class Barista::Graph


A simple Directed Acyclic Graph

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Array(String) = [] of String, vertices : Hash(String, Barista::Graph::Vertex) = {} of String => Vertex) #

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Instance Method Detail

def add(node : String) #

Adds a task name to the Graph

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def add(node : Symbol) #

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def add_edge(from : String, to : String) : Nil #

Connects 2 tasks in the Graph with an edge

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def add_edge(from : Symbol, to : Symbol) #

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def filter(names, result = names.dup) #

Fetch a flat list of dependencies given an array of task names

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def nodes : Array(String) #

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def vertices : Hash(String, Barista::Graph::Vertex) #

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