class SDL::Renderer

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Window, flags : Flags = Flags::ACCELERATED) #

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Instance Method Detail

def clear #

Fills the target texture using the current #draw_color.

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def clip_rect #

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def clip_rect=(rect) #

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def copy(surface : Surface, srcrect = nil, dstrect = nil, angle = 0, center = nil, flip : Flip = Flip::NONE) #

Transforms a surface into a texture, then copies it to the renderer's target texture, with extra rotation and flipping options.

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def copy(texture, srcrect = nil, dstrect = nil, angle = 0, center = nil, flip : Flip = Flip::NONE) #

Copy a texture to the renderer's target texture, with extra rotation and flipping options.

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def draw_blend_mode #

Get the current drawing blend mode.

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def draw_blend_mode=(blend_mode : BlendMode) #

Set the blen mode for drawing operations (fill, lines).

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def draw_color #

Get the current drawing color.

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def draw_color=(color) #

Set the color for drawing operations (lines, rectangles and clear).

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def draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2) #

Draw a single line between two Point.

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def draw_line(a, b) #

Draw a single line between two Point.

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def draw_lines(points) #

Draw a line between following a series of Point.

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def draw_point(x, y) #

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def draw_point(point) #

Draw a single Point.

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def draw_points(points) #

Draw many Point at once.

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def draw_rect(x, y, w, h) #

Draw a single Rect.

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def draw_rect(rect) #

Draw a single Rect.

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def draw_rects(rects) #

Draw many Rect at once.

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def fill_rect(x, y, w, h) #

Fill a Rect with the current #draw_color and #draw_blend_mode.

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def fill_rect(rect) #

Fill a Rect with the current #draw_color and #draw_blend_mode.

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def fill_rects(rects) #

Fill many Rect at once with the current #draw_color and #draw_blend_mode.

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def finalize #

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def info #

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def logical_size #

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def logical_size=(xy) #

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def output_size #

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def present #

Render the target texture to the screen.

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def read_pixels(rect : Rect, format : PixelFormat, buffer : Bytes) #

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def scale #

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def scale=(xy) #

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def target #

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def target=(texture = nil) #

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def target_supported? #

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def to_unsafe : Pointer(LibSDL::Renderer) #

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def viewport #

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def viewport=(rect) #

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