module Clear::Migration::Helper

Included Modules

Direct including types

Defined in:


Constant Summary

TYPE_MAPPING = {"string" => "text", "int32" => "int", "int64" => "bigint", "long" => "bigint", "bigdecimal" => "numeric", "datetime" => "timestamp without time zone"}

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Clear::Migration::FullTextSearchableHelpers

add_full_text_searchable(table, on : Array(Tuple(String, Char)), column_name = "full_text_vector", catalog = "pg_catalog.english", trigger_name = nil, function_name = nil) add_full_text_searchable

Class Method Detail

def self.datatype(type : String) #

Replace some common type to their equivalent in postgresql if the type is not found in the correspondance table, then return itself

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Instance Method Detail

def add_column(table, column, datatype, nullable = false, constraint = nil, default = nil, with_values = false) #

Add a column to a specific table

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def add_operation(op : Operation) #

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def apply(dir : Direction = Clear::Migration::Direction::Up) #

This will apply the migration in a given direction (up or down)

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abstract def change(dir) #

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def change_column_type(table, column, from, to) #

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def create_enum(name, arr : Enumerable(T)) forall T #

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def create_enum(name, e) #

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def create_index(table, columns : Array(String), name = nil, using = nil, unique = false) #

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def create_index(table, column, name = nil, using = nil, unique = false) #

Add a column to a specific table

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def create_table(name, id : Symbol | Bool = true, schema = "public", &) #

Helper used in migration to create a new table.


create_table(:users) do |t|
  t.column :first_name, :string
  t.column :last_name, :string
  t.column :email, :string, unique: true

By default, a column id of type integer will be created as primary key of the table. This can be prevented using primary: false

create_table(:users, id: false) do |t|
  t.column :user_id, :integer, primary: true # Use custom name for the primary key
  t.column :first_name, :string
  t.column :last_name, :string
  t.column :email, :string, unique: true

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def drop_column(table, column, type) #

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def drop_enum(name, arr : Enumerable(T) | Nil = nil) forall T #

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def execute(sql : String) #

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def irreversible! #

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def rename_column(table, from, to) #

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