class Tourmaline::ChatBoostSourceGiveaway


The boost was obtained by the creation of a Telegram Premium or a Telegram Star giveaway. This boosts the chat 4 times for the duration of the corresponding Telegram Premium subscription for Telegram Premium giveaways and prize_star_count / 500 times for one year for Telegram Star giveaways.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String, giveaway_message_id : Int32 | Int64, user : Tourmaline::User | Nil = nil, prize_star_count : Int32 | Int64 | Nil = nil, is_unclaimed : Bool | Nil = nil) #

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def : JSON::PullParser) #

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Instance Method Detail

def giveaway_message_id : Int32 | Int64 #

Identifier of a message in the chat with the giveaway; the message could have been deleted already. May be 0 if the message isn't sent yet.

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def giveaway_message_id=(giveaway_message_id : Int32 | Int64) #

Identifier of a message in the chat with the giveaway; the message could have been deleted already. May be 0 if the message isn't sent yet.

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def is_unclaimed=(is_unclaimed : Bool | Nil) #

Optional. True, if the giveaway was completed, but there was no user to win the prize

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def is_unclaimed? : Bool | Nil #

Optional. True, if the giveaway was completed, but there was no user to win the prize

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def prize_star_count : Int32 | Int64 | Nil #

Optional. The number of Telegram Stars to be split between giveaway winners; for Telegram Star giveaways only

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def prize_star_count=(prize_star_count : Int32 | Int64 | Nil) #

Optional. The number of Telegram Stars to be split between giveaway winners; for Telegram Star giveaways only

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def source : String #

Source of the boost, always "giveaway"

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def source=(source : String) #

Source of the boost, always "giveaway"

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def user : Tourmaline::User | Nil #

Optional. User that won the prize in the giveaway if any; for Telegram Premium giveaways only

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def user=(user : Tourmaline::User | Nil) #

Optional. User that won the prize in the giveaway if any; for Telegram Premium giveaways only

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