Top Level Namespace

Defined in:

Constant Summary

HELP = "Crycco, a Crystal version of docco/pycco/etc.\n\nUsage:\n crycco FILE... [-l <name>][-o <path>][-t <file>][--mode <mode>][--theme <theme>]\n crycco --version\n crycco --help\n\nOptions:\n -v, --version output the version number\n -l, --languages <file> use a custom languages.yml file\n -o, --output <path> output to a given folder [default: docs/]\n -t, --template <name> template for doc layout [default: sidebyside]\n --mode <mode> what to output [default: docs]\n --theme <theme> theme for the output [default: default-dark]\n -h, --help this help message\n\nThe available modes are:\n\n* docs (default)\n Generates HTML documentation.\n* code\n Generates source code with comments\n* markdown\n Generates markdown files with the code in fenced code blocks\n* literate\n Generates markdown files with the code in indented blocks\n\nCrycco comes with two templates for HTML documents which you can\nuse in the -t option when generating docs:\n\nsidebyside (default)\n Shows the docs and code in two columns, matching docs to the code\n they are about.\nbasic\n Single columns, docs then code, then docs then code.\n\nIf you use the --code option, the output will be machine-readable\nsource code instead of HTML.\n"