class Athena::MIME::Header::Collection


Represents a collection of MIME headers.

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Enumerable(AMIME::Header::Interface) = [] of AMIME::Header::Interface) #

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def*headers : AMIME::Header::Interface) #

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Class Method Detail

def self.check_header_class(header : AMIME::Header::Interface) : Nil #

Checks the provided header to ensure its name and type are compatible.

AMIME::Header::Collection.check_header_class"date", Time.utc) # => nil
AMIME::Header::Collection.check_header_class"date", "blah")
# => AMIME::Exception::Logic: The 'date' header must be an instance of 'Athena::MIME::Header::Date' (got 'Athena::MIME::Header::Unstructured').

ameba:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity:

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def self.unique_header?(name : String) : Bool #

Returns true if the provided header name is required to be unique.

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Instance Method Detail

def <<(header : AMIME::Header::Interface) : self #

Adds the provided header to the collection.

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def ==(other : self) #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns true if this reference is the same as other. Invokes same?.

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def [](name : String, _type : T.class) : T forall T #

Returns the first header with the provided name casted to type T. Raises an AMIME::Exception::HeaderNotFound exception if no header with that name exists.

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def [](name : String) : AMIME::Header::Interface #

Returns the first header with the provided name. Raises an AMIME::Exception::HeaderNotFound exception if no header with that name exists.

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def []?(name : String, _type : T.class) : T | Nil forall T #

Returns the first header with the provided name casted to type T, or nil if no headers with that name exist.

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def []?(name : String) : AMIME::Header::Interface | Nil #

Returns the first header with the provided name, or nil if no headers with that name exist.

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def add_date_header(name : String, body : Time) : self #

Adds an AMIME::Header::Date header to the collection with the provided name and body.

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def add_id_header(name : String, body : String | Array(String)) : self #

Adds an AMIME::Header::Identification header to the collection with the provided name and body.

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def add_mailbox_header(name : String, body : AMIME::Address | String) : self #

Adds an AMIME::Header::Mailbox header to the collection with the provided name and body.

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def add_mailbox_list_header(name : String, body : Enumerable(AMIME::Address | String)) : self #

Adds an AMIME::Header::MailboxList header to the collection with the provided name and body.

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def add_parameterized_header(name : String, body : String, params : Hash(String, String) = {} of String => String) : self #

Adds an AMIME::Header::Parameterized header to the collection with the provided name and body.

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def add_path_header(name : String, body : AMIME::Address | String) : self #

Adds an AMIME::Header::Path header to the collection with the provided name and body.

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def add_text_header(name : String, body : String) : self #

Adds an AMIME::Header::Unstructured header to the collection with the provided name and body.

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def all : Array(AMIME::Header::Interface) #

Returns an array of all AMIME::Header::Interface instances stored within the collection.

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def all(name : String, & : AMIME::Header::Interface -> ) : Nil #

Yields each AMIME::Header::Interface instance stored within the collection with the provided name.

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def all(& : AMIME::Header::Interface -> ) : Nil #

Yields each AMIME::Header::Interface instance stored within the collection.

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def clone #

Returns a copy of self with all instance variables cloned.

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def delete(name : String) : Nil #

Removes the header(s) with the provided name from the collection.

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def has_key?(name : String) : Bool #

Returns true if the collection contains a header with the provided name, otherwise false.

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def header_body(name : String) #

Returns the body of the first header with the provided name.

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def header_parameter(name : String, parameter : String) : String | Nil #

Returns the value of the provided parameter for the first AMIME::Header::Parameterized header with the provided name.

headers =
headers.add_parameterized_header "content-type", "text/plain", {"charset" => "UTF-8"}
headers.header_parameter "content-type", "charset" # => "UTF-8"

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def line_length : Int32 #

Returns the

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def line_length=(line_length : Int32) : Nil #

Sets the max line length to use for this collection.

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def names : Array(String) #

Returns the names of all headers stored within the collection as an array of strings.

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def to_a : Array(String) #

Returns the string representation of each header in the collection as an array of strings.

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