module Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::Task

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::PlatformEnv

with_destdir(env : Hash(String, String) | Nil = {} of String => String) with_destdir, with_embedded_path(env = {} of String => String) : Hash(String, String) with_embedded_path, with_standard_compiler_flags(env = {} of String => String, opts = {} of String => String) : Hash(String, String) with_standard_compiler_flags

Instance methods inherited from module Barista::Behaviors::Software::Task

block(name = nil, &block : -> ) block, build : Nil build, command(str : String, **args) command, commands commands, copy(src, dest, **args) copy, emit(str : String) emit, emit_error(str : String) emit_error, execute execute, link(src, dest, **args) link, mkdir(dir, **args) mkdir, patch(path : String, **args) patch, sync(src, dest, **args, &block : Merger::Strategy)
sync(src, dest, **args)
, template(**args) template

Instance methods inherited from module Barista::Behaviors::Software::FileMacros

file(key : String) file

Macros inherited from module Barista::Behaviors::Software::FileMacros

file(key, path) file

Instance methods inherited from module Barista::Behaviors::Software::Emittable

collect_error(arr : Array(String)) collect_error, collect_output(arr : Array(String)) collect_output, forward_error(&block : String -> ) forward_error, forward_output(&block : String -> ) forward_output, on_error
on_error(&block : String -> Nil)
, on_output
on_output(&block : String -> Nil)

Instance methods inherited from module Barista::Behaviors::Software::OS::Information

kernel : Kernel.class kernel

Instance methods inherited from module Barista::Behaviors::Software::OS::PlatformFamily

aix? aix?, amazon? amazon?, arch? arch?, debian? debian?, fedora? fedora?, freebsd? freebsd?, gentoo? gentoo?, macos? macos?, netbsd? netbsd?, openbsd? openbsd?, platform_short_name platform_short_name, redhat_based? redhat_based?, rhel6? rhel6?, rhel7? rhel7?, rhel8? rhel8?, rhel? rhel?, rpm_based? rpm_based?, smartos? smartos?, solaris? solaris?, suse? suse?

Instance methods inherited from module Barista::Behaviors::Software::OS::Linux::Information

memory memory, platform platform

Macros inherited from module Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::Macros

gen_collection_method(name, var_name, type) gen_collection_method, gen_method(name, type, &block) gen_method

Constructor Detail

def : Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::Project, callbacks : Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::CacheCallbacks = #

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Instance Method Detail

def barista_dir(*args, **options) #

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def barista_dir(*args, **options, &) #

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def bin(exe, command, **args) #

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def cache(val : Bool | Nil = nil) #

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def callbacks #

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def command(str : String, chdir : String = source_dir, **args) #

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abstract def configure : Nil #

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def copy(src, dest, chdir : String = source_dir, **args) #

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def execute #

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def fetching_dir #

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def install_dir(*args, **options) #

[View source]
def install_dir(*args, **options, &) #

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def license(val : String | Nil = nil) #

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def license_collector(*args, **options) #

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def license_collector(*args, **options, &) #

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def license_file(val : String) #

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def license_files #

def link(src, dest, chdir : String = source_dir, **args) #

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def local_source(location : String, **opts) #

Uses a local source

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def mkdir(dir, **args) #

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def patch(path : String, chdir : String = source_dir, **args) #

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def preserve_symlinks(val : Bool | Nil = nil) #

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def project #

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def relative_path(val : String | Nil = nil) #

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def restore #

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def shasum : String #

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def smart_install_dir #

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def source(location : String, **opts) #

Define the source code to fetch when building this project

Currently only supports Barista::Behaviors::Omnibus::Fetchers::Net

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Returns a configured fetcher if one exists.

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def source_dir #

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def source_type(val : String | Nil = nil) #

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def stage_dir #

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def stage_install_dir #

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def sync(src, dest, exclude = [] of String, **args, &block : Software::Merger::Strategy) #

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def sync(src, dest, exclude = [] of String, **args) #

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def tag #

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def to_manifest_entry #

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def update_cache #

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def use_cache? #

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def version(val : String | Nil = nil) #

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def virtual(val : Bool | Nil = nil) #

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