class Barista::Behaviors::Software::Commands::Template

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Barista::Behaviors::Software::Commands::Base

description : String description, execute execute

Instance methods inherited from module Barista::Behaviors::Software::Emittable

collect_error(arr : Array(String)) collect_error, collect_output(arr : Array(String)) collect_output, forward_error(&block : String -> ) forward_error, forward_output(&block : String -> ) forward_output, on_error
on_error(&block : String -> Nil)
, on_output
on_output(&block : String -> Nil)

Constructor Detail

def*, dest : String, src : String, mode : File::Permissions, vars : Hash(String, String) | Hash(String, Crinja::Value), string : Bool = false) #

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Instance Method Detail

def config : Crinja::Config #

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def crinja #

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def description : String #
Description copied from class Barista::Behaviors::Software::Commands::Base

A unique string representing this command

used to calculate the shasum for the builder

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def dest : String #

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def execute #
Description copied from class Barista::Behaviors::Software::Commands::Base

executes the command

takes the name of the task, a BuildMeta for logging, and an optional file handle for logging.

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def mode : File::Permissions #

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def src : String #

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def string : Bool #

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def vars : Hash(String, Crinja::Value) | Hash(String, String) #

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