class OceanKit::Resource::Snapshot
- OceanKit::Resource::Snapshot
- OceanKit::Resource::Base
- Reference
- Object
Snapshots are saved instances of a Droplet or a volume, which is reflected in the resource_type attribute. In order to avoid problems with compressing filesystems, each defines a min_disk_size attribute which is the minimum size of the Droplet or volume disk when creating a new resource from the saved snapshot.
Defined in:
ocean_kit/resources/snapshot.crInstance Method Summary
To list all of the snapshots available on your account,
- #delete(id)
- #find(id)
- #snapshots
Constructor methods inherited from class OceanKit::Resource::Base
new(headers : HTTP::Headers | Nil)
Instance methods inherited from module OceanKit::Client::Connection
destroy(path, options = nil)
get(path, options = nil)
post(path, options)
put(path, options)
request(http_method, path, options)
Instance Method Detail
def all
To list all of the snapshots available on your account,
The response will be a JSON
object with a key called snapshots.
This will be set to an array of snapshot objects, each of which will contain
the standard snapshot attributes