class RemiAudio::DSP::BiquadLP


A digital biquad lowpass filter.

This is identical to using a normal BiQuadFilter instance, except it is optimized strictly for lowpass usage and includes the LPFilter module.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module RemiAudio::DSP::LPFilter

active=(active : Bool) active=, active? : Bool active?, cutoff : Float64 cutoff, cutoff=(val : Float64) cutoff=, invSampleRate : Float64 invSampleRate, process(sample : Float32) : Float32
process(sample : Float64) : Float64
, reset : Nil reset, resonance : Float64 resonance, resonance=(val : Float64) resonance=, sampleRate : Float64 sampleRate, sampleRate=(val : Int | Float) : Nil sampleRate=, set(newCutoff : Float64, newResonance : Float64) set, updateCoefficients : Nil updateCoefficients

Class methods inherited from module RemiAudio::DSP::LPFilter

midiToCutoff(val : UInt8) : Float64 midiToCutoff

Constructor Detail

def #

Creates a new BiQuadFilter.

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Instance Method Detail

def a1 : Float64 #

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def a2 : Float64 #

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def b0 : Float64 #

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def b1 : Float64 #

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def b2 : Float64 #

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def cutoff : Float64 #

The current frequency of the filter.

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def cutoff=(val : Float64) : Nil #

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def plot(pt : PlotType, *, coeffsOnly : Bool = false) : String #

Generates a string that can be passed to a program to plot this filter on a graph. The PlotType dictates what kind of script is generated.

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def process(block : Array(Float32)) : RemiAudio::DSP::BiquadLP #

"Runs" the filter over block.

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def process(block : Array(Float64)) : RemiAudio::DSP::BiquadLP #

"Runs" the filter over block.

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def process(block : Slice(Float32)) : RemiAudio::DSP::BiquadLP #

"Runs" the filter over block.

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def process(block : Slice(Float64)) : RemiAudio::DSP::BiquadLP #

"Runs" the filter over block.

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def process(sample : Float64) : Float64 #

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def reset : Nil #

Clears the internal buffer. This does not change the settings of the EQ.

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def resonance : Float64 #

The current Q value of the filter.

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def resonance=(val : Float64) : Nil #

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def set(newCutoff : Float64, newResonance : Float64) #

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def updateCoefficients : Nil #

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