class PlaceOS::Client::APIWrapper::Metadata
- PlaceOS::Client::APIWrapper::Metadata
- PlaceOS::Client::APIWrapper::Endpoint
- Reference
- Object
Defined in:
placeos/api_wrapper/metadata.crInstance Method Summary
#base : String
The base route for the endpoint
- #children(id : String, name : String | Nil = nil)
- #destroy(id : String, name : String)
- #fetch(id : String, name : String | Nil = nil)
- #merge(id : String, name : String, details : JSON::Any | Hash | NamedTuple | Array, description : String | Nil = nil)
- #update(id : String, name : String, details : JSON::Any | Hash | NamedTuple | Array, description : String | Nil = nil)
Instance methods inherited from class PlaceOS::Client::APIWrapper::Endpoint
base : String
Constructor methods inherited from class PlaceOS::Client::APIWrapper::Endpoint
new(client : APIWrapper)
Macros inherited from class PlaceOS::Client::APIWrapper::Endpoint
delete(path, params = nil, headers = nil, body = nil, as model = nil)
get(path, params = nil, headers = nil, body = nil, as model = nil)
head(path, params = nil, headers = nil, body = nil, as model = nil)
options(path, params = nil, headers = nil, body = nil, as model = nil)
patch(path, params = nil, headers = nil, body = nil, as model = nil)
post(path, params = nil, headers = nil, body = nil, as model = nil)
put(path, params = nil, headers = nil, body = nil, as model = nil)
Instance Method Detail
def base : String
Description copied from class PlaceOS::Client::APIWrapper::Endpoint
The base route for the endpoint
def merge(id : String, name : String, details : JSON::Any | Hash | NamedTuple | Array, description : String | Nil = nil)
def update(id : String, name : String, details : JSON::Any | Hash | NamedTuple | Array, description : String | Nil = nil)