class OceanKit::Resource::FloatingIps
- OceanKit::Resource::FloatingIps
- OceanKit::Resource::Base
- Reference
- Object
Floating IP
objects represent a publicly-accessible
static IP addresses that can be mapped to one of
your Droplets. They can be used to create highly
available setups or other configurations requiring
movable addresses.
Floating IP
are bound to a specific region.
Defined in:
ocean_kit/resources/floating_ips.crInstance Method Summary
List all of the Floating IPs available on your account
On creation, a Floating IP must be either assigned to a Droplet or reserved to a region
Delete a Floating IP and remove it from your account No response body will be sent back Response code will be a 204, which means that the action was successful
Show information about a Floating IP
- #floating_ips
Constructor methods inherited from class OceanKit::Resource::Base
new(headers : HTTP::Headers | Nil)
Instance methods inherited from module OceanKit::Client::Connection
destroy(path, options = nil)
get(path, options = nil)
post(path, options)
put(path, options)
request(http_method, path, options)
Instance Method Detail
On creation, a Floating IP must be either assigned to a Droplet or reserved to a region
Delete a Floating IP and remove it from your account No response body will be sent back Response code will be a 204, which means that the action was successful