struct Athena::MIME::Encoder::Base64Content
- Athena::MIME::Encoder::Base64Content
- Struct
- Value
- Object
A content encoder based on the Base64 spec.
Included Modules
Defined in:
Instance Method Summary
#encode(input : String, charset : String | Nil = "UTF-8", first_line_offset : Int32 = 0, max_line_length : Int32 | Nil = nil) : String
Returns an encoded version of the provided input.
#encode(input : IO, max_line_length : Int32 | Nil = nil) : String
Returns an string representing the encoded contents of the provided input IO.
- #initialize
#name : String
Returns the name of this encoder for use within the
Instance methods inherited from module Athena::MIME::Encoder::ContentEncoderInterface
encode(input : IO, max_line_length : Int32 | Nil = nil) : String
name : String
Instance methods inherited from module Athena::MIME::Encoder::EncoderInterface
encode(input : String, charset : String | Nil = "UTF-8", first_line_offset : Int32 = 0, max_line_length : Int32 | Nil = nil) : String
Constructor Detail
Instance Method Detail
Returns an encoded version of the provided input.
first_line_offset may optionally be used depending on the exact implementation if the first line needs to be shorter. max_line_length may optionally be used depending on the exact implementation to customize the max length of each line.
Returns an string representing the encoded contents of the provided input IO. With lines optionally limited to max_line_length, depending on the underlying implementation.
Returns the name of this encoder for use within the content-transfer-encoding