module OpenGL::Procs

Extended Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def active_shader_program : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glActiveShaderProgram.

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def active_texture : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glActiveTexture.

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def attach_shader : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glAttachShader.

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def begin_conditional_render : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBeginConditionalRender.

[View source]
def begin_query : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBeginQuery.

[View source]
def begin_query_indexed : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBeginQueryIndexed.

[View source]
def begin_transform_feedback : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBeginTransformFeedback.

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def bind_attrib_location : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindAttribLocation.

[View source]
def bind_buffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindBuffer.

[View source]
def bind_buffer_base : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindBufferBase.

[View source]
def bind_buffer_range : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindBufferRange.

[View source]
def bind_buffers_base : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindBuffersBase.

[View source]
def bind_buffers_range : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindBuffersRange.

[View source]
def bind_frag_data_location : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindFragDataLocation.

[View source]
def bind_frag_data_location_indexed : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindFragDataLocationIndexed.

[View source]
def bind_framebuffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindFramebuffer.

[View source]
def bind_image_texture : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindImageTexture.

[View source]
def bind_image_textures : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindImageTextures.

[View source]
def bind_program_pipeline : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindProgramPipeline.

[View source]
def bind_renderbuffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindRenderbuffer.

[View source]
def bind_sampler : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindSampler.

[View source]
def bind_samplers : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindSamplers.

[View source]
def bind_texture : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindTexture.

[View source]
def bind_texture_unit : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindTextureUnit.

[View source]
def bind_textures : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindTextures.

[View source]
def bind_transform_feedback : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindTransformFeedback.

[View source]
def bind_vertex_array : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindVertexArray.

[View source]
def bind_vertex_buffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindVertexBuffer.

[View source]
def bind_vertex_buffers : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBindVertexBuffers.

[View source]
def blend_color : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBlendColor.

[View source]
def blend_equation : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBlendEquation.

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def blend_equation_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBlendEquationi.

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def blend_equation_separate : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBlendEquationSeparate.

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def blend_equation_separate_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBlendEquationSeparatei.

[View source]
def blend_func : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBlendFunc.

[View source]
def blend_func_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBlendFunci.

[View source]
def blend_func_separate : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBlendFuncSeparate.

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def blend_func_separate_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBlendFuncSeparatei.

[View source]
def blit_framebuffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBlitFramebuffer.

[View source]
def blit_named_framebuffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBlitNamedFramebuffer.

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def buffer_data : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBufferData.

[View source]
def buffer_storage : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBufferStorage.

[View source]
def buffer_sub_data : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glBufferSubData.

[View source]
def check_framebuffer_status : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCheckFramebufferStatus.

[View source]
def check_named_framebuffer_status : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCheckNamedFramebufferStatus.

[View source]
def clamp_color : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClampColor.

[View source]
def clear : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClear.

[View source]
def clear_buffer_data : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearBufferData.

[View source]
def clear_buffer_fi : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearBufferfi.

[View source]
def clear_buffer_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearBufferfv.

[View source]
def clear_buffer_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearBufferiv.

[View source]
def clear_buffer_sub_data : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearBufferSubData.

[View source]
def clear_buffer_uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearBufferuiv.

[View source]
def clear_color : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearColor.

[View source]
def clear_depth : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearDepth.

[View source]
def clear_depth_f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearDepthf.

[View source]
def clear_named_buffer_data : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearNamedBufferData.

[View source]
def clear_named_buffer_sub_data : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearNamedBufferSubData.

[View source]
def clear_named_framebuffer_fi : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearNamedFramebufferfi.

[View source]
def clear_named_framebuffer_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearNamedFramebufferfv.

[View source]
def clear_named_framebuffer_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearNamedFramebufferiv.

[View source]
def clear_named_framebuffer_uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearNamedFramebufferuiv.

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def clear_stencil : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearStencil.

[View source]
def clear_tex_image : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearTexImage.

[View source]
def clear_tex_sub_image : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClearTexSubImage.

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def client_wait_sync : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClientWaitSync.

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def clip_control : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glClipControl.

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def color_mask : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glColorMask.

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def color_mask_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glColorMaski.

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def compile_shader : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCompileShader.

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def compressed_tex_image_1d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCompressedTexImage1D.

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def compressed_tex_image_2d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCompressedTexImage2D.

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def compressed_tex_image_3d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCompressedTexImage3D.

[View source]
def compressed_tex_sub_image_1d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCompressedTexSubImage1D.

[View source]
def compressed_tex_sub_image_2d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCompressedTexSubImage2D.

[View source]
def compressed_tex_sub_image_3d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCompressedTexSubImage3D.

[View source]
def compressed_texture_sub_image_1d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCompressedTextureSubImage1D.

[View source]
def compressed_texture_sub_image_2d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCompressedTextureSubImage2D.

[View source]
def compressed_texture_sub_image_3d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCompressedTextureSubImage3D.

[View source]
def copy_buffer_sub_data : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCopyBufferSubData.

[View source]
def copy_image_sub_data : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCopyImageSubData.

[View source]
def copy_named_buffer_sub_data : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCopyNamedBufferSubData.

[View source]
def copy_tex_image_1d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCopyTexImage1D.

[View source]
def copy_tex_image_2d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCopyTexImage2D.

[View source]
def copy_tex_sub_image_1d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCopyTexSubImage1D.

[View source]
def copy_tex_sub_image_2d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCopyTexSubImage2D.

[View source]
def copy_tex_sub_image_3d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCopyTexSubImage3D.

[View source]
def copy_texture_sub_image_1d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCopyTextureSubImage1D.

[View source]
def copy_texture_sub_image_2d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCopyTextureSubImage2D.

[View source]
def copy_texture_sub_image_3d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCopyTextureSubImage3D.

[View source]
def create_buffers : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCreateBuffers.

[View source]
def create_framebuffers : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCreateFramebuffers.

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def create_program : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCreateProgram.

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def create_program_pipelines : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCreateProgramPipelines.

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def create_queries : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCreateQueries.

[View source]
def create_renderbuffers : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCreateRenderbuffers.

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def create_samplers : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCreateSamplers.

[View source]
def create_shader : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCreateShader.

[View source]
def create_shader_program_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCreateShaderProgramv.

[View source]
def create_textures : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCreateTextures.

[View source]
def create_transform_feedbacks : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCreateTransformFeedbacks.

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def create_vertex_arrays : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCreateVertexArrays.

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def cull_face : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glCullFace.

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def debug_message_callback : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDebugMessageCallback.

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def debug_message_control : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDebugMessageControl.

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def debug_message_insert : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDebugMessageInsert.

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def delete_buffers : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDeleteBuffers.

[View source]
def delete_framebuffers : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDeleteFramebuffers.

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def delete_program : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDeleteProgram.

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def delete_program_pipelines : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDeleteProgramPipelines.

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def delete_queries : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDeleteQueries.

[View source]
def delete_renderbuffers : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDeleteRenderbuffers.

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def delete_samplers : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDeleteSamplers.

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def delete_shader : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDeleteShader.

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def delete_sync : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDeleteSync.

[View source]
def delete_textures : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDeleteTextures.

[View source]
def delete_transform_feedbacks : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDeleteTransformFeedbacks.

[View source]
def delete_vertex_arrays : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDeleteVertexArrays.

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def depth_func : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDepthFunc.

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def depth_mask : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDepthMask.

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def depth_range : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDepthRange.

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def depth_range_array_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDepthRangeArrayv.

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def depth_range_f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDepthRangef.

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def depth_range_indexed : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDepthRangeIndexed.

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def detach_shader : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDetachShader.

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def disable : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDisable.

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def disable_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDisablei.

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def disable_vertex_array_attrib : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDisableVertexArrayAttrib.

[View source]
def disable_vertex_attrib_array : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDisableVertexAttribArray.

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def dispatch_compute : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDispatchCompute.

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def dispatch_compute_indirect : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDispatchComputeIndirect.

[View source]
def draw_arrays : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawArrays.

[View source]
def draw_arrays_indirect : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawArraysIndirect.

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def draw_arrays_instanced : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawArraysInstanced.

[View source]
def draw_arrays_instanced_base_instance : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance.

[View source]
def draw_buffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawBuffer.

[View source]
def draw_buffers : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawBuffers.

[View source]
def draw_elements : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawElements.

[View source]
def draw_elements_base_vertex : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawElementsBaseVertex.

[View source]
def draw_elements_indirect : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawElementsIndirect.

[View source]
def draw_elements_instanced : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawElementsInstanced.

[View source]
def draw_elements_instanced_base_instance : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance.

[View source]
def draw_elements_instanced_base_vertex : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex.

[View source]
def draw_elements_instanced_base_vertex_base_instance : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance.

[View source]
def draw_range_elements : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawRangeElements.

[View source]
def draw_range_elements_base_vertex : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex.

[View source]
def draw_transform_feedback : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawTransformFeedback.

[View source]
def draw_transform_feedback_instanced : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced.

[View source]
def draw_transform_feedback_stream : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawTransformFeedbackStream.

[View source]
def draw_transform_feedback_stream_instanced : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced.

[View source]
def enable : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glEnable.

[View source]
def enable_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glEnablei.

[View source]
def enable_vertex_array_attrib : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glEnableVertexArrayAttrib.

[View source]
def enable_vertex_attrib_array : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glEnableVertexAttribArray.

[View source]
def end_conditional_render : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glEndConditionalRender.

[View source]
def end_query : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glEndQuery.

[View source]
def end_query_indexed : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glEndQueryIndexed.

[View source]
def end_transform_feedback : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glEndTransformFeedback.

[View source]
def fence_sync : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glFenceSync.

[View source]
def finish : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glFinish.

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def flush : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glFlush.

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def flush_mapped_buffer_range : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glFlushMappedBufferRange.

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def flush_mapped_named_buffer_range : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glFlushMappedNamedBufferRange.

[View source]
def framebuffer_parameter_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glFramebufferParameteri.

[View source]
def framebuffer_renderbuffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glFramebufferRenderbuffer.

[View source]
def framebuffer_texture : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glFramebufferTexture.

[View source]
def framebuffer_texture_1d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glFramebufferTexture1D.

[View source]
def framebuffer_texture_2d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glFramebufferTexture2D.

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def framebuffer_texture_3d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glFramebufferTexture3D.

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def framebuffer_texture_layer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glFramebufferTextureLayer.

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def front_face : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glFrontFace.

[View source]
def gen_buffers : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGenBuffers.

[View source]
def gen_framebuffers : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGenFramebuffers.

[View source]
def gen_program_pipelines : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGenProgramPipelines.

[View source]
def gen_queries : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGenQueries.

[View source]
def gen_renderbuffers : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGenRenderbuffers.

[View source]
def gen_samplers : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGenSamplers.

[View source]
def gen_textures : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGenTextures.

[View source]
def gen_transform_feedbacks : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGenTransformFeedbacks.

[View source]
def gen_vertex_arrays : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGenVertexArrays.

[View source]
def generate_mipmap : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGenerateMipmap.

[View source]
def generate_texture_mipmap : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGenerateTextureMipmap.

[View source]
def get_active_atomic_counter_buffer_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv.

[View source]
def get_active_attrib : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetActiveAttrib.

[View source]
def get_active_subroutine_name : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetActiveSubroutineName.

[View source]
def get_active_subroutine_uniform_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv.

[View source]
def get_active_subroutine_uniform_name : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName.

[View source]
def get_active_uniform : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetActiveUniform.

[View source]
def get_active_uniform_block_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetActiveUniformBlockiv.

[View source]
def get_active_uniform_block_name : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetActiveUniformBlockName.

[View source]
def get_active_uniform_name : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetActiveUniformName.

[View source]
def get_active_uniforms_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetActiveUniformsiv.

[View source]
def get_attached_shaders : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetAttachedShaders.

[View source]
def get_attrib_location : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetAttribLocation.

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def get_boolean_i_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetBooleani_v.

[View source]
def get_boolean_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetBooleanv.

[View source]
def get_buffer_parameter_i64v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetBufferParameteri64v.

[View source]
def get_buffer_parameter_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetBufferParameteriv.

[View source]
def get_buffer_pointer_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetBufferPointerv.

[View source]
def get_buffer_sub_data : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetBufferSubData.

[View source]
def get_compressed_tex_image : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetCompressedTexImage.

[View source]
def get_compressed_texture_image : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetCompressedTextureImage.

[View source]
def get_compressed_texture_sub_image : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetCompressedTextureSubImage.

[View source]
def get_debug_message_log : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetDebugMessageLog.

[View source]
def get_double_i_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetDoublei_v.

[View source]
def get_double_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetDoublev.

[View source]
def get_error : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetError.

[View source]
def get_float_i_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetFloati_v.

[View source]
def get_float_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetFloatv.

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def get_frag_data_index : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetFragDataIndex.

[View source]
def get_frag_data_location : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetFragDataLocation.

[View source]
def get_framebuffer_attachment_parameter_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv.

[View source]
def get_framebuffer_parameter_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetFramebufferParameteriv.

[View source]
def get_graphics_reset_status : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetGraphicsResetStatus.

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def get_integer_64i_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetInteger64i_v.

[View source]
def get_integer_64v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetInteger64v.

[View source]
def get_integer_i_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetIntegeri_v.

[View source]
def get_integer_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetIntegerv.

[View source]
def get_internalformat_i64v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetInternalformati64v.

[View source]
def get_internalformat_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetInternalformativ.

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def get_multisample_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetMultisamplefv.

[View source]
def get_named_buffer_parameter_i64v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetNamedBufferParameteri64v.

[View source]
def get_named_buffer_parameter_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetNamedBufferParameteriv.

[View source]
def get_named_buffer_pointer_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetNamedBufferPointerv.

[View source]
def get_named_buffer_sub_data : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetNamedBufferSubData.

[View source]
def get_named_framebuffer_attachment_parameter_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv.

[View source]
def get_named_framebuffer_parameter_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetNamedFramebufferParameteriv.

[View source]
def get_named_renderbuffer_parameter_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv.

[View source]
def get_object_label : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetObjectLabel.

[View source]
def get_object_ptr_label : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetObjectPtrLabel.

[View source]
def get_pointer_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetPointerv.

[View source]
def get_program_binary : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetProgramBinary.

[View source]
def get_program_info_log : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetProgramInfoLog.

[View source]
def get_program_interface_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetProgramInterfaceiv.

[View source]
def get_program_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetProgramiv.

[View source]
def get_program_pipeline_info_log : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog.

[View source]
def get_program_pipeline_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetProgramPipelineiv.

[View source]
def get_program_resource_index : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetProgramResourceIndex.

[View source]
def get_program_resource_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetProgramResourceiv.

[View source]
def get_program_resource_location : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetProgramResourceLocation.

[View source]
def get_program_resource_location_index : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex.

[View source]
def get_program_resource_name : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetProgramResourceName.

[View source]
def get_program_stage_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetProgramStageiv.

[View source]
def get_query_buffer_object_i64v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetQueryBufferObjecti64v.

[View source]
def get_query_buffer_object_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetQueryBufferObjectiv.

[View source]
def get_query_buffer_object_ui64v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetQueryBufferObjectui64v.

[View source]
def get_query_buffer_object_uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetQueryBufferObjectuiv.

[View source]
def get_query_indexed_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetQueryIndexediv.

[View source]
def get_query_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetQueryiv.

[View source]
def get_query_object_i64v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetQueryObjecti64v.

[View source]
def get_query_object_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetQueryObjectiv.

[View source]
def get_query_object_ui64v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetQueryObjectui64v.

[View source]
def get_query_object_uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetQueryObjectuiv.

[View source]
def get_renderbuffer_parameter_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetRenderbufferParameteriv.

[View source]
def get_sampler_parameter_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetSamplerParameterfv.

[View source]
def get_sampler_parameter_i_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetSamplerParameterIiv.

[View source]
def get_sampler_parameter_i_uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetSamplerParameterIuiv.

[View source]
def get_sampler_parameter_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetSamplerParameteriv.

[View source]
def get_shader_info_log : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetShaderInfoLog.

[View source]
def get_shader_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetShaderiv.

[View source]
def get_shader_precision_format : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetShaderPrecisionFormat.

[View source]
def get_shader_source : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetShaderSource.

[View source]
def get_string : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetString.

[View source]
def get_string_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetStringi.

[View source]
def get_subroutine_index : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetSubroutineIndex.

[View source]
def get_subroutine_uniform_location : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetSubroutineUniformLocation.

[View source]
def get_sync_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetSynciv.

[View source]
def get_tex_image : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTexImage.

[View source]
def get_tex_level_parameter_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTexLevelParameterfv.

[View source]
def get_tex_level_parameter_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTexLevelParameteriv.

[View source]
def get_tex_parameter_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTexParameterfv.

[View source]
def get_tex_parameter_i_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTexParameterIiv.

[View source]
def get_tex_parameter_i_uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTexParameterIuiv.

[View source]
def get_tex_parameter_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTexParameteriv.

[View source]
def get_texture_image : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTextureImage.

[View source]
def get_texture_level_parameter_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTextureLevelParameterfv.

[View source]
def get_texture_level_parameter_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTextureLevelParameteriv.

[View source]
def get_texture_parameter_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTextureParameterfv.

[View source]
def get_texture_parameter_i_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTextureParameterIiv.

[View source]
def get_texture_parameter_i_uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTextureParameterIuiv.

[View source]
def get_texture_parameter_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTextureParameteriv.

[View source]
def get_texture_sub_image : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTextureSubImage.

[View source]
def get_transform_feedback_i64_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTransformFeedbacki64_v.

[View source]
def get_transform_feedback_i_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTransformFeedbacki_v.

[View source]
def get_transform_feedback_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTransformFeedbackiv.

[View source]
def get_transform_feedback_varying : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetTransformFeedbackVarying.

[View source]
def get_uniform_block_index : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetUniformBlockIndex.

[View source]
def get_uniform_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetUniformdv.

[View source]
def get_uniform_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetUniformfv.

[View source]
def get_uniform_indices : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetUniformIndices.

[View source]
def get_uniform_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetUniformiv.

[View source]
def get_uniform_location : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetUniformLocation.

[View source]
def get_uniform_subroutine_uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetUniformSubroutineuiv.

[View source]
def get_uniform_uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetUniformuiv.

[View source]
def get_vertex_array_indexed_64iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetVertexArrayIndexed64iv.

[View source]
def get_vertex_array_indexed_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetVertexArrayIndexediv.

[View source]
def get_vertex_array_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetVertexArrayiv.

[View source]
def get_vertex_attrib_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetVertexAttribdv.

[View source]
def get_vertex_attrib_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetVertexAttribfv.

[View source]
def get_vertex_attrib_i_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetVertexAttribIiv.

[View source]
def get_vertex_attrib_i_uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetVertexAttribIuiv.

[View source]
def get_vertex_attrib_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetVertexAttribiv.

[View source]
def get_vertex_attrib_l_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetVertexAttribLdv.

[View source]
def get_vertex_attrib_pointer_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetVertexAttribPointerv.

[View source]
def getn_compressed_tex_image : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetnCompressedTexImage.

[View source]
def getn_tex_image : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetnTexImage.

[View source]
def getn_uniform_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetnUniformdv.

[View source]
def getn_uniform_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetnUniformfv.

[View source]
def getn_uniform_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetnUniformiv.

[View source]
def getn_uniform_uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glGetnUniformuiv.

[View source]
def hint : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glHint.

[View source]
def invalidate_buffer_data : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glInvalidateBufferData.

[View source]
def invalidate_buffer_sub_data : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glInvalidateBufferSubData.

[View source]
def invalidate_framebuffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glInvalidateFramebuffer.

[View source]
def invalidate_named_framebuffer_data : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glInvalidateNamedFramebufferData.

[View source]
def invalidate_named_framebuffer_sub_data : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glInvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData.

[View source]
def invalidate_sub_framebuffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glInvalidateSubFramebuffer.

[View source]
def invalidate_tex_image : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glInvalidateTexImage.

[View source]
def invalidate_tex_sub_image : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glInvalidateTexSubImage.

[View source]
def is_buffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glIsBuffer.

[View source]
def is_enabled : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glIsEnabled.

[View source]
def is_enabled_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glIsEnabledi.

[View source]
def is_framebuffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glIsFramebuffer.

[View source]
def is_program : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glIsProgram.

[View source]
def is_program_pipeline : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glIsProgramPipeline.

[View source]
def is_query : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glIsQuery.

[View source]
def is_renderbuffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glIsRenderbuffer.

[View source]
def is_sampler : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glIsSampler.

[View source]
def is_shader : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glIsShader.

[View source]
def is_sync : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glIsSync.

[View source]
def is_texture : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glIsTexture.

[View source]
def is_transform_feedback : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glIsTransformFeedback.

[View source]
def is_vertex_array : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glIsVertexArray.

[View source]
def line_width : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glLineWidth.

[View source]
def link_program : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glLinkProgram.

[View source]
def logic_op : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glLogicOp.

[View source]
def map_buffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glMapBuffer.

[View source]
def map_buffer_range : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glMapBufferRange.

[View source]
def map_named_buffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glMapNamedBuffer.

[View source]
def map_named_buffer_range : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glMapNamedBufferRange.

[View source]
def memory_barrier : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glMemoryBarrier.

[View source]
def memory_barrier_by_region : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glMemoryBarrierByRegion.

[View source]
def min_sample_shading : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glMinSampleShading.

[View source]
def multi_draw_arrays : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glMultiDrawArrays.

[View source]
def multi_draw_arrays_indirect : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glMultiDrawArraysIndirect.

[View source]
def multi_draw_arrays_indirect_count : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glMultiDrawArraysIndirectCount.

[View source]
def multi_draw_elements : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glMultiDrawElements.

[View source]
def multi_draw_elements_base_vertex : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex.

[View source]
def multi_draw_elements_indirect : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glMultiDrawElementsIndirect.

[View source]
def multi_draw_elements_indirect_count : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glMultiDrawElementsIndirectCount.

[View source]
def named_buffer_data : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glNamedBufferData.

[View source]
def named_buffer_storage : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glNamedBufferStorage.

[View source]
def named_buffer_sub_data : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glNamedBufferSubData.

[View source]
def named_framebuffer_draw_buffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffer.

[View source]
def named_framebuffer_draw_buffers : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffers.

[View source]
def named_framebuffer_parameter_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glNamedFramebufferParameteri.

[View source]
def named_framebuffer_read_buffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glNamedFramebufferReadBuffer.

[View source]
def named_framebuffer_renderbuffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glNamedFramebufferRenderbuffer.

[View source]
def named_framebuffer_texture : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glNamedFramebufferTexture.

[View source]
def named_framebuffer_texture_layer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glNamedFramebufferTextureLayer.

[View source]
def named_renderbuffer_storage : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glNamedRenderbufferStorage.

[View source]
def named_renderbuffer_storage_multisample : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample.

[View source]
def object_label : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glObjectLabel.

[View source]
def object_ptr_label : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glObjectPtrLabel.

[View source]
def patch_parameter_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glPatchParameterfv.

[View source]
def patch_parameter_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glPatchParameteri.

[View source]
def pause_transform_feedback : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glPauseTransformFeedback.

[View source]
def pixel_store_f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glPixelStoref.

[View source]
def pixel_store_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glPixelStorei.

[View source]
def point_parameter_f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glPointParameterf.

[View source]
def point_parameter_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glPointParameterfv.

[View source]
def point_parameter_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glPointParameteri.

[View source]
def point_parameter_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glPointParameteriv.

[View source]
def point_size : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glPointSize.

[View source]
def polygon_mode : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glPolygonMode.

[View source]
def polygon_offset : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glPolygonOffset.

[View source]
def polygon_offset_clamp : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glPolygonOffsetClamp.

[View source]
def pop_debug_group : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glPopDebugGroup.

[View source]
def primitive_restart_index : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glPrimitiveRestartIndex.

[View source]
def program_binary : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramBinary.

[View source]
def program_parameter_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramParameteri.

[View source]
def program_uniform_1d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform1d.

[View source]
def program_uniform_1dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform1dv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_1f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform1f.

[View source]
def program_uniform_1fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform1fv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_1i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform1i.

[View source]
def program_uniform_1iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform1iv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_1ui : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform1ui.

[View source]
def program_uniform_1uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform1uiv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_2d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform2d.

[View source]
def program_uniform_2dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform2dv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_2f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform2f.

[View source]
def program_uniform_2fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform2fv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_2i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform2i.

[View source]
def program_uniform_2iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform2iv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_2ui : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform2ui.

[View source]
def program_uniform_2uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform2uiv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_3d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform3d.

[View source]
def program_uniform_3dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform3dv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_3f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform3f.

[View source]
def program_uniform_3fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform3fv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_3i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform3i.

[View source]
def program_uniform_3iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform3iv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_3ui : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform3ui.

[View source]
def program_uniform_3uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform3uiv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_4d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform4d.

[View source]
def program_uniform_4dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform4dv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_4f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform4f.

[View source]
def program_uniform_4fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform4fv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_4i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform4i.

[View source]
def program_uniform_4iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform4iv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_4ui : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform4ui.

[View source]
def program_uniform_4uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniform4uiv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix2_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix2dv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix2_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix2fv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix2x3_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix2x3_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix2x4_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix2x4_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix3_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix3dv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix3_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix3fv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix3x2_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix3x2_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix3x4_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix3x4_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix4_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix4dv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix4_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix4fv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix4x2_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix4x2_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix4x3_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv.

[View source]
def program_uniform_matrix4x3_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv.

[View source]
def provoking_vertex : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glProvokingVertex.

[View source]
def push_debug_group : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glPushDebugGroup.

[View source]
def query_counter : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glQueryCounter.

[View source]
def read_buffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glReadBuffer.

[View source]
def read_pixels : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glReadPixels.

[View source]
def readn_pixels : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glReadnPixels.

[View source]
def release_shader_compiler : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glReleaseShaderCompiler.

[View source]
def renderbuffer_storage : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glRenderbufferStorage.

[View source]
def renderbuffer_storage_multisample : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glRenderbufferStorageMultisample.

[View source]
def resume_transform_feedback : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glResumeTransformFeedback.

[View source]
def sample_coverage : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glSampleCoverage.

[View source]
def sample_mask_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glSampleMaski.

[View source]
def sampler_parameter_f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glSamplerParameterf.

[View source]
def sampler_parameter_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glSamplerParameterfv.

[View source]
def sampler_parameter_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glSamplerParameteri.

[View source]
def sampler_parameter_i_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glSamplerParameterIiv.

[View source]
def sampler_parameter_i_uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glSamplerParameterIuiv.

[View source]
def sampler_parameter_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glSamplerParameteriv.

[View source]
def scissor : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glScissor.

[View source]
def scissor_array_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glScissorArrayv.

[View source]
def scissor_indexed : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glScissorIndexed.

[View source]
def scissor_indexedv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glScissorIndexedv.

[View source]
def shader_binary : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glShaderBinary.

[View source]
def shader_source : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glShaderSource.

[View source]
def shader_storage_block_binding : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glShaderStorageBlockBinding.

[View source]
def specialize_shader : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glSpecializeShader.

[View source]
def stencil_func : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glStencilFunc.

[View source]
def stencil_func_separate : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glStencilFuncSeparate.

[View source]
def stencil_mask : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glStencilMask.

[View source]
def stencil_mask_separate : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glStencilMaskSeparate.

[View source]
def stencil_op : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glStencilOp.

[View source]
def stencil_op_separate : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glStencilOpSeparate.

[View source]
def tex_buffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexBuffer.

[View source]
def tex_buffer_range : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexBufferRange.

[View source]
def tex_image_1d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexImage1D.

[View source]
def tex_image_2d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexImage2D.

[View source]
def tex_image_2d_multisample : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexImage2DMultisample.

[View source]
def tex_image_3d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexImage3D.

[View source]
def tex_image_3d_multisample : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexImage3DMultisample.

[View source]
def tex_parameter_f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexParameterf.

[View source]
def tex_parameter_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexParameterfv.

[View source]
def tex_parameter_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexParameteri.

[View source]
def tex_parameter_i_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexParameterIiv.

[View source]
def tex_parameter_i_uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexParameterIuiv.

[View source]
def tex_parameter_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexParameteriv.

[View source]
def tex_storage_1d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexStorage1D.

[View source]
def tex_storage_2d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexStorage2D.

[View source]
def tex_storage_2d_multisample : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexStorage2DMultisample.

[View source]
def tex_storage_3d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexStorage3D.

[View source]
def tex_storage_3d_multisample : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexStorage3DMultisample.

[View source]
def tex_sub_image_1d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexSubImage1D.

[View source]
def tex_sub_image_2d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexSubImage2D.

[View source]
def tex_sub_image_3d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTexSubImage3D.

[View source]
def texture_barrier : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureBarrier.

[View source]
def texture_buffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureBuffer.

[View source]
def texture_buffer_range : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureBufferRange.

[View source]
def texture_parameter_f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureParameterf.

[View source]
def texture_parameter_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureParameterfv.

[View source]
def texture_parameter_i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureParameteri.

[View source]
def texture_parameter_i_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureParameterIiv.

[View source]
def texture_parameter_i_uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureParameterIuiv.

[View source]
def texture_parameter_iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureParameteriv.

[View source]
def texture_storage_1d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureStorage1D.

[View source]
def texture_storage_2d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureStorage2D.

[View source]
def texture_storage_2d_multisample : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureStorage2DMultisample.

[View source]
def texture_storage_3d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureStorage3D.

[View source]
def texture_storage_3d_multisample : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureStorage3DMultisample.

[View source]
def texture_sub_image_1d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureSubImage1D.

[View source]
def texture_sub_image_2d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureSubImage2D.

[View source]
def texture_sub_image_3d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureSubImage3D.

[View source]
def texture_view : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTextureView.

[View source]
def transform_feedback_buffer_base : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTransformFeedbackBufferBase.

[View source]
def transform_feedback_buffer_range : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTransformFeedbackBufferRange.

[View source]
def transform_feedback_varyings : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glTransformFeedbackVaryings.

[View source]
def uniform_1d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform1d.

[View source]
def uniform_1dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform1dv.

[View source]
def uniform_1f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform1f.

[View source]
def uniform_1fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform1fv.

[View source]
def uniform_1i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform1i.

[View source]
def uniform_1iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform1iv.

[View source]
def uniform_1ui : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform1ui.

[View source]
def uniform_1uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform1uiv.

[View source]
def uniform_2d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform2d.

[View source]
def uniform_2dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform2dv.

[View source]
def uniform_2f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform2f.

[View source]
def uniform_2fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform2fv.

[View source]
def uniform_2i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform2i.

[View source]
def uniform_2iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform2iv.

[View source]
def uniform_2ui : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform2ui.

[View source]
def uniform_2uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform2uiv.

[View source]
def uniform_3d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform3d.

[View source]
def uniform_3dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform3dv.

[View source]
def uniform_3f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform3f.

[View source]
def uniform_3fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform3fv.

[View source]
def uniform_3i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform3i.

[View source]
def uniform_3iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform3iv.

[View source]
def uniform_3ui : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform3ui.

[View source]
def uniform_3uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform3uiv.

[View source]
def uniform_4d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform4d.

[View source]
def uniform_4dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform4dv.

[View source]
def uniform_4f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform4f.

[View source]
def uniform_4fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform4fv.

[View source]
def uniform_4i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform4i.

[View source]
def uniform_4iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform4iv.

[View source]
def uniform_4ui : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform4ui.

[View source]
def uniform_4uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniform4uiv.

[View source]
def uniform_block_binding : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformBlockBinding.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix2_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix2dv.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix2_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix2fv.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix2x3_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix2x3dv.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix2x3_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix2x3fv.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix2x4_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix2x4dv.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix2x4_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix2x4fv.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix3_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix3dv.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix3_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix3fv.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix3x2_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix3x2dv.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix3x2_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix3x2fv.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix3x4_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix3x4dv.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix3x4_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix3x4fv.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix4_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix4dv.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix4_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix4fv.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix4x2_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix4x2dv.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix4x2_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix4x2fv.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix4x3_dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix4x3dv.

[View source]
def uniform_matrix4x3_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformMatrix4x3fv.

[View source]
def uniform_subroutines_uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUniformSubroutinesuiv.

[View source]
def unmap_buffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUnmapBuffer.

[View source]
def unmap_named_buffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUnmapNamedBuffer.

[View source]
def use_program : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUseProgram.

[View source]
def use_program_stages : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glUseProgramStages.

[View source]
def validate_program : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glValidateProgram.

[View source]
def validate_program_pipeline : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glValidateProgramPipeline.

[View source]
def vertex_array_attrib_binding : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexArrayAttribBinding.

[View source]
def vertex_array_attrib_format : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexArrayAttribFormat.

[View source]
def vertex_array_attrib_i_format : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexArrayAttribIFormat.

[View source]
def vertex_array_attrib_l_format : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexArrayAttribLFormat.

[View source]
def vertex_array_binding_divisor : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexArrayBindingDivisor.

[View source]
def vertex_array_element_buffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexArrayElementBuffer.

[View source]
def vertex_array_vertex_buffer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexArrayVertexBuffer.

[View source]
def vertex_array_vertex_buffers : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexArrayVertexBuffers.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_1d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib1d.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_1dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib1dv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_1f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib1f.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_1fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib1fv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_1s : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib1s.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_1sv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib1sv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_2d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib2d.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_2dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib2dv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_2f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib2f.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_2fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib2fv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_2s : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib2s.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_2sv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib2sv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_3d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib3d.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_3dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib3dv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_3f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib3f.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_3fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib3fv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_3s : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib3s.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_3sv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib3sv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4bv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4bv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4d.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4dv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4f.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4fv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4iv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4nbv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4Nbv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4niv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4Niv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4nsv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4Nsv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4nub : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4Nub.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4nubv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4Nubv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4nuiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4Nuiv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4nusv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4Nusv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4s : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4s.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4sv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4sv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4ubv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4ubv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4uiv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_4usv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttrib4usv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_binding : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribBinding.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_divisor : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribDivisor.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_format : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribFormat.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_1i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI1i.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_1iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI1iv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_1ui : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI1ui.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_1uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI1uiv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_2i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI2i.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_2iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI2iv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_2ui : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI2ui.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_2uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI2uiv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_3i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI3i.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_3iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI3iv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_3ui : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI3ui.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_3uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI3uiv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_4bv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI4bv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_4i : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI4i.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_4iv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI4iv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_4sv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI4sv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_4ubv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI4ubv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_4ui : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI4ui.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_4uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI4uiv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_4usv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribI4usv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_format : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribIFormat.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_i_pointer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribIPointer.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_l_1d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribL1d.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_l_1dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribL1dv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_l_2d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribL2d.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_l_2dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribL2dv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_l_3d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribL3d.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_l_3dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribL3dv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_l_4d : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribL4d.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_l_4dv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribL4dv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_l_format : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribLFormat.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_l_pointer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribLPointer.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_p_1ui : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribP1ui.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_p_1uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribP1uiv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_p_2ui : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribP2ui.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_p_2uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribP2uiv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_p_3ui : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribP3ui.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_p_3uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribP3uiv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_p_4ui : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribP4ui.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_p_4uiv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribP4uiv.

[View source]
def vertex_attrib_pointer : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexAttribPointer.

[View source]
def vertex_binding_divisor : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glVertexBindingDivisor.

[View source]
def viewport : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glViewport.

[View source]
def viewport_array_v : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glViewportArrayv.

[View source]
def viewport_indexed_f : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glViewportIndexedf.

[View source]
def viewport_indexed_fv : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glViewportIndexedfv.

[View source]
def wait_sync : ::Proc.class #

Proc type for the OpenGL function glWaitSync.

[View source]