module Athena::MIME::Header::Interface
An OO representation of a MIME header.
Direct including types
Defined in:
header/interface.crInstance Method Summary
Returns the body of the header.
Sets the body of the header.
#body_to_s : String
Returns the header's body, prepared for folding into a final header value.
#max_line_length : Int32
Controls how long each header line may be before needing wrapped.
#max_line_length=(max_line_length : Int32)
Controls how long each header line may be before needing wrapped.
#name : String
Returns the name of the header.
#to_s(io : IO) : Nil
Render this header as a compliant string.
Instance Method Detail
def body_to_s : String
Returns the header's body, prepared for folding into a final header value.
This is not necessarily RFC 2822 compliant since folding white space is not added at this stage (see #to_s
for that).
def max_line_length : Int32
Controls how long each header line may be before needing wrapped.
Defaults to 76
def max_line_length=(max_line_length : Int32)
Controls how long each header line may be before needing wrapped.
Defaults to 76