module Clear::SQL::Query::Fetch

Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def fetch(fetch_all = false, & : Hash(String, Clear::SQL::Any) -> Nil) #

Fetch the result set row per row fetch_all optional parameter is helpful in transactional environment, so it stores the result and close the resultset before starting to call yield over the data preventing creation of a new connection if you need to call SQL into the yielded block.

# This is wrong: The connection is still busy retrieving the users:"users").fetch do |u|"posts").where { u["id"] == }

# Instead, use `fetch_all`
# Clear will store the value of the result set in memory
# before calling the block, and the connection is now ready to handle
# another query."users").fetch(fetch_all: true) do |u|"posts").where { u["id"] == }

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def fetch_first #

Alias for #first because first is redefined in Collection::Base object to return a model instead.

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def fetch_first! #

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def fetch_with_cursor(count = 1000, & : Hash(String, Clear::SQL::Any) -> Nil) #

Fetch the data using CURSOR. This will prevent Clear to load all the data from the database into memory. This is useful if you need to retrieve and update a large dataset.

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def first #

Return the first line of the query as Hash(String, ::Clear::SQL::Any), or nil if not found

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def first! #

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def scalar(type : T.class) forall T #

Helpers to fetch a SELECT with only one row and one column return.

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def to_a : Array(Hash(String, Clear::SQL::Any)) #

Return an array with all the rows fetched.

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