class OpenGL::Loader
- OpenGL::Loader
- Reference
- Object
Loads OpenGL functions dynamically at runtime and provides an interface for calling and querying availability.
Defined in:
Sets up the procs without loading any addresses.
Instance Method Summary
Invokes glActiveShaderProgram.
Invokes glActiveShaderProgram.
#active_shader_program? : Bool
Checks if the function "glActiveShaderProgram" is loaded.
Invokes glActiveTexture.
Invokes glActiveTexture.
#active_texture? : Bool
Checks if the function "glActiveTexture" is loaded.
Invokes glAttachShader.
Invokes glAttachShader.
#attach_shader? : Bool
Checks if the function "glAttachShader" is loaded.
Invokes glBeginConditionalRender.
Invokes glBeginConditionalRender.
#begin_conditional_render? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBeginConditionalRender" is loaded.
Invokes glBeginQuery.
Invokes glBeginQuery.
#begin_query? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBeginQuery" is loaded.
Invokes glBeginQueryIndexed.
Invokes glBeginQueryIndexed.
#begin_query_indexed? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBeginQueryIndexed" is loaded.
Invokes glBeginTransformFeedback.
Invokes glBeginTransformFeedback.
#begin_transform_feedback? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBeginTransformFeedback" is loaded.
Invokes glBindAttribLocation.
Invokes glBindAttribLocation.
#bind_attrib_location? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindAttribLocation" is loaded.
Invokes glBindBuffer.
Invokes glBindBuffer.
#bind_buffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glBindBufferBase.
Invokes glBindBufferBase.
#bind_buffer_base? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindBufferBase" is loaded.
Invokes glBindBufferRange.
Invokes glBindBufferRange.
#bind_buffer_range? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindBufferRange" is loaded.
Invokes glBindBuffersBase.
Invokes glBindBuffersBase.
#bind_buffers_base? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindBuffersBase" is loaded.
Invokes glBindBuffersRange.
Invokes glBindBuffersRange.
#bind_buffers_range? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindBuffersRange" is loaded.
Invokes glBindFragDataLocation.
Invokes glBindFragDataLocation.
#bind_frag_data_location? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindFragDataLocation" is loaded.
Invokes glBindFragDataLocationIndexed.
Invokes glBindFragDataLocationIndexed.
#bind_frag_data_location_indexed? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindFragDataLocationIndexed" is loaded.
Invokes glBindFramebuffer.
Invokes glBindFramebuffer.
#bind_framebuffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindFramebuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glBindImageTexture.
Invokes glBindImageTexture.
#bind_image_texture? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindImageTexture" is loaded.
Invokes glBindImageTextures.
Invokes glBindImageTextures.
#bind_image_textures? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindImageTextures" is loaded.
Invokes glBindProgramPipeline.
Invokes glBindProgramPipeline.
#bind_program_pipeline? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindProgramPipeline" is loaded.
Invokes glBindRenderbuffer.
Invokes glBindRenderbuffer.
#bind_renderbuffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindRenderbuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glBindSampler.
Invokes glBindSampler.
#bind_sampler? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindSampler" is loaded.
Invokes glBindSamplers.
Invokes glBindSamplers.
#bind_samplers? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindSamplers" is loaded.
Invokes glBindTexture.
Invokes glBindTexture.
#bind_texture? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindTexture" is loaded.
Invokes glBindTextureUnit.
Invokes glBindTextureUnit.
#bind_texture_unit? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindTextureUnit" is loaded.
Invokes glBindTextures.
Invokes glBindTextures.
#bind_textures? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindTextures" is loaded.
Invokes glBindTransformFeedback.
Invokes glBindTransformFeedback.
#bind_transform_feedback? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindTransformFeedback" is loaded.
Invokes glBindVertexArray.
Invokes glBindVertexArray.
#bind_vertex_array? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindVertexArray" is loaded.
Invokes glBindVertexBuffer.
Invokes glBindVertexBuffer.
#bind_vertex_buffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindVertexBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glBindVertexBuffers.
Invokes glBindVertexBuffers.
#bind_vertex_buffers? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBindVertexBuffers" is loaded.
Invokes glBlendColor.
Invokes glBlendColor.
#blend_color? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBlendColor" is loaded.
Invokes glBlendEquation.
Invokes glBlendEquation.
#blend_equation? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBlendEquation" is loaded.
Invokes glBlendEquationi.
Invokes glBlendEquationi.
#blend_equation_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBlendEquationi" is loaded.
Invokes glBlendEquationSeparate.
Invokes glBlendEquationSeparate.
#blend_equation_separate? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBlendEquationSeparate" is loaded.
Invokes glBlendEquationSeparatei.
Invokes glBlendEquationSeparatei.
#blend_equation_separate_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBlendEquationSeparatei" is loaded.
Invokes glBlendFunc.
Invokes glBlendFunc.
#blend_func? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBlendFunc" is loaded.
Invokes glBlendFunci.
Invokes glBlendFunci.
#blend_func_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBlendFunci" is loaded.
Invokes glBlendFuncSeparate.
Invokes glBlendFuncSeparate.
#blend_func_separate? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBlendFuncSeparate" is loaded.
Invokes glBlendFuncSeparatei.
Invokes glBlendFuncSeparatei.
#blend_func_separate_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBlendFuncSeparatei" is loaded.
Invokes glBlitFramebuffer.
Invokes glBlitFramebuffer.
#blit_framebuffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBlitFramebuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glBlitNamedFramebuffer.
Invokes glBlitNamedFramebuffer.
#blit_named_framebuffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBlitNamedFramebuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glBufferData.
Invokes glBufferData.
#buffer_data? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBufferData" is loaded.
Invokes glBufferStorage.
Invokes glBufferStorage.
#buffer_storage? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBufferStorage" is loaded.
Invokes glBufferSubData.
Invokes glBufferSubData.
#buffer_sub_data? : Bool
Checks if the function "glBufferSubData" is loaded.
Invokes glCheckFramebufferStatus.
Invokes glCheckFramebufferStatus.
#check_framebuffer_status? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCheckFramebufferStatus" is loaded.
Invokes glCheckNamedFramebufferStatus.
Invokes glCheckNamedFramebufferStatus.
#check_named_framebuffer_status? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCheckNamedFramebufferStatus" is loaded.
Invokes glClampColor.
Invokes glClampColor.
#clamp_color? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClampColor" is loaded.
Invokes glClear.
Invokes glClear.
#clear? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClear" is loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferData.
Invokes glClearBufferData.
#clear_buffer_data? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearBufferData" is loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferfi.
Invokes glClearBufferfi.
#clear_buffer_fi? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearBufferfi" is loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferfv.
Invokes glClearBufferfv.
#clear_buffer_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearBufferfv" is loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferiv.
Invokes glClearBufferiv.
#clear_buffer_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearBufferiv" is loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferSubData.
Invokes glClearBufferSubData.
#clear_buffer_sub_data? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearBufferSubData" is loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferuiv.
Invokes glClearBufferuiv.
#clear_buffer_uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearBufferuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glClearColor.
Invokes glClearColor.
#clear_color? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearColor" is loaded.
Invokes glClearDepth.
Invokes glClearDepth.
#clear_depth? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearDepth" is loaded.
Invokes glClearDepthf.
Invokes glClearDepthf.
#clear_depth_f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearDepthf" is loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedBufferData.
Invokes glClearNamedBufferData.
#clear_named_buffer_data? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearNamedBufferData" is loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedBufferSubData.
Invokes glClearNamedBufferSubData.
#clear_named_buffer_sub_data? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearNamedBufferSubData" is loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedFramebufferfi.
Invokes glClearNamedFramebufferfi.
#clear_named_framebuffer_fi? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearNamedFramebufferfi" is loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedFramebufferfv.
Invokes glClearNamedFramebufferfv.
#clear_named_framebuffer_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearNamedFramebufferfv" is loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedFramebufferiv.
Invokes glClearNamedFramebufferiv.
#clear_named_framebuffer_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearNamedFramebufferiv" is loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedFramebufferuiv.
Invokes glClearNamedFramebufferuiv.
#clear_named_framebuffer_uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearNamedFramebufferuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glClearStencil.
Invokes glClearStencil.
#clear_stencil? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearStencil" is loaded.
Invokes glClearTexImage.
Invokes glClearTexImage.
#clear_tex_image? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearTexImage" is loaded.
Invokes glClearTexSubImage.
Invokes glClearTexSubImage.
#clear_tex_sub_image? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClearTexSubImage" is loaded.
Invokes glClientWaitSync.
Invokes glClientWaitSync.
#client_wait_sync? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClientWaitSync" is loaded.
Invokes glClipControl.
Invokes glClipControl.
#clip_control? : Bool
Checks if the function "glClipControl" is loaded.
Invokes glColorMask.
Invokes glColorMask.
#color_mask? : Bool
Checks if the function "glColorMask" is loaded.
Invokes glColorMaski.
Invokes glColorMaski.
#color_mask_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glColorMaski" is loaded.
Invokes glCompileShader.
Invokes glCompileShader.
#compile_shader? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCompileShader" is loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexImage1D.
Invokes glCompressedTexImage1D.
#compressed_tex_image_1d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCompressedTexImage1D" is loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexImage2D.
Invokes glCompressedTexImage2D.
#compressed_tex_image_2d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCompressedTexImage2D" is loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexImage3D.
Invokes glCompressedTexImage3D.
#compressed_tex_image_3d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCompressedTexImage3D" is loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexSubImage1D.
Invokes glCompressedTexSubImage1D.
#compressed_tex_sub_image_1d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCompressedTexSubImage1D" is loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexSubImage2D.
Invokes glCompressedTexSubImage2D.
#compressed_tex_sub_image_2d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCompressedTexSubImage2D" is loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexSubImage3D.
Invokes glCompressedTexSubImage3D.
#compressed_tex_sub_image_3d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCompressedTexSubImage3D" is loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTextureSubImage1D.
Invokes glCompressedTextureSubImage1D.
#compressed_texture_sub_image_1d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCompressedTextureSubImage1D" is loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTextureSubImage2D.
Invokes glCompressedTextureSubImage2D.
#compressed_texture_sub_image_2d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCompressedTextureSubImage2D" is loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTextureSubImage3D.
Invokes glCompressedTextureSubImage3D.
#compressed_texture_sub_image_3d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCompressedTextureSubImage3D" is loaded.
Invokes glCopyBufferSubData.
Invokes glCopyBufferSubData.
#copy_buffer_sub_data? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCopyBufferSubData" is loaded.
Invokes glCopyImageSubData.
Invokes glCopyImageSubData.
#copy_image_sub_data? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCopyImageSubData" is loaded.
Invokes glCopyNamedBufferSubData.
Invokes glCopyNamedBufferSubData.
#copy_named_buffer_sub_data? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCopyNamedBufferSubData" is loaded.
Invokes glCopyTexImage1D.
Invokes glCopyTexImage1D.
#copy_tex_image_1d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCopyTexImage1D" is loaded.
Invokes glCopyTexImage2D.
Invokes glCopyTexImage2D.
#copy_tex_image_2d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCopyTexImage2D" is loaded.
Invokes glCopyTexSubImage1D.
Invokes glCopyTexSubImage1D.
#copy_tex_sub_image_1d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCopyTexSubImage1D" is loaded.
Invokes glCopyTexSubImage2D.
Invokes glCopyTexSubImage2D.
#copy_tex_sub_image_2d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCopyTexSubImage2D" is loaded.
Invokes glCopyTexSubImage3D.
Invokes glCopyTexSubImage3D.
#copy_tex_sub_image_3d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCopyTexSubImage3D" is loaded.
Invokes glCopyTextureSubImage1D.
Invokes glCopyTextureSubImage1D.
#copy_texture_sub_image_1d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCopyTextureSubImage1D" is loaded.
Invokes glCopyTextureSubImage2D.
Invokes glCopyTextureSubImage2D.
#copy_texture_sub_image_2d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCopyTextureSubImage2D" is loaded.
Invokes glCopyTextureSubImage3D.
Invokes glCopyTextureSubImage3D.
#copy_texture_sub_image_3d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCopyTextureSubImage3D" is loaded.
Invokes glCreateBuffers.
Invokes glCreateBuffers.
#create_buffers? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCreateBuffers" is loaded.
Invokes glCreateFramebuffers.
Invokes glCreateFramebuffers.
#create_framebuffers? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCreateFramebuffers" is loaded.
Invokes glCreateProgram.
Invokes glCreateProgram.
#create_program? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCreateProgram" is loaded.
Invokes glCreateProgramPipelines.
Invokes glCreateProgramPipelines.
#create_program_pipelines? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCreateProgramPipelines" is loaded.
Invokes glCreateQueries.
Invokes glCreateQueries.
#create_queries? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCreateQueries" is loaded.
Invokes glCreateRenderbuffers.
Invokes glCreateRenderbuffers.
#create_renderbuffers? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCreateRenderbuffers" is loaded.
Invokes glCreateSamplers.
Invokes glCreateSamplers.
#create_samplers? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCreateSamplers" is loaded.
Invokes glCreateShader.
Invokes glCreateShader.
#create_shader? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCreateShader" is loaded.
Invokes glCreateShaderProgramv.
Invokes glCreateShaderProgramv.
#create_shader_program_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCreateShaderProgramv" is loaded.
Invokes glCreateTextures.
Invokes glCreateTextures.
#create_textures? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCreateTextures" is loaded.
Invokes glCreateTransformFeedbacks.
Invokes glCreateTransformFeedbacks.
#create_transform_feedbacks? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCreateTransformFeedbacks" is loaded.
Invokes glCreateVertexArrays.
Invokes glCreateVertexArrays.
#create_vertex_arrays? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCreateVertexArrays" is loaded.
Invokes glCullFace.
Invokes glCullFace.
#cull_face? : Bool
Checks if the function "glCullFace" is loaded.
Invokes glDebugMessageCallback.
Invokes glDebugMessageCallback.
#debug_message_callback? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDebugMessageCallback" is loaded.
Invokes glDebugMessageControl.
Invokes glDebugMessageControl.
#debug_message_control? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDebugMessageControl" is loaded.
Invokes glDebugMessageInsert.
Invokes glDebugMessageInsert.
#debug_message_insert? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDebugMessageInsert" is loaded.
Invokes glDeleteBuffers.
Invokes glDeleteBuffers.
#delete_buffers? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDeleteBuffers" is loaded.
Invokes glDeleteFramebuffers.
Invokes glDeleteFramebuffers.
#delete_framebuffers? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDeleteFramebuffers" is loaded.
Invokes glDeleteProgram.
Invokes glDeleteProgram.
#delete_program? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDeleteProgram" is loaded.
Invokes glDeleteProgramPipelines.
Invokes glDeleteProgramPipelines.
#delete_program_pipelines? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDeleteProgramPipelines" is loaded.
Invokes glDeleteQueries.
Invokes glDeleteQueries.
#delete_queries? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDeleteQueries" is loaded.
Invokes glDeleteRenderbuffers.
Invokes glDeleteRenderbuffers.
#delete_renderbuffers? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDeleteRenderbuffers" is loaded.
Invokes glDeleteSamplers.
Invokes glDeleteSamplers.
#delete_samplers? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDeleteSamplers" is loaded.
Invokes glDeleteShader.
Invokes glDeleteShader.
#delete_shader? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDeleteShader" is loaded.
Invokes glDeleteSync.
Invokes glDeleteSync.
#delete_sync? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDeleteSync" is loaded.
Invokes glDeleteTextures.
Invokes glDeleteTextures.
#delete_textures? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDeleteTextures" is loaded.
Invokes glDeleteTransformFeedbacks.
Invokes glDeleteTransformFeedbacks.
#delete_transform_feedbacks? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks" is loaded.
Invokes glDeleteVertexArrays.
Invokes glDeleteVertexArrays.
#delete_vertex_arrays? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDeleteVertexArrays" is loaded.
Invokes glDepthFunc.
Invokes glDepthFunc.
#depth_func? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDepthFunc" is loaded.
Invokes glDepthMask.
Invokes glDepthMask.
#depth_mask? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDepthMask" is loaded.
Invokes glDepthRange.
Invokes glDepthRange.
#depth_range? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDepthRange" is loaded.
Invokes glDepthRangeArrayv.
Invokes glDepthRangeArrayv.
#depth_range_array_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDepthRangeArrayv" is loaded.
Invokes glDepthRangef.
Invokes glDepthRangef.
#depth_range_f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDepthRangef" is loaded.
Invokes glDepthRangeIndexed.
Invokes glDepthRangeIndexed.
#depth_range_indexed? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDepthRangeIndexed" is loaded.
Invokes glDetachShader.
Invokes glDetachShader.
#detach_shader? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDetachShader" is loaded.
Invokes glDisable.
Invokes glDisable.
#disable? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDisable" is loaded.
Invokes glDisablei.
Invokes glDisablei.
#disable_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDisablei" is loaded.
Invokes glDisableVertexArrayAttrib.
Invokes glDisableVertexArrayAttrib.
#disable_vertex_array_attrib? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDisableVertexArrayAttrib" is loaded.
Invokes glDisableVertexAttribArray.
Invokes glDisableVertexAttribArray.
#disable_vertex_attrib_array? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDisableVertexAttribArray" is loaded.
Invokes glDispatchCompute.
Invokes glDispatchCompute.
#dispatch_compute? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDispatchCompute" is loaded.
Invokes glDispatchComputeIndirect.
Invokes glDispatchComputeIndirect.
#dispatch_compute_indirect? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDispatchComputeIndirect" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawArrays.
Invokes glDrawArrays.
#draw_arrays? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawArrays" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawArraysIndirect.
Invokes glDrawArraysIndirect.
#draw_arrays_indirect? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawArraysIndirect" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawArraysInstanced.
Invokes glDrawArraysInstanced.
#draw_arrays_instanced? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawArraysInstanced" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance.
Invokes glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance.
#draw_arrays_instanced_base_instance? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawBuffer.
Invokes glDrawBuffer.
#draw_buffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawBuffers.
Invokes glDrawBuffers.
#draw_buffers? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawBuffers" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawElements.
Invokes glDrawElements.
#draw_elements? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawElements" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsBaseVertex.
Invokes glDrawElementsBaseVertex.
#draw_elements_base_vertex? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawElementsBaseVertex" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsIndirect.
Invokes glDrawElementsIndirect.
#draw_elements_indirect? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawElementsIndirect" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsInstanced.
Invokes glDrawElementsInstanced.
#draw_elements_instanced? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawElementsInstanced" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance.
Invokes glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance.
#draw_elements_instanced_base_instance? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex.
Invokes glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex.
#draw_elements_instanced_base_vertex? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance.
Invokes glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance.
#draw_elements_instanced_base_vertex_base_instance? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawRangeElements.
Invokes glDrawRangeElements.
#draw_range_elements? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawRangeElements" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex.
Invokes glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex.
#draw_range_elements_base_vertex? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawTransformFeedback.
Invokes glDrawTransformFeedback.
#draw_transform_feedback? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawTransformFeedback" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced.
Invokes glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced.
#draw_transform_feedback_instanced? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawTransformFeedbackStream.
Invokes glDrawTransformFeedbackStream.
#draw_transform_feedback_stream? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawTransformFeedbackStream" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced.
Invokes glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced.
#draw_transform_feedback_stream_instanced? : Bool
Checks if the function "glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced" is loaded.
Invokes glEnable.
Invokes glEnable.
#enable? : Bool
Checks if the function "glEnable" is loaded.
Invokes glEnablei.
Invokes glEnablei.
#enable_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glEnablei" is loaded.
Invokes glEnableVertexArrayAttrib.
Invokes glEnableVertexArrayAttrib.
#enable_vertex_array_attrib? : Bool
Checks if the function "glEnableVertexArrayAttrib" is loaded.
Invokes glEnableVertexAttribArray.
Invokes glEnableVertexAttribArray.
#enable_vertex_attrib_array? : Bool
Checks if the function "glEnableVertexAttribArray" is loaded.
Invokes glEndConditionalRender.
Invokes glEndConditionalRender.
#end_conditional_render? : Bool
Checks if the function "glEndConditionalRender" is loaded.
Invokes glEndQuery.
Invokes glEndQuery.
#end_query? : Bool
Checks if the function "glEndQuery" is loaded.
Invokes glEndQueryIndexed.
Invokes glEndQueryIndexed.
#end_query_indexed? : Bool
Checks if the function "glEndQueryIndexed" is loaded.
Invokes glEndTransformFeedback.
Invokes glEndTransformFeedback.
#end_transform_feedback? : Bool
Checks if the function "glEndTransformFeedback" is loaded.
Invokes glFenceSync.
Invokes glFenceSync.
#fence_sync? : Bool
Checks if the function "glFenceSync" is loaded.
Invokes glFinish.
Invokes glFinish.
#finish? : Bool
Checks if the function "glFinish" is loaded.
Invokes glFlush.
Invokes glFlush.
#flush? : Bool
Checks if the function "glFlush" is loaded.
Invokes glFlushMappedBufferRange.
Invokes glFlushMappedBufferRange.
#flush_mapped_buffer_range? : Bool
Checks if the function "glFlushMappedBufferRange" is loaded.
Invokes glFlushMappedNamedBufferRange.
Invokes glFlushMappedNamedBufferRange.
#flush_mapped_named_buffer_range? : Bool
Checks if the function "glFlushMappedNamedBufferRange" is loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferParameteri.
Invokes glFramebufferParameteri.
#framebuffer_parameter_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glFramebufferParameteri" is loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferRenderbuffer.
Invokes glFramebufferRenderbuffer.
#framebuffer_renderbuffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glFramebufferRenderbuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferTexture.
Invokes glFramebufferTexture.
#framebuffer_texture? : Bool
Checks if the function "glFramebufferTexture" is loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferTexture1D.
Invokes glFramebufferTexture1D.
#framebuffer_texture_1d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glFramebufferTexture1D" is loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferTexture2D.
Invokes glFramebufferTexture2D.
#framebuffer_texture_2d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glFramebufferTexture2D" is loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferTexture3D.
Invokes glFramebufferTexture3D.
#framebuffer_texture_3d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glFramebufferTexture3D" is loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferTextureLayer.
Invokes glFramebufferTextureLayer.
#framebuffer_texture_layer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glFramebufferTextureLayer" is loaded.
Invokes glFrontFace.
Invokes glFrontFace.
#front_face? : Bool
Checks if the function "glFrontFace" is loaded.
Invokes glGenBuffers.
Invokes glGenBuffers.
#gen_buffers? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGenBuffers" is loaded.
Invokes glGenFramebuffers.
Invokes glGenFramebuffers.
#gen_framebuffers? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGenFramebuffers" is loaded.
Invokes glGenProgramPipelines.
Invokes glGenProgramPipelines.
#gen_program_pipelines? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGenProgramPipelines" is loaded.
Invokes glGenQueries.
Invokes glGenQueries.
#gen_queries? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGenQueries" is loaded.
Invokes glGenRenderbuffers.
Invokes glGenRenderbuffers.
#gen_renderbuffers? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGenRenderbuffers" is loaded.
Invokes glGenSamplers.
Invokes glGenSamplers.
#gen_samplers? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGenSamplers" is loaded.
Invokes glGenTextures.
Invokes glGenTextures.
#gen_textures? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGenTextures" is loaded.
Invokes glGenTransformFeedbacks.
Invokes glGenTransformFeedbacks.
#gen_transform_feedbacks? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGenTransformFeedbacks" is loaded.
Invokes glGenVertexArrays.
Invokes glGenVertexArrays.
#gen_vertex_arrays? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGenVertexArrays" is loaded.
Invokes glGenerateMipmap.
Invokes glGenerateMipmap.
#generate_mipmap? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGenerateMipmap" is loaded.
Invokes glGenerateTextureMipmap.
Invokes glGenerateTextureMipmap.
#generate_texture_mipmap? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGenerateTextureMipmap" is loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv.
Invokes glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv.
#get_active_atomic_counter_buffer_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveAttrib.
Invokes glGetActiveAttrib.
#get_active_attrib? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetActiveAttrib" is loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveSubroutineName.
Invokes glGetActiveSubroutineName.
#get_active_subroutine_name? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetActiveSubroutineName" is loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv.
Invokes glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv.
#get_active_subroutine_uniform_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName.
Invokes glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName.
#get_active_subroutine_uniform_name? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName" is loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveUniform.
Invokes glGetActiveUniform.
#get_active_uniform? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetActiveUniform" is loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveUniformBlockiv.
Invokes glGetActiveUniformBlockiv.
#get_active_uniform_block_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveUniformBlockName.
Invokes glGetActiveUniformBlockName.
#get_active_uniform_block_name? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetActiveUniformBlockName" is loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveUniformName.
Invokes glGetActiveUniformName.
#get_active_uniform_name? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetActiveUniformName" is loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveUniformsiv.
Invokes glGetActiveUniformsiv.
#get_active_uniforms_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetActiveUniformsiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetAttachedShaders.
Invokes glGetAttachedShaders.
#get_attached_shaders? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetAttachedShaders" is loaded.
Invokes glGetAttribLocation.
Invokes glGetAttribLocation.
#get_attrib_location? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetAttribLocation" is loaded.
Invokes glGetBooleani_v.
Invokes glGetBooleani_v.
#get_boolean_i_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetBooleani_v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetBooleanv.
Invokes glGetBooleanv.
#get_boolean_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetBooleanv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetBufferParameteri64v.
Invokes glGetBufferParameteri64v.
#get_buffer_parameter_i64v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetBufferParameteri64v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetBufferParameteriv.
Invokes glGetBufferParameteriv.
#get_buffer_parameter_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetBufferParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetBufferPointerv.
Invokes glGetBufferPointerv.
#get_buffer_pointer_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetBufferPointerv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetBufferSubData.
Invokes glGetBufferSubData.
#get_buffer_sub_data? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetBufferSubData" is loaded.
Invokes glGetCompressedTexImage.
Invokes glGetCompressedTexImage.
#get_compressed_tex_image? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetCompressedTexImage" is loaded.
Invokes glGetCompressedTextureImage.
Invokes glGetCompressedTextureImage.
#get_compressed_texture_image? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetCompressedTextureImage" is loaded.
Invokes glGetCompressedTextureSubImage.
Invokes glGetCompressedTextureSubImage.
#get_compressed_texture_sub_image? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetCompressedTextureSubImage" is loaded.
Invokes glGetDebugMessageLog.
Invokes glGetDebugMessageLog.
#get_debug_message_log? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetDebugMessageLog" is loaded.
Invokes glGetDoublei_v.
Invokes glGetDoublei_v.
#get_double_i_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetDoublei_v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetDoublev.
Invokes glGetDoublev.
#get_double_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetDoublev" is loaded.
Invokes glGetError.
Invokes glGetError.
#get_error? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetError" is loaded.
Invokes glGetFloati_v.
Invokes glGetFloati_v.
#get_float_i_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetFloati_v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetFloatv.
Invokes glGetFloatv.
#get_float_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetFloatv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetFragDataIndex.
Invokes glGetFragDataIndex.
#get_frag_data_index? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetFragDataIndex" is loaded.
Invokes glGetFragDataLocation.
Invokes glGetFragDataLocation.
#get_frag_data_location? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetFragDataLocation" is loaded.
Invokes glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv.
Invokes glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv.
#get_framebuffer_attachment_parameter_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetFramebufferParameteriv.
Invokes glGetFramebufferParameteriv.
#get_framebuffer_parameter_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetFramebufferParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetGraphicsResetStatus.
Invokes glGetGraphicsResetStatus.
#get_graphics_reset_status? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetGraphicsResetStatus" is loaded.
Invokes glGetInteger64i_v.
Invokes glGetInteger64i_v.
#get_integer_64i_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetInteger64i_v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetInteger64v.
Invokes glGetInteger64v.
#get_integer_64v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetInteger64v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetIntegeri_v.
Invokes glGetIntegeri_v.
#get_integer_i_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetIntegeri_v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetIntegerv.
Invokes glGetIntegerv.
#get_integer_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetIntegerv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetInternalformati64v.
Invokes glGetInternalformati64v.
#get_internalformat_i64v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetInternalformati64v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetInternalformativ.
Invokes glGetInternalformativ.
#get_internalformat_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetInternalformativ" is loaded.
Invokes glGetMultisamplefv.
Invokes glGetMultisamplefv.
#get_multisample_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetMultisamplefv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedBufferParameteri64v.
Invokes glGetNamedBufferParameteri64v.
#get_named_buffer_parameter_i64v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetNamedBufferParameteri64v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedBufferParameteriv.
Invokes glGetNamedBufferParameteriv.
#get_named_buffer_parameter_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetNamedBufferParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedBufferPointerv.
Invokes glGetNamedBufferPointerv.
#get_named_buffer_pointer_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetNamedBufferPointerv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedBufferSubData.
Invokes glGetNamedBufferSubData.
#get_named_buffer_sub_data? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetNamedBufferSubData" is loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv.
Invokes glGetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv.
#get_named_framebuffer_attachment_parameter_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedFramebufferParameteriv.
Invokes glGetNamedFramebufferParameteriv.
#get_named_framebuffer_parameter_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetNamedFramebufferParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv.
Invokes glGetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv.
#get_named_renderbuffer_parameter_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetObjectLabel.
Invokes glGetObjectLabel.
#get_object_label? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetObjectLabel" is loaded.
Invokes glGetObjectPtrLabel.
Invokes glGetObjectPtrLabel.
#get_object_ptr_label? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetObjectPtrLabel" is loaded.
Invokes glGetPointerv.
Invokes glGetPointerv.
#get_pointer_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetPointerv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramBinary.
Invokes glGetProgramBinary.
#get_program_binary? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetProgramBinary" is loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramInfoLog.
Invokes glGetProgramInfoLog.
#get_program_info_log? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetProgramInfoLog" is loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramInterfaceiv.
Invokes glGetProgramInterfaceiv.
#get_program_interface_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetProgramInterfaceiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramiv.
Invokes glGetProgramiv.
#get_program_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetProgramiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog.
Invokes glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog.
#get_program_pipeline_info_log? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog" is loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramPipelineiv.
Invokes glGetProgramPipelineiv.
#get_program_pipeline_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetProgramPipelineiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceIndex.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceIndex.
#get_program_resource_index? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetProgramResourceIndex" is loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceiv.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceiv.
#get_program_resource_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetProgramResourceiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceLocation.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceLocation.
#get_program_resource_location? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetProgramResourceLocation" is loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex.
#get_program_resource_location_index? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex" is loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceName.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceName.
#get_program_resource_name? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetProgramResourceName" is loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramStageiv.
Invokes glGetProgramStageiv.
#get_program_stage_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetProgramStageiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryBufferObjecti64v.
Invokes glGetQueryBufferObjecti64v.
#get_query_buffer_object_i64v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetQueryBufferObjecti64v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryBufferObjectiv.
Invokes glGetQueryBufferObjectiv.
#get_query_buffer_object_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetQueryBufferObjectiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryBufferObjectui64v.
Invokes glGetQueryBufferObjectui64v.
#get_query_buffer_object_ui64v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetQueryBufferObjectui64v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryBufferObjectuiv.
Invokes glGetQueryBufferObjectuiv.
#get_query_buffer_object_uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetQueryBufferObjectuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryIndexediv.
Invokes glGetQueryIndexediv.
#get_query_indexed_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetQueryIndexediv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryiv.
Invokes glGetQueryiv.
#get_query_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetQueryiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryObjecti64v.
Invokes glGetQueryObjecti64v.
#get_query_object_i64v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetQueryObjecti64v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryObjectiv.
Invokes glGetQueryObjectiv.
#get_query_object_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetQueryObjectiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryObjectui64v.
Invokes glGetQueryObjectui64v.
#get_query_object_ui64v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetQueryObjectui64v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryObjectuiv.
Invokes glGetQueryObjectuiv.
#get_query_object_uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetQueryObjectuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetRenderbufferParameteriv.
Invokes glGetRenderbufferParameteriv.
#get_renderbuffer_parameter_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetSamplerParameterfv.
Invokes glGetSamplerParameterfv.
#get_sampler_parameter_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetSamplerParameterfv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetSamplerParameterIiv.
Invokes glGetSamplerParameterIiv.
#get_sampler_parameter_i_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetSamplerParameterIiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetSamplerParameterIuiv.
Invokes glGetSamplerParameterIuiv.
#get_sampler_parameter_i_uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetSamplerParameteriv.
Invokes glGetSamplerParameteriv.
#get_sampler_parameter_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetSamplerParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetShaderInfoLog.
Invokes glGetShaderInfoLog.
#get_shader_info_log? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetShaderInfoLog" is loaded.
Invokes glGetShaderiv.
Invokes glGetShaderiv.
#get_shader_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetShaderiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetShaderPrecisionFormat.
Invokes glGetShaderPrecisionFormat.
#get_shader_precision_format? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat" is loaded.
Invokes glGetShaderSource.
Invokes glGetShaderSource.
#get_shader_source? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetShaderSource" is loaded.
Invokes glGetString.
Invokes glGetString.
#get_string? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetString" is loaded.
Invokes glGetStringi.
Invokes glGetStringi.
#get_string_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetStringi" is loaded.
Invokes glGetSubroutineIndex.
Invokes glGetSubroutineIndex.
#get_subroutine_index? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetSubroutineIndex" is loaded.
Invokes glGetSubroutineUniformLocation.
Invokes glGetSubroutineUniformLocation.
#get_subroutine_uniform_location? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetSubroutineUniformLocation" is loaded.
Invokes glGetSynciv.
Invokes glGetSynciv.
#get_sync_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetSynciv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTexImage.
Invokes glGetTexImage.
#get_tex_image? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTexImage" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTexLevelParameterfv.
Invokes glGetTexLevelParameterfv.
#get_tex_level_parameter_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTexLevelParameterfv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTexLevelParameteriv.
Invokes glGetTexLevelParameteriv.
#get_tex_level_parameter_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTexLevelParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTexParameterfv.
Invokes glGetTexParameterfv.
#get_tex_parameter_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTexParameterfv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTexParameterIiv.
Invokes glGetTexParameterIiv.
#get_tex_parameter_i_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTexParameterIiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTexParameterIuiv.
Invokes glGetTexParameterIuiv.
#get_tex_parameter_i_uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTexParameterIuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTexParameteriv.
Invokes glGetTexParameteriv.
#get_tex_parameter_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTexParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureImage.
Invokes glGetTextureImage.
#get_texture_image? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTextureImage" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureLevelParameterfv.
Invokes glGetTextureLevelParameterfv.
#get_texture_level_parameter_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTextureLevelParameterfv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureLevelParameteriv.
Invokes glGetTextureLevelParameteriv.
#get_texture_level_parameter_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTextureLevelParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureParameterfv.
Invokes glGetTextureParameterfv.
#get_texture_parameter_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTextureParameterfv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureParameterIiv.
Invokes glGetTextureParameterIiv.
#get_texture_parameter_i_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTextureParameterIiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureParameterIuiv.
Invokes glGetTextureParameterIuiv.
#get_texture_parameter_i_uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTextureParameterIuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureParameteriv.
Invokes glGetTextureParameteriv.
#get_texture_parameter_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTextureParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureSubImage.
Invokes glGetTextureSubImage.
#get_texture_sub_image? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTextureSubImage" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTransformFeedbacki64_v.
Invokes glGetTransformFeedbacki64_v.
#get_transform_feedback_i64_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTransformFeedbacki64_v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTransformFeedbacki_v.
Invokes glGetTransformFeedbacki_v.
#get_transform_feedback_i_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTransformFeedbacki_v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTransformFeedbackiv.
Invokes glGetTransformFeedbackiv.
#get_transform_feedback_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTransformFeedbackiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTransformFeedbackVarying.
Invokes glGetTransformFeedbackVarying.
#get_transform_feedback_varying? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetTransformFeedbackVarying" is loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformBlockIndex.
Invokes glGetUniformBlockIndex.
#get_uniform_block_index? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetUniformBlockIndex" is loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformdv.
Invokes glGetUniformdv.
#get_uniform_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetUniformdv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformfv.
Invokes glGetUniformfv.
#get_uniform_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetUniformfv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformIndices.
Invokes glGetUniformIndices.
#get_uniform_indices? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetUniformIndices" is loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformiv.
Invokes glGetUniformiv.
#get_uniform_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetUniformiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformLocation.
Invokes glGetUniformLocation.
#get_uniform_location? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetUniformLocation" is loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformSubroutineuiv.
Invokes glGetUniformSubroutineuiv.
#get_uniform_subroutine_uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformuiv.
Invokes glGetUniformuiv.
#get_uniform_uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetUniformuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexArrayIndexed64iv.
Invokes glGetVertexArrayIndexed64iv.
#get_vertex_array_indexed_64iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetVertexArrayIndexed64iv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexArrayIndexediv.
Invokes glGetVertexArrayIndexediv.
#get_vertex_array_indexed_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetVertexArrayIndexediv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexArrayiv.
Invokes glGetVertexArrayiv.
#get_vertex_array_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetVertexArrayiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribdv.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribdv.
#get_vertex_attrib_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetVertexAttribdv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribfv.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribfv.
#get_vertex_attrib_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetVertexAttribfv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribIiv.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribIiv.
#get_vertex_attrib_i_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetVertexAttribIiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribIuiv.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribIuiv.
#get_vertex_attrib_i_uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetVertexAttribIuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribiv.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribiv.
#get_vertex_attrib_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetVertexAttribiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribLdv.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribLdv.
#get_vertex_attrib_l_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetVertexAttribLdv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribPointerv.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribPointerv.
#get_vertex_attrib_pointer_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetVertexAttribPointerv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetnCompressedTexImage.
Invokes glGetnCompressedTexImage.
#getn_compressed_tex_image? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetnCompressedTexImage" is loaded.
Invokes glGetnTexImage.
Invokes glGetnTexImage.
#getn_tex_image? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetnTexImage" is loaded.
Invokes glGetnUniformdv.
Invokes glGetnUniformdv.
#getn_uniform_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetnUniformdv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetnUniformfv.
Invokes glGetnUniformfv.
#getn_uniform_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetnUniformfv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetnUniformiv.
Invokes glGetnUniformiv.
#getn_uniform_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetnUniformiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetnUniformuiv.
Invokes glGetnUniformuiv.
#getn_uniform_uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glGetnUniformuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glHint.
Invokes glHint.
#hint? : Bool
Checks if the function "glHint" is loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateBufferData.
Invokes glInvalidateBufferData.
#invalidate_buffer_data? : Bool
Checks if the function "glInvalidateBufferData" is loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateBufferSubData.
Invokes glInvalidateBufferSubData.
#invalidate_buffer_sub_data? : Bool
Checks if the function "glInvalidateBufferSubData" is loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateFramebuffer.
Invokes glInvalidateFramebuffer.
#invalidate_framebuffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glInvalidateFramebuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateNamedFramebufferData.
Invokes glInvalidateNamedFramebufferData.
#invalidate_named_framebuffer_data? : Bool
Checks if the function "glInvalidateNamedFramebufferData" is loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData.
Invokes glInvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData.
#invalidate_named_framebuffer_sub_data? : Bool
Checks if the function "glInvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData" is loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateSubFramebuffer.
Invokes glInvalidateSubFramebuffer.
#invalidate_sub_framebuffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateTexImage.
Invokes glInvalidateTexImage.
#invalidate_tex_image? : Bool
Checks if the function "glInvalidateTexImage" is loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateTexSubImage.
Invokes glInvalidateTexSubImage.
#invalidate_tex_sub_image? : Bool
Checks if the function "glInvalidateTexSubImage" is loaded.
Invokes glIsBuffer.
Invokes glIsBuffer.
#is_buffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glIsBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glIsEnabled.
Invokes glIsEnabled.
#is_enabled? : Bool
Checks if the function "glIsEnabled" is loaded.
Invokes glIsEnabledi.
Invokes glIsEnabledi.
#is_enabled_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glIsEnabledi" is loaded.
Invokes glIsFramebuffer.
Invokes glIsFramebuffer.
#is_framebuffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glIsFramebuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glIsProgram.
Invokes glIsProgram.
#is_program? : Bool
Checks if the function "glIsProgram" is loaded.
Invokes glIsProgramPipeline.
Invokes glIsProgramPipeline.
#is_program_pipeline? : Bool
Checks if the function "glIsProgramPipeline" is loaded.
Invokes glIsQuery.
Invokes glIsQuery.
#is_query? : Bool
Checks if the function "glIsQuery" is loaded.
Invokes glIsRenderbuffer.
Invokes glIsRenderbuffer.
#is_renderbuffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glIsRenderbuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glIsSampler.
Invokes glIsSampler.
#is_sampler? : Bool
Checks if the function "glIsSampler" is loaded.
Invokes glIsShader.
Invokes glIsShader.
#is_shader? : Bool
Checks if the function "glIsShader" is loaded.
Invokes glIsSync.
Invokes glIsSync.
#is_sync? : Bool
Checks if the function "glIsSync" is loaded.
Invokes glIsTexture.
Invokes glIsTexture.
#is_texture? : Bool
Checks if the function "glIsTexture" is loaded.
Invokes glIsTransformFeedback.
Invokes glIsTransformFeedback.
#is_transform_feedback? : Bool
Checks if the function "glIsTransformFeedback" is loaded.
Invokes glIsVertexArray.
Invokes glIsVertexArray.
#is_vertex_array? : Bool
Checks if the function "glIsVertexArray" is loaded.
Invokes glLineWidth.
Invokes glLineWidth.
#line_width? : Bool
Checks if the function "glLineWidth" is loaded.
Invokes glLinkProgram.
Invokes glLinkProgram.
#link_program? : Bool
Checks if the function "glLinkProgram" is loaded.
#load_all(& : String -> Pointer(Void))
Loads all functions.
Invokes glLogicOp.
Invokes glLogicOp.
#logic_op? : Bool
Checks if the function "glLogicOp" is loaded.
Invokes glMapBuffer.
Invokes glMapBuffer.
#map_buffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glMapBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glMapBufferRange.
Invokes glMapBufferRange.
#map_buffer_range? : Bool
Checks if the function "glMapBufferRange" is loaded.
Invokes glMapNamedBuffer.
Invokes glMapNamedBuffer.
#map_named_buffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glMapNamedBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glMapNamedBufferRange.
Invokes glMapNamedBufferRange.
#map_named_buffer_range? : Bool
Checks if the function "glMapNamedBufferRange" is loaded.
Invokes glMemoryBarrier.
Invokes glMemoryBarrier.
#memory_barrier? : Bool
Checks if the function "glMemoryBarrier" is loaded.
Invokes glMemoryBarrierByRegion.
Invokes glMemoryBarrierByRegion.
#memory_barrier_by_region? : Bool
Checks if the function "glMemoryBarrierByRegion" is loaded.
Invokes glMinSampleShading.
Invokes glMinSampleShading.
#min_sample_shading? : Bool
Checks if the function "glMinSampleShading" is loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawArrays.
Invokes glMultiDrawArrays.
#multi_draw_arrays? : Bool
Checks if the function "glMultiDrawArrays" is loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawArraysIndirect.
Invokes glMultiDrawArraysIndirect.
#multi_draw_arrays_indirect? : Bool
Checks if the function "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect" is loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawArraysIndirectCount.
Invokes glMultiDrawArraysIndirectCount.
#multi_draw_arrays_indirect_count? : Bool
Checks if the function "glMultiDrawArraysIndirectCount" is loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawElements.
Invokes glMultiDrawElements.
#multi_draw_elements? : Bool
Checks if the function "glMultiDrawElements" is loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex.
Invokes glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex.
#multi_draw_elements_base_vertex? : Bool
Checks if the function "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex" is loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawElementsIndirect.
Invokes glMultiDrawElementsIndirect.
#multi_draw_elements_indirect? : Bool
Checks if the function "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect" is loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawElementsIndirectCount.
Invokes glMultiDrawElementsIndirectCount.
#multi_draw_elements_indirect_count? : Bool
Checks if the function "glMultiDrawElementsIndirectCount" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedBufferData.
Invokes glNamedBufferData.
#named_buffer_data? : Bool
Checks if the function "glNamedBufferData" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedBufferStorage.
Invokes glNamedBufferStorage.
#named_buffer_storage? : Bool
Checks if the function "glNamedBufferStorage" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedBufferSubData.
Invokes glNamedBufferSubData.
#named_buffer_sub_data? : Bool
Checks if the function "glNamedBufferSubData" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffer.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffer.
#named_framebuffer_draw_buffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffers.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffers.
#named_framebuffer_draw_buffers? : Bool
Checks if the function "glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffers" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferParameteri.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferParameteri.
#named_framebuffer_parameter_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glNamedFramebufferParameteri" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferReadBuffer.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferReadBuffer.
#named_framebuffer_read_buffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glNamedFramebufferReadBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferRenderbuffer.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferRenderbuffer.
#named_framebuffer_renderbuffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glNamedFramebufferRenderbuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferTexture.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferTexture.
#named_framebuffer_texture? : Bool
Checks if the function "glNamedFramebufferTexture" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferTextureLayer.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferTextureLayer.
#named_framebuffer_texture_layer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glNamedFramebufferTextureLayer" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedRenderbufferStorage.
Invokes glNamedRenderbufferStorage.
#named_renderbuffer_storage? : Bool
Checks if the function "glNamedRenderbufferStorage" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample.
Invokes glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample.
#named_renderbuffer_storage_multisample? : Bool
Checks if the function "glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample" is loaded.
Invokes glObjectLabel.
Invokes glObjectLabel.
#object_label? : Bool
Checks if the function "glObjectLabel" is loaded.
Invokes glObjectPtrLabel.
Invokes glObjectPtrLabel.
#object_ptr_label? : Bool
Checks if the function "glObjectPtrLabel" is loaded.
Invokes glPatchParameterfv.
Invokes glPatchParameterfv.
#patch_parameter_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glPatchParameterfv" is loaded.
Invokes glPatchParameteri.
Invokes glPatchParameteri.
#patch_parameter_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glPatchParameteri" is loaded.
Invokes glPauseTransformFeedback.
Invokes glPauseTransformFeedback.
#pause_transform_feedback? : Bool
Checks if the function "glPauseTransformFeedback" is loaded.
Invokes glPixelStoref.
Invokes glPixelStoref.
#pixel_store_f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glPixelStoref" is loaded.
Invokes glPixelStorei.
Invokes glPixelStorei.
#pixel_store_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glPixelStorei" is loaded.
Invokes glPointParameterf.
Invokes glPointParameterf.
#point_parameter_f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glPointParameterf" is loaded.
Invokes glPointParameterfv.
Invokes glPointParameterfv.
#point_parameter_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glPointParameterfv" is loaded.
Invokes glPointParameteri.
Invokes glPointParameteri.
#point_parameter_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glPointParameteri" is loaded.
Invokes glPointParameteriv.
Invokes glPointParameteriv.
#point_parameter_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glPointParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glPointSize.
Invokes glPointSize.
#point_size? : Bool
Checks if the function "glPointSize" is loaded.
Invokes glPolygonMode.
Invokes glPolygonMode.
#polygon_mode? : Bool
Checks if the function "glPolygonMode" is loaded.
Invokes glPolygonOffset.
Invokes glPolygonOffset.
#polygon_offset? : Bool
Checks if the function "glPolygonOffset" is loaded.
Invokes glPolygonOffsetClamp.
Invokes glPolygonOffsetClamp.
#polygon_offset_clamp? : Bool
Checks if the function "glPolygonOffsetClamp" is loaded.
Invokes glPopDebugGroup.
Invokes glPopDebugGroup.
#pop_debug_group? : Bool
Checks if the function "glPopDebugGroup" is loaded.
Invokes glPrimitiveRestartIndex.
Invokes glPrimitiveRestartIndex.
#primitive_restart_index? : Bool
Checks if the function "glPrimitiveRestartIndex" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramBinary.
Invokes glProgramBinary.
#program_binary? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramBinary" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramParameteri.
Invokes glProgramParameteri.
#program_parameter_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramParameteri" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1d.
Invokes glProgramUniform1d.
#program_uniform_1d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform1d" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1dv.
Invokes glProgramUniform1dv.
#program_uniform_1dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform1dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1f.
Invokes glProgramUniform1f.
#program_uniform_1f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform1f" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1fv.
Invokes glProgramUniform1fv.
#program_uniform_1fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform1fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1i.
Invokes glProgramUniform1i.
#program_uniform_1i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform1i" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1iv.
Invokes glProgramUniform1iv.
#program_uniform_1iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform1iv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1ui.
Invokes glProgramUniform1ui.
#program_uniform_1ui? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform1ui" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1uiv.
Invokes glProgramUniform1uiv.
#program_uniform_1uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform1uiv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2d.
Invokes glProgramUniform2d.
#program_uniform_2d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform2d" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2dv.
Invokes glProgramUniform2dv.
#program_uniform_2dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform2dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2f.
Invokes glProgramUniform2f.
#program_uniform_2f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform2f" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2fv.
Invokes glProgramUniform2fv.
#program_uniform_2fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform2fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2i.
Invokes glProgramUniform2i.
#program_uniform_2i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform2i" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2iv.
Invokes glProgramUniform2iv.
#program_uniform_2iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform2iv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2ui.
Invokes glProgramUniform2ui.
#program_uniform_2ui? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform2ui" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2uiv.
Invokes glProgramUniform2uiv.
#program_uniform_2uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform2uiv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3d.
Invokes glProgramUniform3d.
#program_uniform_3d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform3d" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3dv.
Invokes glProgramUniform3dv.
#program_uniform_3dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform3dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3f.
Invokes glProgramUniform3f.
#program_uniform_3f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform3f" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3fv.
Invokes glProgramUniform3fv.
#program_uniform_3fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform3fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3i.
Invokes glProgramUniform3i.
#program_uniform_3i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform3i" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3iv.
Invokes glProgramUniform3iv.
#program_uniform_3iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform3iv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3ui.
Invokes glProgramUniform3ui.
#program_uniform_3ui? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform3ui" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3uiv.
Invokes glProgramUniform3uiv.
#program_uniform_3uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform3uiv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4d.
Invokes glProgramUniform4d.
#program_uniform_4d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform4d" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4dv.
Invokes glProgramUniform4dv.
#program_uniform_4dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform4dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4f.
Invokes glProgramUniform4f.
#program_uniform_4f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform4f" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4fv.
Invokes glProgramUniform4fv.
#program_uniform_4fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform4fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4i.
Invokes glProgramUniform4i.
#program_uniform_4i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform4i" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4iv.
Invokes glProgramUniform4iv.
#program_uniform_4iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform4iv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4ui.
Invokes glProgramUniform4ui.
#program_uniform_4ui? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform4ui" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4uiv.
Invokes glProgramUniform4uiv.
#program_uniform_4uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniform4uiv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2dv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2dv.
#program_uniform_matrix2_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2fv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2fv.
#program_uniform_matrix2_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv.
#program_uniform_matrix2x3_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv.
#program_uniform_matrix2x3_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv.
#program_uniform_matrix2x4_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv.
#program_uniform_matrix2x4_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3dv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3dv.
#program_uniform_matrix3_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3fv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3fv.
#program_uniform_matrix3_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv.
#program_uniform_matrix3x2_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv.
#program_uniform_matrix3x2_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv.
#program_uniform_matrix3x4_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv.
#program_uniform_matrix3x4_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4dv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4dv.
#program_uniform_matrix4_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4fv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4fv.
#program_uniform_matrix4_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv.
#program_uniform_matrix4x2_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv.
#program_uniform_matrix4x2_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv.
#program_uniform_matrix4x3_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv.
#program_uniform_matrix4x3_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProvokingVertex.
Invokes glProvokingVertex.
#provoking_vertex? : Bool
Checks if the function "glProvokingVertex" is loaded.
Invokes glPushDebugGroup.
Invokes glPushDebugGroup.
#push_debug_group? : Bool
Checks if the function "glPushDebugGroup" is loaded.
Invokes glQueryCounter.
Invokes glQueryCounter.
#query_counter? : Bool
Checks if the function "glQueryCounter" is loaded.
Invokes glReadBuffer.
Invokes glReadBuffer.
#read_buffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glReadBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glReadPixels.
Invokes glReadPixels.
#read_pixels? : Bool
Checks if the function "glReadPixels" is loaded.
Invokes glReadnPixels.
Invokes glReadnPixels.
#readn_pixels? : Bool
Checks if the function "glReadnPixels" is loaded.
Invokes glReleaseShaderCompiler.
Invokes glReleaseShaderCompiler.
#release_shader_compiler? : Bool
Checks if the function "glReleaseShaderCompiler" is loaded.
Invokes glRenderbufferStorage.
Invokes glRenderbufferStorage.
#renderbuffer_storage? : Bool
Checks if the function "glRenderbufferStorage" is loaded.
Invokes glRenderbufferStorageMultisample.
Invokes glRenderbufferStorageMultisample.
#renderbuffer_storage_multisample? : Bool
Checks if the function "glRenderbufferStorageMultisample" is loaded.
Invokes glResumeTransformFeedback.
Invokes glResumeTransformFeedback.
#resume_transform_feedback? : Bool
Checks if the function "glResumeTransformFeedback" is loaded.
Invokes glSampleCoverage.
Invokes glSampleCoverage.
#sample_coverage? : Bool
Checks if the function "glSampleCoverage" is loaded.
Invokes glSampleMaski.
Invokes glSampleMaski.
#sample_mask_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glSampleMaski" is loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameterf.
Invokes glSamplerParameterf.
#sampler_parameter_f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glSamplerParameterf" is loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameterfv.
Invokes glSamplerParameterfv.
#sampler_parameter_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glSamplerParameterfv" is loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameteri.
Invokes glSamplerParameteri.
#sampler_parameter_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glSamplerParameteri" is loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameterIiv.
Invokes glSamplerParameterIiv.
#sampler_parameter_i_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glSamplerParameterIiv" is loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameterIuiv.
Invokes glSamplerParameterIuiv.
#sampler_parameter_i_uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glSamplerParameterIuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameteriv.
Invokes glSamplerParameteriv.
#sampler_parameter_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glSamplerParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glScissor.
Invokes glScissor.
#scissor? : Bool
Checks if the function "glScissor" is loaded.
Invokes glScissorArrayv.
Invokes glScissorArrayv.
#scissor_array_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glScissorArrayv" is loaded.
Invokes glScissorIndexed.
Invokes glScissorIndexed.
#scissor_indexed? : Bool
Checks if the function "glScissorIndexed" is loaded.
Invokes glScissorIndexedv.
Invokes glScissorIndexedv.
#scissor_indexedv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glScissorIndexedv" is loaded.
Invokes glShaderBinary.
Invokes glShaderBinary.
#shader_binary? : Bool
Checks if the function "glShaderBinary" is loaded.
Invokes glShaderSource.
Invokes glShaderSource.
#shader_source? : Bool
Checks if the function "glShaderSource" is loaded.
Invokes glShaderStorageBlockBinding.
Invokes glShaderStorageBlockBinding.
#shader_storage_block_binding? : Bool
Checks if the function "glShaderStorageBlockBinding" is loaded.
Invokes glSpecializeShader.
Invokes glSpecializeShader.
#specialize_shader? : Bool
Checks if the function "glSpecializeShader" is loaded.
Invokes glStencilFunc.
Invokes glStencilFunc.
#stencil_func? : Bool
Checks if the function "glStencilFunc" is loaded.
Invokes glStencilFuncSeparate.
Invokes glStencilFuncSeparate.
#stencil_func_separate? : Bool
Checks if the function "glStencilFuncSeparate" is loaded.
Invokes glStencilMask.
Invokes glStencilMask.
#stencil_mask? : Bool
Checks if the function "glStencilMask" is loaded.
Invokes glStencilMaskSeparate.
Invokes glStencilMaskSeparate.
#stencil_mask_separate? : Bool
Checks if the function "glStencilMaskSeparate" is loaded.
Invokes glStencilOp.
Invokes glStencilOp.
#stencil_op? : Bool
Checks if the function "glStencilOp" is loaded.
Invokes glStencilOpSeparate.
Invokes glStencilOpSeparate.
#stencil_op_separate? : Bool
Checks if the function "glStencilOpSeparate" is loaded.
Invokes glTexBuffer.
Invokes glTexBuffer.
#tex_buffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glTexBufferRange.
Invokes glTexBufferRange.
#tex_buffer_range? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexBufferRange" is loaded.
Invokes glTexImage1D.
Invokes glTexImage1D.
#tex_image_1d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexImage1D" is loaded.
Invokes glTexImage2D.
Invokes glTexImage2D.
#tex_image_2d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexImage2D" is loaded.
Invokes glTexImage2DMultisample.
Invokes glTexImage2DMultisample.
#tex_image_2d_multisample? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexImage2DMultisample" is loaded.
Invokes glTexImage3D.
Invokes glTexImage3D.
#tex_image_3d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexImage3D" is loaded.
Invokes glTexImage3DMultisample.
Invokes glTexImage3DMultisample.
#tex_image_3d_multisample? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexImage3DMultisample" is loaded.
Invokes glTexParameterf.
Invokes glTexParameterf.
#tex_parameter_f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexParameterf" is loaded.
Invokes glTexParameterfv.
Invokes glTexParameterfv.
#tex_parameter_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexParameterfv" is loaded.
Invokes glTexParameteri.
Invokes glTexParameteri.
#tex_parameter_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexParameteri" is loaded.
Invokes glTexParameterIiv.
Invokes glTexParameterIiv.
#tex_parameter_i_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexParameterIiv" is loaded.
Invokes glTexParameterIuiv.
Invokes glTexParameterIuiv.
#tex_parameter_i_uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexParameterIuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glTexParameteriv.
Invokes glTexParameteriv.
#tex_parameter_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glTexStorage1D.
Invokes glTexStorage1D.
#tex_storage_1d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexStorage1D" is loaded.
Invokes glTexStorage2D.
Invokes glTexStorage2D.
#tex_storage_2d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexStorage2D" is loaded.
Invokes glTexStorage2DMultisample.
Invokes glTexStorage2DMultisample.
#tex_storage_2d_multisample? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexStorage2DMultisample" is loaded.
Invokes glTexStorage3D.
Invokes glTexStorage3D.
#tex_storage_3d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexStorage3D" is loaded.
Invokes glTexStorage3DMultisample.
Invokes glTexStorage3DMultisample.
#tex_storage_3d_multisample? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexStorage3DMultisample" is loaded.
Invokes glTexSubImage1D.
Invokes glTexSubImage1D.
#tex_sub_image_1d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexSubImage1D" is loaded.
Invokes glTexSubImage2D.
Invokes glTexSubImage2D.
#tex_sub_image_2d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexSubImage2D" is loaded.
Invokes glTexSubImage3D.
Invokes glTexSubImage3D.
#tex_sub_image_3d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTexSubImage3D" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureBarrier.
Invokes glTextureBarrier.
#texture_barrier? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureBarrier" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureBuffer.
Invokes glTextureBuffer.
#texture_buffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureBufferRange.
Invokes glTextureBufferRange.
#texture_buffer_range? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureBufferRange" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameterf.
Invokes glTextureParameterf.
#texture_parameter_f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureParameterf" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameterfv.
Invokes glTextureParameterfv.
#texture_parameter_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureParameterfv" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameteri.
Invokes glTextureParameteri.
#texture_parameter_i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureParameteri" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameterIiv.
Invokes glTextureParameterIiv.
#texture_parameter_i_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureParameterIiv" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameterIuiv.
Invokes glTextureParameterIuiv.
#texture_parameter_i_uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureParameterIuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameteriv.
Invokes glTextureParameteriv.
#texture_parameter_iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureStorage1D.
Invokes glTextureStorage1D.
#texture_storage_1d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureStorage1D" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureStorage2D.
Invokes glTextureStorage2D.
#texture_storage_2d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureStorage2D" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureStorage2DMultisample.
Invokes glTextureStorage2DMultisample.
#texture_storage_2d_multisample? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureStorage2DMultisample" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureStorage3D.
Invokes glTextureStorage3D.
#texture_storage_3d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureStorage3D" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureStorage3DMultisample.
Invokes glTextureStorage3DMultisample.
#texture_storage_3d_multisample? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureStorage3DMultisample" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureSubImage1D.
Invokes glTextureSubImage1D.
#texture_sub_image_1d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureSubImage1D" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureSubImage2D.
Invokes glTextureSubImage2D.
#texture_sub_image_2d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureSubImage2D" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureSubImage3D.
Invokes glTextureSubImage3D.
#texture_sub_image_3d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureSubImage3D" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureView.
Invokes glTextureView.
#texture_view? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTextureView" is loaded.
Invokes glTransformFeedbackBufferBase.
Invokes glTransformFeedbackBufferBase.
#transform_feedback_buffer_base? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTransformFeedbackBufferBase" is loaded.
Invokes glTransformFeedbackBufferRange.
Invokes glTransformFeedbackBufferRange.
#transform_feedback_buffer_range? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTransformFeedbackBufferRange" is loaded.
Invokes glTransformFeedbackVaryings.
Invokes glTransformFeedbackVaryings.
#transform_feedback_varyings? : Bool
Checks if the function "glTransformFeedbackVaryings" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform1d.
Invokes glUniform1d.
#uniform_1d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform1d" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform1dv.
Invokes glUniform1dv.
#uniform_1dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform1dv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform1f.
Invokes glUniform1f.
#uniform_1f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform1f" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform1fv.
Invokes glUniform1fv.
#uniform_1fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform1fv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform1i.
Invokes glUniform1i.
#uniform_1i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform1i" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform1iv.
Invokes glUniform1iv.
#uniform_1iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform1iv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform1ui.
Invokes glUniform1ui.
#uniform_1ui? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform1ui" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform1uiv.
Invokes glUniform1uiv.
#uniform_1uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform1uiv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform2d.
Invokes glUniform2d.
#uniform_2d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform2d" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform2dv.
Invokes glUniform2dv.
#uniform_2dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform2dv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform2f.
Invokes glUniform2f.
#uniform_2f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform2f" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform2fv.
Invokes glUniform2fv.
#uniform_2fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform2fv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform2i.
Invokes glUniform2i.
#uniform_2i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform2i" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform2iv.
Invokes glUniform2iv.
#uniform_2iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform2iv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform2ui.
Invokes glUniform2ui.
#uniform_2ui? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform2ui" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform2uiv.
Invokes glUniform2uiv.
#uniform_2uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform2uiv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform3d.
Invokes glUniform3d.
#uniform_3d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform3d" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform3dv.
Invokes glUniform3dv.
#uniform_3dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform3dv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform3f.
Invokes glUniform3f.
#uniform_3f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform3f" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform3fv.
Invokes glUniform3fv.
#uniform_3fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform3fv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform3i.
Invokes glUniform3i.
#uniform_3i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform3i" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform3iv.
Invokes glUniform3iv.
#uniform_3iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform3iv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform3ui.
Invokes glUniform3ui.
#uniform_3ui? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform3ui" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform3uiv.
Invokes glUniform3uiv.
#uniform_3uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform3uiv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform4d.
Invokes glUniform4d.
#uniform_4d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform4d" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform4dv.
Invokes glUniform4dv.
#uniform_4dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform4dv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform4f.
Invokes glUniform4f.
#uniform_4f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform4f" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform4fv.
Invokes glUniform4fv.
#uniform_4fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform4fv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform4i.
Invokes glUniform4i.
#uniform_4i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform4i" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform4iv.
Invokes glUniform4iv.
#uniform_4iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform4iv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform4ui.
Invokes glUniform4ui.
#uniform_4ui? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform4ui" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform4uiv.
Invokes glUniform4uiv.
#uniform_4uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniform4uiv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformBlockBinding.
Invokes glUniformBlockBinding.
#uniform_block_binding? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformBlockBinding" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2dv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2dv.
#uniform_matrix2_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix2dv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2fv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2fv.
#uniform_matrix2_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix2fv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2x3dv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2x3dv.
#uniform_matrix2x3_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix2x3dv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2x3fv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2x3fv.
#uniform_matrix2x3_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix2x3fv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2x4dv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2x4dv.
#uniform_matrix2x4_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix2x4dv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2x4fv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2x4fv.
#uniform_matrix2x4_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix2x4fv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3dv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3dv.
#uniform_matrix3_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix3dv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3fv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3fv.
#uniform_matrix3_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix3fv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3x2dv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3x2dv.
#uniform_matrix3x2_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix3x2dv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3x2fv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3x2fv.
#uniform_matrix3x2_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix3x2fv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3x4dv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3x4dv.
#uniform_matrix3x4_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix3x4dv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3x4fv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3x4fv.
#uniform_matrix3x4_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix3x4fv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4dv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4dv.
#uniform_matrix4_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix4dv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4fv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4fv.
#uniform_matrix4_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix4fv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4x2dv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4x2dv.
#uniform_matrix4x2_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix4x2dv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4x2fv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4x2fv.
#uniform_matrix4x2_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix4x2fv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4x3dv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4x3dv.
#uniform_matrix4x3_dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix4x3dv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4x3fv.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4x3fv.
#uniform_matrix4x3_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformMatrix4x3fv" is loaded.
Invokes glUniformSubroutinesuiv.
Invokes glUniformSubroutinesuiv.
#uniform_subroutines_uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUniformSubroutinesuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glUnmapBuffer.
Invokes glUnmapBuffer.
#unmap_buffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUnmapBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glUnmapNamedBuffer.
Invokes glUnmapNamedBuffer.
#unmap_named_buffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUnmapNamedBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glUseProgram.
Invokes glUseProgram.
#use_program? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUseProgram" is loaded.
Invokes glUseProgramStages.
Invokes glUseProgramStages.
#use_program_stages? : Bool
Checks if the function "glUseProgramStages" is loaded.
Invokes glValidateProgram.
Invokes glValidateProgram.
#validate_program? : Bool
Checks if the function "glValidateProgram" is loaded.
Invokes glValidateProgramPipeline.
Invokes glValidateProgramPipeline.
#validate_program_pipeline? : Bool
Checks if the function "glValidateProgramPipeline" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayAttribBinding.
Invokes glVertexArrayAttribBinding.
#vertex_array_attrib_binding? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexArrayAttribBinding" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayAttribFormat.
Invokes glVertexArrayAttribFormat.
#vertex_array_attrib_format? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexArrayAttribFormat" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayAttribIFormat.
Invokes glVertexArrayAttribIFormat.
#vertex_array_attrib_i_format? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexArrayAttribIFormat" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayAttribLFormat.
Invokes glVertexArrayAttribLFormat.
#vertex_array_attrib_l_format? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexArrayAttribLFormat" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayBindingDivisor.
Invokes glVertexArrayBindingDivisor.
#vertex_array_binding_divisor? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexArrayBindingDivisor" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayElementBuffer.
Invokes glVertexArrayElementBuffer.
#vertex_array_element_buffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexArrayElementBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayVertexBuffer.
Invokes glVertexArrayVertexBuffer.
#vertex_array_vertex_buffer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexArrayVertexBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayVertexBuffers.
Invokes glVertexArrayVertexBuffers.
#vertex_array_vertex_buffers? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexArrayVertexBuffers" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1d.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1d.
#vertex_attrib_1d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib1d" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1dv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1dv.
#vertex_attrib_1dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib1dv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1f.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1f.
#vertex_attrib_1f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib1f" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1fv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1fv.
#vertex_attrib_1fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib1fv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1s.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1s.
#vertex_attrib_1s? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib1s" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1sv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1sv.
#vertex_attrib_1sv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib1sv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2d.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2d.
#vertex_attrib_2d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib2d" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2dv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2dv.
#vertex_attrib_2dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib2dv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2f.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2f.
#vertex_attrib_2f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib2f" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2fv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2fv.
#vertex_attrib_2fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib2fv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2s.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2s.
#vertex_attrib_2s? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib2s" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2sv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2sv.
#vertex_attrib_2sv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib2sv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3d.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3d.
#vertex_attrib_3d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib3d" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3dv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3dv.
#vertex_attrib_3dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib3dv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3f.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3f.
#vertex_attrib_3f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib3f" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3fv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3fv.
#vertex_attrib_3fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib3fv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3s.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3s.
#vertex_attrib_3s? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib3s" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3sv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3sv.
#vertex_attrib_3sv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib3sv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4bv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4bv.
#vertex_attrib_4bv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4bv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4d.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4d.
#vertex_attrib_4d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4d" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4dv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4dv.
#vertex_attrib_4dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4dv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4f.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4f.
#vertex_attrib_4f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4f" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4fv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4fv.
#vertex_attrib_4fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4fv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4iv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4iv.
#vertex_attrib_4iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4iv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nbv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nbv.
#vertex_attrib_4nbv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4Nbv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Niv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Niv.
#vertex_attrib_4niv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4Niv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nsv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nsv.
#vertex_attrib_4nsv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4Nsv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nub.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nub.
#vertex_attrib_4nub? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4Nub" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nubv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nubv.
#vertex_attrib_4nubv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4Nubv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nuiv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nuiv.
#vertex_attrib_4nuiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4Nuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nusv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nusv.
#vertex_attrib_4nusv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4Nusv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4s.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4s.
#vertex_attrib_4s? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4s" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4sv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4sv.
#vertex_attrib_4sv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4sv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4ubv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4ubv.
#vertex_attrib_4ubv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4ubv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4uiv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4uiv.
#vertex_attrib_4uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4uiv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4usv.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4usv.
#vertex_attrib_4usv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttrib4usv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribBinding.
Invokes glVertexAttribBinding.
#vertex_attrib_binding? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribBinding" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribDivisor.
Invokes glVertexAttribDivisor.
#vertex_attrib_divisor? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribDivisor" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribFormat.
Invokes glVertexAttribFormat.
#vertex_attrib_format? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribFormat" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI1i.
Invokes glVertexAttribI1i.
#vertex_attrib_i_1i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI1i" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI1iv.
Invokes glVertexAttribI1iv.
#vertex_attrib_i_1iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI1iv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI1ui.
Invokes glVertexAttribI1ui.
#vertex_attrib_i_1ui? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI1ui" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI1uiv.
Invokes glVertexAttribI1uiv.
#vertex_attrib_i_1uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI1uiv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI2i.
Invokes glVertexAttribI2i.
#vertex_attrib_i_2i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI2i" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI2iv.
Invokes glVertexAttribI2iv.
#vertex_attrib_i_2iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI2iv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI2ui.
Invokes glVertexAttribI2ui.
#vertex_attrib_i_2ui? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI2ui" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI2uiv.
Invokes glVertexAttribI2uiv.
#vertex_attrib_i_2uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI2uiv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI3i.
Invokes glVertexAttribI3i.
#vertex_attrib_i_3i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI3i" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI3iv.
Invokes glVertexAttribI3iv.
#vertex_attrib_i_3iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI3iv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI3ui.
Invokes glVertexAttribI3ui.
#vertex_attrib_i_3ui? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI3ui" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI3uiv.
Invokes glVertexAttribI3uiv.
#vertex_attrib_i_3uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI3uiv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4bv.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4bv.
#vertex_attrib_i_4bv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI4bv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4i.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4i.
#vertex_attrib_i_4i? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI4i" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4iv.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4iv.
#vertex_attrib_i_4iv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI4iv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4sv.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4sv.
#vertex_attrib_i_4sv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI4sv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4ubv.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4ubv.
#vertex_attrib_i_4ubv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI4ubv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4ui.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4ui.
#vertex_attrib_i_4ui? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI4ui" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4uiv.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4uiv.
#vertex_attrib_i_4uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI4uiv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4usv.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4usv.
#vertex_attrib_i_4usv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribI4usv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribIFormat.
Invokes glVertexAttribIFormat.
#vertex_attrib_i_format? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribIFormat" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribIPointer.
Invokes glVertexAttribIPointer.
#vertex_attrib_i_pointer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribIPointer" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL1d.
Invokes glVertexAttribL1d.
#vertex_attrib_l_1d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribL1d" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL1dv.
Invokes glVertexAttribL1dv.
#vertex_attrib_l_1dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribL1dv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL2d.
Invokes glVertexAttribL2d.
#vertex_attrib_l_2d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribL2d" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL2dv.
Invokes glVertexAttribL2dv.
#vertex_attrib_l_2dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribL2dv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL3d.
Invokes glVertexAttribL3d.
#vertex_attrib_l_3d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribL3d" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL3dv.
Invokes glVertexAttribL3dv.
#vertex_attrib_l_3dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribL3dv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL4d.
Invokes glVertexAttribL4d.
#vertex_attrib_l_4d? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribL4d" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL4dv.
Invokes glVertexAttribL4dv.
#vertex_attrib_l_4dv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribL4dv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribLFormat.
Invokes glVertexAttribLFormat.
#vertex_attrib_l_format? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribLFormat" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribLPointer.
Invokes glVertexAttribLPointer.
#vertex_attrib_l_pointer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribLPointer" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP1ui.
Invokes glVertexAttribP1ui.
#vertex_attrib_p_1ui? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribP1ui" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP1uiv.
Invokes glVertexAttribP1uiv.
#vertex_attrib_p_1uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribP1uiv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP2ui.
Invokes glVertexAttribP2ui.
#vertex_attrib_p_2ui? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribP2ui" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP2uiv.
Invokes glVertexAttribP2uiv.
#vertex_attrib_p_2uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribP2uiv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP3ui.
Invokes glVertexAttribP3ui.
#vertex_attrib_p_3ui? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribP3ui" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP3uiv.
Invokes glVertexAttribP3uiv.
#vertex_attrib_p_3uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribP3uiv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP4ui.
Invokes glVertexAttribP4ui.
#vertex_attrib_p_4ui? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribP4ui" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP4uiv.
Invokes glVertexAttribP4uiv.
#vertex_attrib_p_4uiv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribP4uiv" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribPointer.
Invokes glVertexAttribPointer.
#vertex_attrib_pointer? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexAttribPointer" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexBindingDivisor.
Invokes glVertexBindingDivisor.
#vertex_binding_divisor? : Bool
Checks if the function "glVertexBindingDivisor" is loaded.
Invokes glViewport.
Invokes glViewport.
#viewport? : Bool
Checks if the function "glViewport" is loaded.
Invokes glViewportArrayv.
Invokes glViewportArrayv.
#viewport_array_v? : Bool
Checks if the function "glViewportArrayv" is loaded.
Invokes glViewportIndexedf.
Invokes glViewportIndexedf.
#viewport_indexed_f? : Bool
Checks if the function "glViewportIndexedf" is loaded.
Invokes glViewportIndexedfv.
Invokes glViewportIndexedfv.
#viewport_indexed_fv? : Bool
Checks if the function "glViewportIndexedfv" is loaded.
Invokes glWaitSync.
Invokes glWaitSync.
#wait_sync? : Bool
Checks if the function "glWaitSync" is loaded.
Constructor Detail
Sets up the procs without loading any addresses. No functions will be (safely) callable until they are loaded.
Instance Method Detail
Invokes glActiveShaderProgram.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glActiveShaderProgram. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glActiveTexture.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glActiveTexture. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glAttachShader.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glAttachShader. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBeginConditionalRender.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBeginConditionalRender. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBeginQuery.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBeginQuery. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBeginQueryIndexed.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBeginQueryIndexed. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBeginTransformFeedback.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBeginTransformFeedback. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindAttribLocation.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindAttribLocation. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindBuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindBuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindBufferBase.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindBufferBase. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindBufferRange.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindBufferRange. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindBuffersBase.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindBuffersBase. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindBuffersRange.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindBuffersRange. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindFragDataLocation.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindFragDataLocation. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindFragDataLocationIndexed.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindFragDataLocationIndexed. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glBindFragDataLocationIndexed" is loaded.
Invokes glBindFramebuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindFramebuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindImageTexture.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindImageTexture. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindImageTextures.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindImageTextures. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindProgramPipeline.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindProgramPipeline. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindRenderbuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindRenderbuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindSampler.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindSampler. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindSamplers.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindSamplers. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindTexture.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindTexture. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindTextureUnit.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindTextureUnit. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindTextures.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindTextures. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindTransformFeedback.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindTransformFeedback. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindVertexArray.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindVertexArray. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindVertexBuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindVertexBuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindVertexBuffers.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBindVertexBuffers. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlendColor.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlendColor. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlendEquation.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlendEquation. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlendEquationi.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlendEquationi. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlendEquationSeparate.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlendEquationSeparate. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlendEquationSeparatei.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlendEquationSeparatei. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glBlendEquationSeparatei" is loaded.
Invokes glBlendFunc.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlendFunc. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlendFunci.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlendFunci. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlendFuncSeparate.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlendFuncSeparate. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlendFuncSeparatei.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlendFuncSeparatei. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlitFramebuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlitFramebuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlitNamedFramebuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBlitNamedFramebuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBufferData.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBufferData. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBufferStorage.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBufferStorage. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBufferSubData.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glBufferSubData. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCheckFramebufferStatus.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCheckFramebufferStatus. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCheckNamedFramebufferStatus.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCheckNamedFramebufferStatus. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glCheckNamedFramebufferStatus" is loaded.
Invokes glClampColor.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClampColor. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClear.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClear. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferData.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferData. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferfi.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferfi. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferfv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferfv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferSubData.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferSubData. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferuiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearBufferuiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearColor.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearColor. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearDepth.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearDepth. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearDepthf.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearDepthf. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedBufferData.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedBufferData. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedBufferSubData.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedBufferSubData. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glClearNamedBufferSubData" is loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedFramebufferfi.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedFramebufferfi. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glClearNamedFramebufferfi" is loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedFramebufferfv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedFramebufferfv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glClearNamedFramebufferfv" is loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedFramebufferiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedFramebufferiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glClearNamedFramebufferiv" is loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedFramebufferuiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearNamedFramebufferuiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glClearNamedFramebufferuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glClearStencil.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearStencil. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearTexImage.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearTexImage. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearTexSubImage.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClearTexSubImage. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClientWaitSync.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClientWaitSync. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClipControl.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glClipControl. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glColorMask.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glColorMask. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glColorMaski.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glColorMaski. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCompileShader.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCompileShader. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexImage1D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexImage1D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexImage2D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexImage2D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexImage3D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexImage3D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexSubImage1D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexSubImage1D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glCompressedTexSubImage1D" is loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexSubImage2D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexSubImage2D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glCompressedTexSubImage2D" is loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexSubImage3D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTexSubImage3D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glCompressedTexSubImage3D" is loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTextureSubImage1D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTextureSubImage1D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glCompressedTextureSubImage1D" is loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTextureSubImage2D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTextureSubImage2D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glCompressedTextureSubImage2D" is loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTextureSubImage3D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCompressedTextureSubImage3D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glCompressedTextureSubImage3D" is loaded.
Invokes glCopyBufferSubData.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyBufferSubData. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyImageSubData.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyImageSubData. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyNamedBufferSubData.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyNamedBufferSubData. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glCopyNamedBufferSubData" is loaded.
Invokes glCopyTexImage1D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyTexImage1D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyTexImage2D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyTexImage2D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyTexSubImage1D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyTexSubImage1D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyTexSubImage2D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyTexSubImage2D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyTexSubImage3D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyTexSubImage3D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyTextureSubImage1D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyTextureSubImage1D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyTextureSubImage2D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyTextureSubImage2D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyTextureSubImage3D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCopyTextureSubImage3D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateBuffers.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateBuffers. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateFramebuffers.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateFramebuffers. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateProgram.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateProgram. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateProgramPipelines.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateProgramPipelines. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateQueries.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateQueries. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateRenderbuffers.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateRenderbuffers. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateSamplers.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateSamplers. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateShader.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateShader. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateShaderProgramv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateShaderProgramv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateTextures.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateTextures. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateTransformFeedbacks.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateTransformFeedbacks. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glCreateTransformFeedbacks" is loaded.
Invokes glCreateVertexArrays.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCreateVertexArrays. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCullFace.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glCullFace. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDebugMessageCallback.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDebugMessageCallback. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDebugMessageControl.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDebugMessageControl. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDebugMessageInsert.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDebugMessageInsert. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteBuffers.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteBuffers. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteFramebuffers.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteFramebuffers. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteProgram.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteProgram. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteProgramPipelines.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteProgramPipelines. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteQueries.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteQueries. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteRenderbuffers.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteRenderbuffers. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteSamplers.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteSamplers. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteShader.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteShader. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteSync.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteSync. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteTextures.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteTextures. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteTransformFeedbacks.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteTransformFeedbacks. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks" is loaded.
Invokes glDeleteVertexArrays.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDeleteVertexArrays. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDepthFunc.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDepthFunc. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDepthMask.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDepthMask. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDepthRange.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDepthRange. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDepthRangeArrayv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDepthRangeArrayv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDepthRangef.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDepthRangef. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDepthRangeIndexed.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDepthRangeIndexed. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDetachShader.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDetachShader. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDisable.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDisable. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDisablei.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDisablei. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDisableVertexArrayAttrib.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDisableVertexArrayAttrib. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glDisableVertexArrayAttrib" is loaded.
Invokes glDisableVertexAttribArray.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDisableVertexAttribArray. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glDisableVertexAttribArray" is loaded.
Invokes glDispatchCompute.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDispatchCompute. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDispatchComputeIndirect.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDispatchComputeIndirect. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glDispatchComputeIndirect" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawArrays.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawArrays. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawArraysIndirect.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawArraysIndirect. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawArraysInstanced.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawArraysInstanced. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawBuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawBuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawBuffers.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawBuffers. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawElements.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawElements. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsBaseVertex.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsBaseVertex. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glDrawElementsBaseVertex" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsIndirect.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsIndirect. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsInstanced.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsInstanced. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawRangeElements.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawRangeElements. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawTransformFeedback.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawTransformFeedback. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glDrawTransformFeedbackInstanced" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawTransformFeedbackStream.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawTransformFeedbackStream. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glDrawTransformFeedbackStream" is loaded.
Invokes glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glDrawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced" is loaded.
Invokes glEnable.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glEnable. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glEnablei.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glEnablei. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glEnableVertexArrayAttrib.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glEnableVertexArrayAttrib. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glEnableVertexArrayAttrib" is loaded.
Invokes glEnableVertexAttribArray.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glEnableVertexAttribArray. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glEnableVertexAttribArray" is loaded.
Invokes glEndConditionalRender.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glEndConditionalRender. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glEndQuery.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glEndQuery. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glEndQueryIndexed.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glEndQueryIndexed. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glEndTransformFeedback.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glEndTransformFeedback. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFenceSync.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFenceSync. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFinish.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFinish. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFlush.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFlush. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFlushMappedBufferRange.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFlushMappedBufferRange. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glFlushMappedBufferRange" is loaded.
Invokes glFlushMappedNamedBufferRange.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFlushMappedNamedBufferRange. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glFlushMappedNamedBufferRange" is loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferParameteri.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferParameteri. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferRenderbuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferRenderbuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glFramebufferRenderbuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferTexture.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferTexture. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferTexture1D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferTexture1D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferTexture2D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferTexture2D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferTexture3D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferTexture3D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferTextureLayer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFramebufferTextureLayer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glFramebufferTextureLayer" is loaded.
Invokes glFrontFace.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glFrontFace. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenBuffers.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenBuffers. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenFramebuffers.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenFramebuffers. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenProgramPipelines.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenProgramPipelines. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenQueries.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenQueries. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenRenderbuffers.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenRenderbuffers. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenSamplers.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenSamplers. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenTextures.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenTextures. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenTransformFeedbacks.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenTransformFeedbacks. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenVertexArrays.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenVertexArrays. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenerateMipmap.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenerateMipmap. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenerateTextureMipmap.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGenerateTextureMipmap. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveAttrib.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveAttrib. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveSubroutineName.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveSubroutineName. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetActiveSubroutineName" is loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetActiveSubroutineUniformName" is loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveUniform.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveUniform. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveUniformBlockiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveUniformBlockiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveUniformBlockName.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveUniformBlockName. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetActiveUniformBlockName" is loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveUniformName.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveUniformName. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveUniformsiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetActiveUniformsiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetAttachedShaders.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetAttachedShaders. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetAttribLocation.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetAttribLocation. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetBooleani_v.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetBooleani_v. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetBooleanv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetBooleanv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetBufferParameteri64v.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetBufferParameteri64v. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetBufferParameteri64v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetBufferParameteriv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetBufferParameteriv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetBufferPointerv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetBufferPointerv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetBufferSubData.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetBufferSubData. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetCompressedTexImage.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetCompressedTexImage. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetCompressedTextureImage.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetCompressedTextureImage. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetCompressedTextureImage" is loaded.
Invokes glGetCompressedTextureSubImage.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetCompressedTextureSubImage. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetCompressedTextureSubImage" is loaded.
Invokes glGetDebugMessageLog.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetDebugMessageLog. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetDoublei_v.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetDoublei_v. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetDoublev.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetDoublev. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetError.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetError. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetFloati_v.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetFloati_v. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetFloatv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetFloatv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetFragDataIndex.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetFragDataIndex. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetFragDataLocation.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetFragDataLocation. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetFramebufferParameteriv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetFramebufferParameteriv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetFramebufferParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetGraphicsResetStatus.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetGraphicsResetStatus. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetGraphicsResetStatus" is loaded.
Invokes glGetInteger64i_v.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetInteger64i_v. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetInteger64v.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetInteger64v. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetIntegeri_v.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetIntegeri_v. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetIntegerv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetIntegerv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetInternalformati64v.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetInternalformati64v. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetInternalformativ.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetInternalformativ. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetMultisamplefv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetMultisamplefv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedBufferParameteri64v.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedBufferParameteri64v. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetNamedBufferParameteri64v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedBufferParameteriv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedBufferParameteriv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetNamedBufferParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedBufferPointerv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedBufferPointerv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetNamedBufferPointerv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedBufferSubData.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedBufferSubData. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetNamedFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedFramebufferParameteriv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedFramebufferParameteriv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetNamedFramebufferParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetNamedRenderbufferParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetObjectLabel.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetObjectLabel. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetObjectPtrLabel.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetObjectPtrLabel. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetPointerv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetPointerv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramBinary.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramBinary. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramInfoLog.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramInfoLog. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramInterfaceiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramInterfaceiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog" is loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramPipelineiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramPipelineiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceIndex.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceIndex. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetProgramResourceIndex" is loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceLocation.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceLocation. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetProgramResourceLocation" is loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetProgramResourceLocationIndex" is loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceName.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramResourceName. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetProgramResourceName" is loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramStageiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetProgramStageiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryBufferObjecti64v.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryBufferObjecti64v. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetQueryBufferObjecti64v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryBufferObjectiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryBufferObjectiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetQueryBufferObjectiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryBufferObjectui64v.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryBufferObjectui64v. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetQueryBufferObjectui64v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryBufferObjectuiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryBufferObjectuiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetQueryBufferObjectuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryIndexediv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryIndexediv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryObjecti64v.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryObjecti64v. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryObjectiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryObjectiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryObjectui64v.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryObjectui64v. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryObjectuiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetQueryObjectuiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetRenderbufferParameteriv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetRenderbufferParameteriv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetSamplerParameterfv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetSamplerParameterfv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetSamplerParameterIiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetSamplerParameterIiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetSamplerParameterIiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetSamplerParameterIuiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetSamplerParameterIuiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetSamplerParameterIuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetSamplerParameteriv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetSamplerParameteriv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetShaderInfoLog.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetShaderInfoLog. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetShaderiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetShaderiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetShaderPrecisionFormat.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetShaderPrecisionFormat. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat" is loaded.
Invokes glGetShaderSource.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetShaderSource. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetString.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetString. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetStringi.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetStringi. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetSubroutineIndex.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetSubroutineIndex. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetSubroutineUniformLocation.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetSubroutineUniformLocation. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetSubroutineUniformLocation" is loaded.
Invokes glGetSynciv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetSynciv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTexImage.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTexImage. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTexLevelParameterfv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTexLevelParameterfv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetTexLevelParameterfv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTexLevelParameteriv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTexLevelParameteriv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetTexLevelParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTexParameterfv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTexParameterfv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTexParameterIiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTexParameterIiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTexParameterIuiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTexParameterIuiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTexParameteriv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTexParameteriv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureImage.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureImage. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureLevelParameterfv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureLevelParameterfv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetTextureLevelParameterfv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureLevelParameteriv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureLevelParameteriv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetTextureLevelParameteriv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureParameterfv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureParameterfv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureParameterIiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureParameterIiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetTextureParameterIiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureParameterIuiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureParameterIuiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetTextureParameterIuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureParameteriv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureParameteriv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureSubImage.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTextureSubImage. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTransformFeedbacki64_v.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTransformFeedbacki64_v. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetTransformFeedbacki64_v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTransformFeedbacki_v.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTransformFeedbacki_v. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetTransformFeedbacki_v" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTransformFeedbackiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTransformFeedbackiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetTransformFeedbackiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetTransformFeedbackVarying.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetTransformFeedbackVarying. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetTransformFeedbackVarying" is loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformBlockIndex.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformBlockIndex. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformdv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformdv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformfv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformfv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformIndices.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformIndices. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformLocation.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformLocation. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformSubroutineuiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformSubroutineuiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetUniformSubroutineuiv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformuiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetUniformuiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexArrayIndexed64iv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexArrayIndexed64iv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetVertexArrayIndexed64iv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexArrayIndexediv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexArrayIndexediv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetVertexArrayIndexediv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexArrayiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexArrayiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribdv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribdv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribfv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribfv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribIiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribIiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribIuiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribIuiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribLdv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribLdv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribPointerv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetVertexAttribPointerv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetVertexAttribPointerv" is loaded.
Invokes glGetnCompressedTexImage.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetnCompressedTexImage. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glGetnCompressedTexImage" is loaded.
Invokes glGetnTexImage.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetnTexImage. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetnUniformdv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetnUniformdv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetnUniformfv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetnUniformfv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetnUniformiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetnUniformiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetnUniformuiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glGetnUniformuiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glHint.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glHint. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateBufferData.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateBufferData. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateBufferSubData.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateBufferSubData. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glInvalidateBufferSubData" is loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateFramebuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateFramebuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateNamedFramebufferData.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateNamedFramebufferData. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glInvalidateNamedFramebufferData" is loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glInvalidateNamedFramebufferSubData" is loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateSubFramebuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateSubFramebuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateTexImage.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateTexImage. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateTexSubImage.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glInvalidateTexSubImage. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsBuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsBuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsEnabled.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsEnabled. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsEnabledi.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsEnabledi. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsFramebuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsFramebuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsProgram.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsProgram. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsProgramPipeline.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsProgramPipeline. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsQuery.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsQuery. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsRenderbuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsRenderbuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsSampler.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsSampler. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsShader.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsShader. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsSync.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsSync. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsTexture.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsTexture. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsTransformFeedback.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsTransformFeedback. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsVertexArray.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glIsVertexArray. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glLineWidth.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glLineWidth. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glLinkProgram.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glLinkProgram. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Loads all functions. The block takes an OpenGL function name and returns its address. The address should be null if the function is unavailable.
Invokes glLogicOp.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glLogicOp. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMapBuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMapBuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMapBufferRange.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMapBufferRange. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMapNamedBuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMapNamedBuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMapNamedBufferRange.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMapNamedBufferRange. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMemoryBarrier.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMemoryBarrier. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMemoryBarrierByRegion.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMemoryBarrierByRegion. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMinSampleShading.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMinSampleShading. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawArrays.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawArrays. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawArraysIndirect.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawArraysIndirect. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glMultiDrawArraysIndirect" is loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawArraysIndirectCount.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawArraysIndirectCount. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glMultiDrawArraysIndirectCount" is loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawElements.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawElements. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex" is loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawElementsIndirect.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawElementsIndirect. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glMultiDrawElementsIndirect" is loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawElementsIndirectCount.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glMultiDrawElementsIndirectCount. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glMultiDrawElementsIndirectCount" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedBufferData.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glNamedBufferData. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glNamedBufferStorage.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glNamedBufferStorage. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glNamedBufferSubData.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glNamedBufferSubData. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffers.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffers. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffers" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferParameteri.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferParameteri. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glNamedFramebufferParameteri" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferReadBuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferReadBuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glNamedFramebufferReadBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferRenderbuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferRenderbuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glNamedFramebufferRenderbuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferTexture.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferTexture. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glNamedFramebufferTexture" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferTextureLayer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glNamedFramebufferTextureLayer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glNamedFramebufferTextureLayer" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedRenderbufferStorage.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glNamedRenderbufferStorage. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glNamedRenderbufferStorage" is loaded.
Invokes glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample" is loaded.
Invokes glObjectLabel.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glObjectLabel. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glObjectPtrLabel.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glObjectPtrLabel. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPatchParameterfv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPatchParameterfv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPatchParameteri.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPatchParameteri. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPauseTransformFeedback.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPauseTransformFeedback. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPixelStoref.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPixelStoref. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPixelStorei.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPixelStorei. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPointParameterf.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPointParameterf. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPointParameterfv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPointParameterfv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPointParameteri.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPointParameteri. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPointParameteriv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPointParameteriv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPointSize.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPointSize. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPolygonMode.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPolygonMode. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPolygonOffset.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPolygonOffset. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPolygonOffsetClamp.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPolygonOffsetClamp. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPopDebugGroup.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPopDebugGroup. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPrimitiveRestartIndex.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPrimitiveRestartIndex. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramBinary.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramBinary. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramParameteri.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramParameteri. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1d.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1d. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1f.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1f. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1i.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1i. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1iv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1iv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1ui.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1ui. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1uiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform1uiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2d.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2d. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2f.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2f. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2i.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2i. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2iv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2iv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2ui.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2ui. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2uiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform2uiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3d.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3d. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3f.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3f. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3i.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3i. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3iv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3iv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3ui.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3ui. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3uiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform3uiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4d.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4d. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4f.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4f. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4i.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4i. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4iv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4iv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4ui.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4ui. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4uiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniform4uiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix2dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix2fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix3dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix3fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix4dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix4fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3dv" is loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv" is loaded.
Invokes glProvokingVertex.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glProvokingVertex. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPushDebugGroup.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glPushDebugGroup. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glQueryCounter.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glQueryCounter. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glReadBuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glReadBuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glReadPixels.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glReadPixels. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glReadnPixels.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glReadnPixels. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glReleaseShaderCompiler.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glReleaseShaderCompiler. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glRenderbufferStorage.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glRenderbufferStorage. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glRenderbufferStorageMultisample.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glRenderbufferStorageMultisample. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glRenderbufferStorageMultisample" is loaded.
Invokes glResumeTransformFeedback.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glResumeTransformFeedback. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glResumeTransformFeedback" is loaded.
Invokes glSampleCoverage.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glSampleCoverage. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glSampleMaski.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glSampleMaski. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameterf.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameterf. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameterfv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameterfv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameteri.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameteri. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameterIiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameterIiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameterIuiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameterIuiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameteriv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glSamplerParameteriv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glScissor.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glScissor. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glScissorArrayv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glScissorArrayv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glScissorIndexed.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glScissorIndexed. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glScissorIndexedv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glScissorIndexedv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glShaderBinary.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glShaderBinary. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glShaderSource.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glShaderSource. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glShaderStorageBlockBinding.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glShaderStorageBlockBinding. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glShaderStorageBlockBinding" is loaded.
Invokes glSpecializeShader.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glSpecializeShader. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glStencilFunc.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glStencilFunc. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glStencilFuncSeparate.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glStencilFuncSeparate. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glStencilMask.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glStencilMask. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glStencilMaskSeparate.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glStencilMaskSeparate. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glStencilOp.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glStencilOp. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glStencilOpSeparate.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glStencilOpSeparate. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexBuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexBuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexBufferRange.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexBufferRange. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexImage1D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexImage1D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexImage2D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexImage2D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexImage2DMultisample.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexImage2DMultisample. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexImage3D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexImage3D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexImage3DMultisample.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexImage3DMultisample. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexParameterf.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexParameterf. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexParameterfv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexParameterfv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexParameteri.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexParameteri. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexParameterIiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexParameterIiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexParameterIuiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexParameterIuiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexParameteriv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexParameteriv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexStorage1D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexStorage1D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexStorage2D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexStorage2D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexStorage2DMultisample.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexStorage2DMultisample. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glTexStorage2DMultisample" is loaded.
Invokes glTexStorage3D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexStorage3D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexStorage3DMultisample.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexStorage3DMultisample. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glTexStorage3DMultisample" is loaded.
Invokes glTexSubImage1D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexSubImage1D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexSubImage2D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexSubImage2D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexSubImage3D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTexSubImage3D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureBarrier.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureBarrier. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureBuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureBuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureBufferRange.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureBufferRange. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameterf.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameterf. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameterfv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameterfv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameteri.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameteri. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameterIiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameterIiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameterIuiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameterIuiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameteriv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureParameteriv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureStorage1D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureStorage1D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureStorage2D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureStorage2D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureStorage2DMultisample.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureStorage2DMultisample. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glTextureStorage2DMultisample" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureStorage3D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureStorage3D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureStorage3DMultisample.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureStorage3DMultisample. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glTextureStorage3DMultisample" is loaded.
Invokes glTextureSubImage1D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureSubImage1D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureSubImage2D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureSubImage2D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureSubImage3D.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureSubImage3D. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureView.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTextureView. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTransformFeedbackBufferBase.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTransformFeedbackBufferBase. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glTransformFeedbackBufferBase" is loaded.
Invokes glTransformFeedbackBufferRange.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTransformFeedbackBufferRange. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glTransformFeedbackBufferRange" is loaded.
Invokes glTransformFeedbackVaryings.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glTransformFeedbackVaryings. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glTransformFeedbackVaryings" is loaded.
Invokes glUniform1d.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform1d. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform1dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform1dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform1f.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform1f. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform1fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform1fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform1i.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform1i. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform1iv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform1iv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform1ui.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform1ui. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform1uiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform1uiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform2d.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform2d. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform2dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform2dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform2f.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform2f. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform2fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform2fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform2i.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform2i. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform2iv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform2iv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform2ui.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform2ui. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform2uiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform2uiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform3d.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform3d. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform3dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform3dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform3f.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform3f. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform3fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform3fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform3i.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform3i. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform3iv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform3iv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform3ui.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform3ui. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform3uiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform3uiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform4d.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform4d. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform4dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform4dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform4f.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform4f. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform4fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform4fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform4i.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform4i. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform4iv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform4iv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform4ui.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform4ui. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform4uiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniform4uiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformBlockBinding.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformBlockBinding. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2x3dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2x3dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2x3fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2x3fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2x4dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2x4dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2x4fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix2x4fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3x2dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3x2dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3x2fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3x2fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3x4dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3x4dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3x4fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix3x4fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4x2dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4x2dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4x2fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4x2fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4x3dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4x3dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4x3fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformMatrix4x3fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformSubroutinesuiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUniformSubroutinesuiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUnmapBuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUnmapBuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUnmapNamedBuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUnmapNamedBuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUseProgram.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUseProgram. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUseProgramStages.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glUseProgramStages. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glValidateProgram.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glValidateProgram. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glValidateProgramPipeline.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glValidateProgramPipeline. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glValidateProgramPipeline" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayAttribBinding.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayAttribBinding. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glVertexArrayAttribBinding" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayAttribFormat.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayAttribFormat. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glVertexArrayAttribFormat" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayAttribIFormat.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayAttribIFormat. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glVertexArrayAttribIFormat" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayAttribLFormat.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayAttribLFormat. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glVertexArrayAttribLFormat" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayBindingDivisor.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayBindingDivisor. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glVertexArrayBindingDivisor" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayElementBuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayElementBuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glVertexArrayElementBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayVertexBuffer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayVertexBuffer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glVertexArrayVertexBuffer" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayVertexBuffers.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexArrayVertexBuffers. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Checks if the function "glVertexArrayVertexBuffers" is loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1d.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1d. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1f.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1f. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1s.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1s. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1sv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib1sv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2d.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2d. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2f.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2f. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2s.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2s. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2sv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib2sv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3d.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3d. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3f.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3f. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3s.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3s. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3sv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib3sv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4bv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4bv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4d.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4d. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4f.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4f. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4fv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4fv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4iv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4iv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nbv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nbv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Niv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Niv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nsv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nsv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nub.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nub. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nubv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nubv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nuiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nuiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nusv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4Nusv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4s.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4s. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4sv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4sv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4ubv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4ubv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4uiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4uiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4usv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttrib4usv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribBinding.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribBinding. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribDivisor.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribDivisor. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribFormat.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribFormat. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI1i.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI1i. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI1iv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI1iv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI1ui.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI1ui. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI1uiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI1uiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI2i.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI2i. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI2iv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI2iv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI2ui.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI2ui. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI2uiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI2uiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI3i.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI3i. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI3iv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI3iv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI3ui.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI3ui. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI3uiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI3uiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4bv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4bv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4i.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4i. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4iv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4iv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4sv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4sv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4ubv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4ubv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4ui.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4ui. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4uiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4uiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4usv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribI4usv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribIFormat.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribIFormat. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribIPointer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribIPointer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL1d.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL1d. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL1dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL1dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL2d.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL2d. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL2dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL2dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL3d.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL3d. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL3dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL3dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL4d.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL4d. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL4dv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribL4dv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribLFormat.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribLFormat. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribLPointer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribLPointer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP1ui.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP1ui. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP1uiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP1uiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP2ui.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP2ui. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP2uiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP2uiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP3ui.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP3ui. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP3uiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP3uiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP4ui.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP4ui. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP4uiv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribP4uiv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribPointer.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexAttribPointer. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexBindingDivisor.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glVertexBindingDivisor. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glViewport.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glViewport. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glViewportArrayv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glViewportArrayv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glViewportIndexedf.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glViewportIndexedf. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glViewportIndexedfv.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glViewportIndexedfv. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glWaitSync.
This method checks if the function is loaded before attempting to call it.
is raised if the function isn't loaded.
Invokes glWaitSync. This method is unsafe and will crash the program if the function isn't loaded.