class SHAInet::ConvLayer

Defined in:


Constant Summary

Log = ::Log.for(self)


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : CNN, prev_layer : ConvLayer | CNNLayer, filters_num : Int32 = 1, window_size : Int32 = 1, stride : Int32 = 1, padding : Int32 = 0, activation_function : ActivationFunction = SHAInet.none) #

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Instance Method Detail

def activate #

Use each filter to create feature maps from the input data of the previous layer

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def activation_function : ActivationFunction #

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def error_prop(batch : Bool = false) #

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def filters : Array(Filter) #

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def inspect(what : String) #

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def master_network : CNN #

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def padding : Int32 #

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def prev_layer : CNNLayer | ConvLayer #

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def stride : Int32 #

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def update_wb(learn_type : Symbol | String, batch : Bool = false) #

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def window_size : Int32 #

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