class RemiAudio::Xspf::Attribution


An Attribution contains additional information that can be used to satisfy attribution requirements for licenses.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def self.fromXML(parent : XML::Node, ns : XML::Namespace | Nil) : Attribution #

Creates a new Attribution instance by parsing XML starting at parent. The parent node should be the <attribution> element itself.

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def : JSON::PullParser) #

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def #

Creates a new, empty Attribution instance.

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Instance Method Detail

def identifiers : Array(URI) #

A list of identifiers of the attributions.

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def identifiers=(identifiers : Array(URI)) #

A list of identifiers of the attributions.

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def locations : Array(URI) #

A list of URIs pointing to locations of attributions.

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def locations=(locations : Array(URI)) #

A list of URIs pointing to locations of attributions.

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def write(xml : XML::Builder) : Nil #

Writes this instance to an XML::Builder for serialization.

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