class Tourmaline::BackgroundTypePattern


The background is a .PNG or .TGV (gzipped subset of SVG with MIME type "application/x-tgwallpattern") pattern to be combined with the background fill chosen by the user.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String, document : Tourmaline::Document, fill : Tourmaline::BackgroundFillFreeformGradient | Tourmaline::BackgroundFillGradient | Tourmaline::BackgroundFillSolid, intensity : Int32 | Int64, is_inverted : Bool | Nil = nil, is_moving : Bool | Nil = nil) #

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def : JSON::PullParser) #

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Instance Method Detail

def document : Tourmaline::Document #

Document with the pattern

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def document=(document : Tourmaline::Document) #

Document with the pattern

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The background fill that is combined with the pattern

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def fill=(fill : Tourmaline::BackgroundFill) #

The background fill that is combined with the pattern

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def intensity : Int32 | Int64 #

Intensity of the pattern when it is shown above the filled background; 0-100

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def intensity=(intensity : Int32 | Int64) #

Intensity of the pattern when it is shown above the filled background; 0-100

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def is_inverted=(is_inverted : Bool | Nil) #

Optional. True, if the background fill must be applied only to the pattern itself. All other pixels are black in this case. For dark themes only

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def is_inverted? : Bool | Nil #

Optional. True, if the background fill must be applied only to the pattern itself. All other pixels are black in this case. For dark themes only

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def is_moving=(is_moving : Bool | Nil) #

Optional. True, if the background moves slightly when the device is tilted

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def is_moving? : Bool | Nil #

Optional. True, if the background moves slightly when the device is tilted

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def type : String #

Type of the background, always "pattern"

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def type=(type : String) #

Type of the background, always "pattern"

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