struct PlaceOS::Client::API::Models::Authority


Metadata about the PlaceOS instance connected to.

This provides information that may be of relevance for authentication or providing client-side configuration information.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor methods inherited from struct PlaceOS::Client::API::Models::Response

new(pull : JSON::PullParser) new

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

Metadata about the PlaceOS instance connected to.

This provides information that may be of relevance for authentication or providing client-side configuration information.

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Instance Method Detail

def config : Hash(String, JSON::Any) #

Additional configuration / context for clients.

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def description : String | Nil #

Authority description (markdown).

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def domain : String #

FQDN or IP address this authority serves.

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def id : String #

A universally unique identifier that represents the Authority.

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def login_url : String #

Path that clients should use for initiating authentication.

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def logout_url : String #

Path that clients should use for revoking authentication.

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def name : String #

Human readable name

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def version : String #

Version of application

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