class OceanKit::Resource::Image
- OceanKit::Resource::Image
- OceanKit::Resource::Base
- Reference
- Object
Images in DigitalOcean may refer to one of a few different kinds of objects. An image may refer to a snapshot that has been taken of a Droplet instance. It may also mean an image representing an automatic backup of a Droplet. The third category that it can represent is a public Linux distribution or application image that is used as a base to create Droplets.
Defined in:
ocean_kit/resources/image.crInstance Method Summary
To list all of the images available on your account
Retrieve only application images
Retrieve only distribution images
To retrieve only the private images
Delete an image
Retrieve information about an image (public or private), The response will be a JSON object with a key called image.
- #images
#update(id, name)
Update an image
Constructor methods inherited from class OceanKit::Resource::Base
new(headers : HTTP::Headers | Nil)
Instance methods inherited from module OceanKit::Client::Connection
destroy(path, options = nil)
get(path, options = nil)
post(path, options)
put(path, options)
request(http_method, path, options)
Instance Method Detail
To list all of the images available on your account
The response will be a JSON object with a key called images. This will be set to an array of image objects, each of which will contain the standard image attributes:
Retrieve information about an image (public or private), The response will be a JSON object with a key called image. The value of this will be an image object containing the standard image attributes.