struct PlaceOS::Client::API::Models::OAuthAuthentication

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module PlaceOS::Client::API::Models::Timestamps

created_at : Time created_at, updated_at : Time updated_at

Constructor methods inherited from struct PlaceOS::Client::API::Models::Response

new(pull : JSON::PullParser) new

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

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Instance Method Detail

def auth_scheme : String #

If not set it defaults to "request_body", others include "basic_auth"

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def authority_id : String #

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def authorize_url : String #

The SSO providers URL for authorization, defaults to: oauth/authorize Google is /o/oauth2/auth

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def client_id : String #

The client ID and secret configured for this application

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def client_secret : String #

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def id : String #

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def info_mappings : Hash(String, String) #

Maps an expected key to a provided key i.e. {used_in_engine => used_by_remote}

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def name : String #

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def raw_info_url : String #

URL to call with a valid token to obtain the users profile data (name, email etc)

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def scope : String #

Space seperated scope strings i.e.

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def site : String #

The HTTP URL of the SSO provider

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def token_method : String #

If not set it defaults to "post"

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def token_url : String #

defaults to: oauth/token however google is: /o/oauth2/token

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