class Clear::View


Create and maintain your database views directly in the code.

You could use the migration system to create and drop your views. However this is proven to be difficult, even more if you want to update a view which depends on another subviews.

How it works ?

When you migrate using the migration system, all the views registered are going to be destroyed and recreated again. Order of creation depends of the requirement for each views


Clear::View.register :room_per_days do |view|
  view.require(:rooms, :year_days)

  view.query <<-SQL
    SELECT room_id, day
    FROM year_days
    CROSS JOIN rooms

Clear::View.register :rooms do |view|
  view.query <<-SQL
  SELECT as room_id
  FROM generate_series(1, 4) AS room(id)

Clear::View.register :year_days do |view|
  view.query <<-SQL
  SELECT as day
  FROM   generate_series(
    date_trunc('day', NOW()),
    date_trunc('day', NOW() + INTERVAL '364 days'),
    INTERVAL '1 day'
  ) AS date(day)

In the example above, room_per_days will be first dropped before a migration start and last created after the migration finished, to prevent issue where some views are linked to others

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.apply(direction : Symbol, view_name : String, apply_cache : Set(String)) #

install the view into postgresql using CREATE VIEW

[View source]
def self.apply(direction : Symbol, apply_cache = Set(String).new) #

install the view into postgresql using CREATE VIEW

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def self.register(name : Clear::SQL::Symbolic, &) #

Call the DSL to register a new view

Clear::View.register(:name) do |view|
  # describe the view here.

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Instance Method Detail

def connection(connection : String) #

database connection where is installed the view

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def connection : String #

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def full_name #

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def materialized(mat : Bool) #

whether the view is materialized or not. I would recommend to use migration execute create/drop whenever the view is a materialized view

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def materialized? : Bool #

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def name(value : String | Symbol) #

name of the view

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def name : String #

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def query(query : String) #

query body related to the view. Must be a SELECT clause

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def query : String #

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def require(*req) #

list of dependencies from the other view related to this view

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def requirement : Set(String) #

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def schema(value : String | Symbol) #

schema to store the view (default public)

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def schema : String #

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def to_create_sql #

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def to_drop_sql #

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