
pp cli.user # Show information about the logged in user

[View source]
def : String | Nil = nil, password : String | Nil = nil, access_token : String | Nil = nil, bearer_token : String | Nil = nil, client_id : String | Nil = nil, client_secret : String | Nil = nil, &) #

Create a new Client instance yielding a block.

Example:"watzon", "MY_PASSWORD") do |cli|
  pp cli.user # Show information about the logged in user

[View source]

Instance Method Detail

def access_token=(value : String) #

Set OAuth access token for authentication

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def as_app(key = @client_id, secret = @client_secret, &) #

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def bearer_token=(value : String) #

Set Bearer Token for authentication

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def client_id=(value : String) #

Set OAuth app client_id

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def client_secret=(value : String) #

Set OAuth app client_secret

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def client_without_redirects(options = {} of String => String) #

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def ensure_basic_authenticated! #

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def ensure_token_authenticated! #

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def inspect #

Text representation of the client, masking tokens and passwords

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def login=(value : String) #

Set username for authentication

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def password=(value : String) #

Set password for authentication

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