class Tourmaline::InlineQueryResultCachedDocument


Represents a link to a file stored on the Telegram servers. By default, this file will be sent by the user with an optional caption. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the file.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String, title : String, document_file_id : String, type : String = "document", description : String | Nil = nil, caption : String | Nil = nil, parse_mode : ParseMode = ParseMode::Markdown, caption_entities : Array(Tourmaline::MessageEntity) = [] of Tourmaline::MessageEntity, reply_markup : Tourmaline::InlineKeyboardMarkup | Nil = nil, input_message_content : Tourmaline::InputMessageContent | Nil = nil) #

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def : JSON::PullParser) #

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Instance Method Detail

def caption : String | Nil #

Optional. Caption of the document to be sent, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing

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def caption=(caption : String | Nil) #

Optional. Caption of the document to be sent, 0-1024 characters after entities parsing

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def caption_entities : Array(Tourmaline::MessageEntity) #

Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode

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def caption_entities=(caption_entities : Array(Tourmaline::MessageEntity)) #

Optional. List of special entities that appear in the caption, which can be specified instead of parse_mode

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def description : String | Nil #

Optional. Short description of the result

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def description=(description : String | Nil) #

Optional. Short description of the result

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def document_file_id : String #

A valid file identifier for the file

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def document_file_id=(document_file_id : String) #

A valid file identifier for the file

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def id : String #

Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes

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def id=(id : String) #

Unique identifier for this result, 1-64 bytes

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def input_message_content : Tourmaline::InputMessageContent | Nil #

Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the file

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def input_message_content=(input_message_content : Tourmaline::InputMessageContent | Nil) #

Optional. Content of the message to be sent instead of the file

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def parse_mode : ParseMode #

Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the document caption. See formatting options for more details.

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def parse_mode=(parse_mode : ParseMode) #

Optional. Mode for parsing entities in the document caption. See formatting options for more details.

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def reply_markup : Tourmaline::InlineKeyboardMarkup | Nil #

Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message

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def reply_markup=(reply_markup : Tourmaline::InlineKeyboardMarkup | Nil) #

Optional. Inline keyboard attached to the message

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def title : String #

Title for the result

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def title=(title : String) #

Title for the result

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def type : String #

Type of the result, must be document

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def type=(type : String) #

Type of the result, must be document

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